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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/23 in all areas

  1. Perhaps we can dispense with the notion that he’s a genius, and stop paying attention to his nonsensical ramblings.
    3 points
  2. I always thought that a humid atmosphere feels warmer because perspiration evaporates a bit slower.
    2 points
  3. It's totally a guess. Does this change affect space as well? In our current best supported explanations, space and time are an inextricable continuum. Nobody in science is looking for "proof". It's all about explaining a phenomenon, modeling it, and then looking for evidence to support the explanation. Any one thing can show an explanation to be false, but supporting an explanation is an ongoing, never ending process. We always want the best supported explanations, and when we can't find anything wrong with one, we start calling it a theory. Proof is for formal logic and maths. So, do you have any evidence to support your idea that time has evolved?
    1 point
  4. https://undark.org/2023/11/17/book-review-free-will/ Offers some good summary of the discursive issues so far. Looks at books by two authors who reach quite different conclusions about free will. Here's a snippet that I found amusing.
    1 point
  5. George Santos has been expelled from the House of Representatives after a vote on the house floor. https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2023/12/01/congress/santos-expelled-00129588 The voting went 311 - 114 in favour of his expulsion, following a damning Ethics Committee report. He becomes only the third politician to be expelled in this way without a federal conviction since the Civil War. The four top GOP leaders in the house (including Speaker Mike Johnson) voted against expelling him.
    1 point
  6. Possibly because the reason why that area is misty is because it is cold. Why else would there be mist there, but not elsewhere? Because it's over a thousand times denser. Water vapour has a higher heat capacity than air, but a lower thermal conductivity. If it's cold enough that you are not sweating (significantly) then the rate of evaporation is irrelevant to heat transfer. At 10C that probably applies. It's well known that "other people's houses" feel colder for the same temperature- simply because you learn to avoid the drafts in your own house.
    1 point
  7. Noted, thanks. @Luc Turpin Since I will be in bed long before your 24 hours is up and you are lurking in the background here the thoughts of a Nobel Physics Laureate on the subject. He has a remarkable way of making things clear in plain English, picking out the important points. There are several new ideas that to think about. Please let us know if you understand what a differential equation is. You need to know what they are, not all the maths that goes with them.
    1 point
  8. I think they are. I see I got a down vote. I guess someone didn't like my WAG at an unanswerable question. Do we have freewill? I don't know, nor do I care and there is no real answer the question anyway. We can only go in circles arguing. Very boring for me. I'm out but you guys have fun.
    1 point
  9. 100% of 200 plus 25% of 200 is 250 There's no reason why 100% of 250 minus 25% of 250 should produce 200 They are %'s of different quantities. Goverments and oligopolies sometimes use these maths to raise the prices a little more than it would appear to people untrained in maths. (1.01)10 is more than 1.1 (it's 1.1046), so ten increases of 1% increase more than 1 increase of 10%
    1 point
  10. Stopped feeding them - seriously? You make them sound like stray cats. If you didn't intend a racist slur on these people, then perhaps you should learn some of their history. These people owned and ran farms and grew olives and dates and other cash crops. They sustained themselves for generations and then were driven off their lands and shoved into a tiny space without consent or due process of law. They didn't go there because Israel "made it nice." The Naqba ravaged their lives and means of economic autonomy and created a misery and anger that comes from that genuine condition and is amped up by each new round of brutality and heavy civilian casualties that Israel's many attacks have brought, and the ongoing degradation of being shoved into horrible conditions of overcrowding and restricted rights and various embargos. It's rather like someone knocking you down, putting their boot on your face and whenever you punch at their leg they cry, Look! Look how awful a person he is! He is a vicious leg puncher! No wonder I have to keep this boot here! Oy!
    1 point
  11. Holy feck, did you just troll me? Dude, no one who advocates a set population for the planet is advocating people dying. This is about family planning and a demographic shift to smaller families being a viable choice and one that is rewarded. i.e. fewer new people being born. I'll thank you also to skip the forced sterilization strawman, too.
    1 point
  12. Is the Aristotle method of the four elements any use in sending space probes to Mars? @studiot: why are you still asking such stupid questions? Did you pick up anything I wrote about philosophy in this (and other) threads?
    0 points
  13. atoms as to objects. (Current universe / time) X as to Y. (T previous) T as to Z. (T previous) See how in previous "time" things might have been very different even "strange" Ie can you always assume things will always be like atoms?
    -1 points
  14. That means you are repeating what you heard from other people. Unless you did investigate in person. Let's go further back. The Palestinians moved back from Egypt. They fought some other tribes and took over the land. They were later called Israelites. The history of that part of the world shows so many different peoples conquering and losing the area that it's a lie for any group to claim it as "our" land. Plus the times when all tribes had to abandon the area because of years of drought. I agree. It doesn't have to be binary. The people currently calling themselves "Palestinians" have no more ancestral claim to the territory than the Egyptians or the British. Winners of wars make rules and losers whine. When it comes to nations, "Might makes Right," is definitely a thing. World war 2 changed a lot of countries. The Israelis would have been wiser to refuse to build up the Gaza strip at all. They made it nice so Arafat decided to steal it. If Israel had left it undeveloped and stopped feeding them, the "Palestinians" would have moved away long ago.
    -1 points
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