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2 points
DienHuzen has been banned. Thank you for showing us your hate agenda so early on, you barely wasted any of our time at all.1 point
According to Wiki, the only estimate of its mass was by Benoit Carry, whose results are thought to be most likely wrong, by a factor of 10 or more. The technique depends on the perturbations 33 Polyhymnia causes to other bodies, and this is subject to large uncertainties due to its small size. My money is on nuclear physics being right and these results being wrong.1 point
Wait, are you describing religion? This is exactly the way I feel about the Abrahamic religions, that they've been a poison to our existence because they pretend to help when they mostly hurt.1 point
Like savages? http://www.ajic.mb.ca/volumel/chapter2.html1 point
1 point
Then doing our duty kind of sucks given all the war, genocide, global warming, pollution, nuclear weapons, etc.1 point
And that changes the point how ? Mistermack hates Israeli Jews and ALL others that support them. Reminds me of idiots who claimed the World Trade Center was brought down by the American Government and Big Business because it is extremely valuable real estate. I guess if you can't make a valid argument, you use demerit points ...1 point
I can see some truth to the first paragraph, but your second went in a tinfoil hat direction I would question. I can see political opportunists making the most of a war, but welcoming it? Especially when that attack in the south made Israel's defense forces look inept and clueless and sort of asleep at the wheel.1 point
That is a strawman and is not why the aircraft carrier is being moved there ,as you must know. "Funny" would not be the first word I would start a thread with on this godawful subject.1 point
I can see that with the expansion, we are just creating new space out of nowhere and we are parking our extra light from these old galaxies there, so it needs more time to reach us. So, actually we suppose that this universe is going to be converted into a lightverse (space only filled with light) without any visible galaxies and that all these galaxies are going to disperse completely unevenly (soccer field with pinhead in the center) until they all desintegrate. During the "big bang", matter was created out of nowhere, so why can we not create "space" out of nowhere too? What if we are wrong with all the redshift theory? Isn´t it much more logical that the universe is not expanding at all, instead of the need to create space and matter out of nowhere? What if gravity is responsible for red shifting instead and bing bang never happened? Did you ever question all these ideas? Isn´t it highly suspicious that we are existing exactly in a perfect time to see a sky full of galaxies? Why do we not exist a couple of billions of years later when most of these galaxies are gone, or a couple of billions of years earlier, when the density of the galaxies would be extremely high so we could not sleep at night. I am wondering what kind of sky the first cyanobacteria on earth had above them. Was it a sky full of galaxies or was it the same then today? Also, the entire universe should be slowly cooling down due to this expansion, so the galaxies we see far away should actually be much hotter than ours. Anway, of course this is what we have so far. I am just trying to challenge you. There is no need to define me as a troll. I can also accept everything that is beeing offered to me since I was born and never question anything. I can repeat everything like a parrot too. But if we all think alike, no one is actually thinking.-1 points
Reality is defined as physicality, matter and energy. “Nothingness” or “emptiness” is NOT reality because it has no bearing on it, we can’t measure an amount of physical “space” or “time”, because they’re not physical objects, physical “realities”. They’re the absence of such. Literal “space” has no effect on space. Not a surprise that ‘nothingness’ has not effect on nothingness. Let me clarify once again: gravity doesn’t literally slow down Light by the way of physically “pulling” on the photon particles or however you might describe it, but rather, distort Reality (I call reality, reality, scientists call it “space-time”, I do not) itself and diverts and “bends” reality, which Light travels through. The space itself is distorted/warped with gravity “pulling” reality itself towards the singularity. Light merely travels in the straightest line possible from its source (think a laser) unless diverted by a material object (reflection) or curved by distortion of Reality (gravity). Non-Euclidean Geometry proves this point. Light travels in a straight line but appears to be curved from an outside observer. This is why black holes have Light discs around their event horizons, Reality being nigh-infinitely distorted, and therefore time, for Light to be able to be perceived as being slow (in reality, their true speed is Infinite). Kind of like when you watch a wheel/rim of a car in motion, sometimes it may appear to be spinning slowly, and sometimes in reverse, but in reality, it is traveling