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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/24 in all areas

  1. Right on. If coffee needs sugar, then someone has brewed some bad beans, probably cheap Robusta. Good coffee from Arabica beans needs no sugar. I also recommend Slippery Elm bark tea, for an infusion that needs no sugar. Great for sore throat, too.
    2 points
  2. Saw my first electric kettle in Germany a few decades ago. I couldn't believe how much more efficient it was than a pan on the stovetop! Finally found them here in the US and haven't used anything else since.
    1 point
  3. Indeed, clearly they're all wrong bc my Gran made the best cuppa...
    1 point
  4. “The chemist who told us to put salt in our tea explains why she did it” “While it might seem outlandish, the idea of adding a pinch of salt to tea in order to reduce the bitterness is rooted in science. Sodium ion is a key element of salt, and it interacts with the chemical mechanism that produces the perception of a bitter taste.” https://www.newscientist.com/article/2414348-the-chemist-who-told-us-to-put-salt-in-our-tea-explains-why-she-did-it/
    1 point
  5. IMO, he was basically suffocated to death.
    1 point
  6. Cost matters here. Of course the more powerful tech tends to replace the outdated tech. This is true across the sector and across history. The key limiting factor is how affordable we can make it and how broadly it can be distributed across society.
    1 point
  7. I think he's channeling Jean-Luc Picard.
    1 point
  8. Or his parents inclinations and methods weren't standard and their child benefitted from the focus. I'm not saying the "wiring" aspect isn't correct, but it seems like it's arguing more for "nature" and less for "nurture", and it's almost certainly quite a bit of both.
    1 point
  9. If your doctor is after you about the fats and sweets, the bergamot in Earl Grey tea pairs really, really well with lemon, and not just because the British say so. In this case, they are spot on.
    1 point
  10. But do you think Terrence Tao could have accomplished the same without the training and support he received at a young age? You claim he's different than average, but how much of that difference was because his father was a doctor and his mother was a maths and physics teacher?
    1 point
  11. And this is why science and religion conflict. Science requires more than your incredulity and insistence. Evidence we can observe would be helpful.
    1 point
  12. Every society developed the religion that reflects its mores and lifestyle. Every deity represents an aspect of the rulership or cultural values of its society. What they all have in common is the human love of ritual: ceremonial display, hallowed places in which the community celebrates or mourns its significant events. Hindu rituals are very picturesque, and seem to me more life-affirming than the Abrahamic ones, even while the ultimate desire is supposed to be for non-being. I'm not that familiar with the intricacies of Judaism and Islam, but Christianity is a death-cult: it venerates sacrifice, obedience, self-denial in the service of eternal life... Feasting and fasting - it seems to me all organized religions have an internal contradiction. Like humans.
    1 point
  13. This discussion took place 6 months ago.
    1 point
  14. I've had an experience with the nitrogen narcosis, some myself and more in other divers (students and those I was guiding.) I would not describe it as being drunk, but rather as being euphoric and very unfocused. As the divers ascend and the effect disappears, they often don't have any recollection of what they were doing and what happened while they were affected, similarly to what happens immediately after waking from being sedated by a drug.
    1 point
  15. This was my confusion as well. In deep diving, nitrogen narcosis has been described as like being drunk and rather pleasant, hence the slang term "rapture of the deep." ( @Genady would probably know more about that.) That led me to think there would be less distress than CO2 or the old gas chamber with cyanide. Also unclear is how exhaled CO2 is handled with the mask method being used in Bama. Metabolism is still producing CO2, so it has to go somewhere. I think gaseous nitrogen, though not a noble gas, is functionally inert in our respiratory cycle.
    1 point
  16. I don't get how Creationists are making scientific claims instead of supernatural ones while passing those claims off by sticking a giant PostIt with "SCIENCE" written on them. Guess I'll have to have someone else explain it to me. Is iNow going to ask me for examples? (ohhh no I wasn't always right. I remember claiming Hilary was gonna win the election some years ago. OH BOY WAS I TERRIBLY WRONG)
    -1 points
  17. Cults, Creationists, Scientologists, random crazy homeless people wondering onto people's front yards... I think some boundary conditioning is in order.
