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  1. David Bohm, among others. And more recently, this fellow... https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg14319392-200-science-do-photons-really-exist/
    1 point
  2. The diode passes current in one direction and does not pass it in the other direction. This is the case only in theory. There is a voltage that causes the diode to let current through in the opposite direction. But a Zener diode is designed to let current through sharply at a well-defined threshold voltage. As a result, too high a voltage does not reach (in theory) the parts protected by the Zener diode. Zener diodes are often used in pairs: When you have element at hand, or on circuit, you should check its specification and charts like: ..and read Wikipedia about it for general information.. ps. Not without a reason people invented RTFM. https://www.google.com/search?q=RTFM
    1 point
  3. The effectiveness of carbon sequestion via weathering of basalt etc. is ultimately limited by actual reaction rates. One only has to consider the rather slow disappearance of such basalt structures as eg the Giant's Causeway (and essentially the entire surface lithosphere of Northern Ireland), Fingal's Cave, Iceland to understand that these carbonation reactions are not lightning fast. Even in finely divided form, a visit to a basaltic black sand beach is scarcely seething with chemical activity. But that does not make it a factor to be ignored. It cannot be a solution to all our problems but it can help. EDIT: I see @studiot has just made the very same point (simulpost) I found quite a useful summary of its global relevance at https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.2138/am-2019-6884/html?lang=en. I've wondered for a while whether weathering of the calcium silicate content of concrete had a similar effect, and found an interesting Caltech article at https://www.caltech.edu/about/news/weathering-cement-important-overlooked-sink-carbon-dioxide-53134 ... which I found quite interesting.
    1 point
  4. The definition of downward causation, in philosophy of mind, is not one that requires a cause to be from elsewhere. It is compatible with emergent states of mind in a physicalist view. I.e. downward causation is a causal relationship from higher levels of a system to lower-level parts of that system. From our perspective as conscious creatures, we can perceive this as mental events acting to cause physical events. (we see higher order activity as mental) It doesn't require an ontologically dualist view that the mental events are other than an emergent process of a physical neural network. So I agree that on that high-order level where I form intentions, free will can be meaningfully defined as acting according my intentions. To be a compatibilist, if I am understanding that position, is to say there is an irreducible value to such high-order processes like intention forming, which gives meaning to free will. The sum of neural signals was greater than its parts.
    1 point
  5. More generally known as the principle of cussedness: these are laws by which nature opposes an attempt to change to the system.
    1 point
  6. So we are using this model because "it is less complicated"? What about finding the truth? lol Of course what is most important for us religious humans is having a universe with z>1 so there is always a mystery for us. How would you confirm the existence of z>1 if you never measured that in any of the billion galaxies? Why would you try to explain something that still does not exist? Why not try to explain some supernatural event? If space is "nothing", how can "nothing" "expand"? And you still did not answer what makes this movement special in order to distinguish it from the "moving away" movement. This is still ONLY an increase of the distance in a certain time in both versions.
    -1 points
  7. Why should there be dark energy? Why would a static universe be unstable? "By the way, for those who are not familiar with human science, GR means that silly theory that space-time is bent." "Oh, that one with the balls and the hole?" "Yeah, they still have not discovered yet how gravity works."
    -1 points
  8. Oh, I forgot that I must somehow show you that I am smart. But I prefer to be stupid and say: "No, I have no idea." Because that would mean that I still have the opportunity to learn. Something I am not seeing very often in current human science. Please do not get offended. I just want people to relax a little.
    -1 points
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