Is anyone ready to give up on the nonsensical big bang B.S, yet (bad science , that is) ???? If not now, when? It's obvious, or it should be, that this theory's notion of some primeval atom from which everything (billions of galaxies) sprang forth in a split second is completely illogical and most of us on the outside of science looking in are getting a little tired of this big bang B.S. It's time to move on, salvage what you can and move on. Find something to replace primeval atom as the beginning. I entered my hypothesis here and was told in no uncertain terms no one here wants to hear it; that your theory might be wrong at it's core. We will never know until the big bang B.S. fever breaks. Come on people. We need results that can save the planet. Stop spinning your wheels building bigger and bigger colliders spending billions and billions of dollars trying to create temperatures that can break down atomic matter. You have done that and there is nothing left to see. At least consider the possibility that the beginning was not an instant flash of heat but rather an accumulation of heat over billions of years that led to the stars lighting up the heavens, and galaxy formation.