    -1 points
  18. I have not saw an autonomous robot do work for us, just videos on Youtube that were possibly computer generated (of autonomous robots in factories.) Besides red tape problems that only politicians can solve, what problems to solve to have all goods (houses, vehicles, desktops, phones, foods) produced from autonomous robots for us? Howto program general purpose robos autonomous: Q: "Could you use bfs/dfs/iddfs to output codes for robos (such as Fanuc) to figure how to move servos to move the robos to perform a task or to produce for us, with the edges = servo motions and fitness function = desired outcome for us? Could you just have "max accelerate" and "max decelerate" of each servo as the graph node edges, and "product moved to desired position for us" (or "parts of product formed whole products for us") as fitness functions, and solve the "discrete" problem how you solve the problem that space is quantized (solution = calculus, or lots of small steps for us)? Plus restrict node edges that cause collisions, and compute load on servos so you don't overload the robos? If the search space is too large, could you use A-star with heuristics (such as "how close product is to desired location for us" or "how close parts have come to a formed product for us")? Could you use D-star for workplaces that have lots of other actors, for collision avoidance?" https://poe.com/chat/1yt9udz8p7mqvc9uwpl said: Yes, BFS/DFS/IDDFS, A-star, and D-star are all valid algorithms that can be utilized in the context of robotic motion planning and control. These algorithms can help generate code for controlling robots such as Fanuc to perform tasks and achieve desired outcomes. I apologize for the confusion in my previous responses. To clarify, here's how these algorithms can be applied: BFS/DFS/IDDFS: These algorithms can be used to explore the graph of possible servo motions, where the nodes represent servo positions and the edges represent servo motions or transitions. By defining a fitness function that represents the desired outcome, such as reaching a specific position or forming whole products, you can guide the search process towards finding a sequence of servo motions that maximizes the fitness function. Additionally, collision checking can be incorporated by restricting node edges that would cause collisions. To handle quantization or discrete servo positions, you can represent the search space as a discrete grid of positions. A-star: A-star is an informed search algorithm that can be used to find an optimal path in a graph by considering both the cost of reaching a node and an estimate of the remaining cost to the goal. In the context of robotic motion planning, A-star can be applied by defining appropriate heuristics that estimate the distance or effort required to achieve the desired outcome. For example, you can use heuristics such as the Euclidean distance between the current position and the goal position or the progress made towards forming a product. A-star can help efficiently explore the search space and find an optimal or near-optimal solution. D-star: D-star is a planning algorithm that can be used for dynamic replanning and collision avoidance in environments with changing conditions or obstacles. It maintains a map of the environment and updates the plan based on new information. In workplaces with multiple actors or changing obstacles, D-star can be used to dynamically adjust the robot's path to avoid collisions and achieve the desired outcome. In summary, these algorithms can be valuable tools for generating code and controlling robots to perform tasks. Should produce runnable code for those or someone else has? If should, what language to use? Java, C++, Python, or others?
    -1 points
  19. And only God knows if the cat is dead or alive. Truth be known, the fate of the entire universe is predetermined, the coding of physics.