extremely fast. Or a fan spinning around very fast, but sometimes it appears to be going slowly. Same concept. If black holes bend Reality, then it will bend/curve the path of Light towards the it’s gravitational singularity. This is why spacial objects get slingshot around gravitational singularities, be it planets, stars, or black holes. It is just much more obvious in black holes due to their size and strength of their gravitational pull. All celestial objects bend and curve Light, by means of gravity. It is why the speed of Light (when reflected backwards to the sender) can be measured. The One-way speed of Light cannot be measured accurately within Reality (space-time) due to the Universal effects of ALL gravitational singularities in existence. It needs to be done in a vacuum and with no Reality (space-time) warping done by gravity. Don’t worry, unlike you I haven’t lost my imagination and conformed myself to false beliefs and “supposed truths” as you probably do. You derive your “objective” truths from whatever the scientific consensus is. I derive mine transcendentally. Did you just admit to your imagination as being “quashed” due to attainment of more knowledge? I don’t know but I hope to never be like that. Me personally? My imagination is derived from logic and knowledge and is the reason I do and why I ponder these things. I’d argue your imagination is one of if not the most important faculty when it comes to scientific thinking and understanding. Do you really think that all great scientific pioneers simply conformed to the scientific consensus of their times? Be it Galileo against geocentricism, or Einstein’s development of his theory of relativity, these all stemmed from their observations of reality, and their imaginations to expound from their observations.-1 points
I had 1 degree instead of 57 it was on my mind too much but I caught you before you answered I would have figured it out anyway without your help. https://www.google.com/search?q=((57.2958)pi)%2F180&sca_esv=581999558&sxsrf=AM9HkKmV10D79w5C60kuo8V_m7XCE8XKKA%3A1699903165109&ei=vXZSZZb4BbTf0PEPq6q9qAY&ved=0ahUKEwjWyrvi2MGCAxW0LzQIHStVD2UQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=((57.2958)pi)%2F180&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiESgoNTcuMjk1OClwaSkvMTgwSKGXAlC4CFjVjwJwA3gBkAEAmAHHAaABgw2qAQM4Lji4AQPIAQD4AQH4AQKoAhTCAgoQABhHGNYEGLADwgIKEAAYigUYsAMYQ8ICBxAjGIoFGCfCAgQQIxgnwgIHEAAYigUYQ8ICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIHEC4YigUYQ8ICBxAjGOoCGCfCAhAQABiKBRjqAhi0AhhD2AEBwgIWEAAYAxiPARjlAhjqAhi0AhiMA9gBAsICBRAAGIAEwgIEEAAYHuIDBBgAIEGIBgGQBgq6BgYIARABGAG6BgYIAhABGAs&sclient=gws-wiz-serp Now while pi/180(xetc) is the right answer pi itself comes from the 360 degree polygon you have to do all that paperwork to find and it's average formula between the inner square of r=1 with diameter 2 I'm trying to use my communication skills to solve this black hole of a mess you've turned my topic into. Now communication technology is more of an elaborate jigsaw game set up after the Constitution was written, which isn't messy it's un-American.-1 points
stupid faggot i am real deal, i can prove that but no one gives me chance... you don't even read that link, you are some stupid kid retard loser... I read biggest geniuses that ever lived: SChopenhauer, Nietzsche, Goethe, Martin Heideger, Frankl, Kafka, Soren, Slavoj Zizek, everything there is, you cannot possibly understand you behave like animal making fun of people is classic defensive mechanisms, i can upload my convos with 160Iq to prove that... AGAIN if you dare...-2 points
I saved convos over 1000 pages with 160IQ (4 areas of science and philosophy) and i can prove that if you want, he called me extremely intelligent, i am not crazy. I cannot speak to anyone under 160IQ, or 60 years old ex-mensa psychologist with 3phds. even 140/150IQs resist me in every word, sorry if this offends you, but imagine how hellish life is for me... Everything is will-to-power and nothing besides, ppl are selfish and want only most for themselves, top 1% rich control everything and smart cities with their own municipal goverments are underway… We are just cannon fodder and fap material to them. Good ppl get only exploited or pinned crimes on them… Life is constant exploitation, appropriation and conquest… Free will is illusion. Life is so terrible it can only exist based on lies, evolution hides truths unless they coincide with survival: https://scholarcommons.scu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1052&context=phi Everything is one whole consciousness/manifestation of god: we will suffer forever all painful deaths unless we change (provided nature of reality allows for it) and tortures just google WW2 Japan unit 731!!! YT promotional link removed by moderator Only truth we can be sure of that life is HELL!!!-2 points
ofc. no one would believe i have convos with 160iq , read nietzsche read that link you dumbfuck... I have intense overexcitabilities i am profoundly gifted u have no idea... Evolution hides truths unless they coincide with increased chance for survival like that of free will being illusion...-3 points