    -1 points
  20. I understand your need for mathematical proof. With all due respect, I believe you already have the math you need to understand the initial vortexes of my hypothesis. It is Einstein's math that, by the way, is the same math you reversed in time to come up with the big bang concept. Instead of an explosion creating atomic matter, Einstein's direction in time would have created collapsing and condensing of clouds of energy particles being forced toward atomic, star, spiral galaxy, and quasar ignitions. (mesotron solves the unified field theory puzzle). Sadly, I cannot mathematically prove mesotron ,but I can visualize it because I see it everywhere in NASA and other images of the universe i.e. spiral galaxies and quasars. You can see the hour glass structure everywhere you look. All that being said, The vortexes that feed the core of mesotron are mathematically provable by Einstein's math. Also I have performed an experiment that clearly demonstrates the airfoil affect created by a spinning pyramid. I have attempted to create the affect, thermodynamically, with air, but I could not generate nearly enough heat up through and out of the pyramid or near enough cold projected toward the airfoils to collapse the hot air into vortexes. Mesotron's force, mass and power is what creates and holds everything together. The Higgs field math you have created is a glimpse of masotron. When we harness the power of mesotron, guess what, no more need for fossil fuel. I realize I am in the land of giants, but I am not here to steal the goose that lays the golden eggs. I am here to give you Fort Knox. I am an old man not moving as fast as I used to. My wife and I had doctors appointments yesterday that took all day. Got home and saw that you all had responded and I gave pzgfw a quick lighthearted response to say that I do understand and completely agree with big bang beginning @ star ignition and moving forward in time. Got something to eat, took care of my home dialysis, came back to my computer and....locked out . That was a pretty quick reaction. Seems extremely defensive. Maybe my hypothesis is a threat to your way of thinking. After all, I am going with Einstein's original instinct. Before he was swayed by politics. I am sorry that I cannot give you mesotron mathematically. All I can do is point you in the right direction and hope someone with power and influence will eventually see the truth in what Einstein was trying to say. "We cannot solve our problems using the same thinking we used when we created them." Einstein regards gray
    -1 points
  21. Howto produce AIs that run close-to-conscious (do all human functions, just no proof of souls): Should allow AI human-form conscious: Spinnaker-class network of neurons (axons do human-neuron action potentials as opposed to 1-op or 2-op function that just adds inputs to form outputs,) + audio-processor region (multi layer, codes raw audio input to more compressed forms such as variations of tone, direction or loudnees, more layers up would code to syllables or objects, more layers up codes to words or audio-derived motions of objects around yoo) + vision-processor region (multi layer; low layers would code photons to variations of color or brightness, upper layers would code to geoooo info, such as structures or toolssss) + gustation-processor region (would code from chemical-sensors to info about compositions of molecules) + somatosensor-processor region (would code from hot-sensors/cold-sensors/pressure-sensors to geo info about structures, plus proprioception) + thamalus region to hookup sensors (such as howto position "up" based off of vision or proprioception, how to do location of structures from vision + audio + somatosensor) + hippocampus to form memories from sensors + neocortex region for pattern-recognition-0units to form long-term-memories and learn howto do work from unconscious playback from hippocampus + mirror neurons to form inputs to thalamus/hippocampus from new stuff those around you use tools for, to allow to figure out howto perform new labors or use new tools + default mode network for introspection (such as to lookup memories of emotions from hormones + memories of thoughts/ideas + memories of learned work + memories of how others do work or behaviours, to form new solutions) + a limbic system for hormones (such as hormones that alter how much of your processor to use to process what surrounds you now, or how much to use for introspection) + a human-form controlled from servos/motors, or simulator form that allows to move around a virtual world that allows human motions and has inputs for all sensors. Am not sure if this would have use for us, or if just calculus to program autonomous robos would do for us. This is more difficult to do, but such conscious would allow to solve red-tape problems for us beyond just how to program autonomous robos to produce for us. If this would do, what language to use? Produced computer-generated-simulations (from Sakura School and Bud) of how to run autonomous robos: The most I found of others' autonomous robos (mashup from lots of sources): Was the limit so-far just that most of those robos used to cost >$10,000 to produce? The robos from the mashup = Facteons, Kukas and Fanucs. Most use servos with outputs from 1kW to 10kwWs. The robos are formed just from: CPUs, hulls, transmissions and servos. Tons of 2ghz+ CPUs for <$10 from loads of sources. Iron or aluminum is affordable (for hulls of robos) to mass produce. Robos could mass-produce transmissions (Youtube has shows of robos that assemble own motors,) or you could use direct-drive servo motors. 4kw servos for $40 should allow you to form autonomous production. Should allow to produce for around $200 for us. Amazon is 1 source for those servos: https://www.amazon.com/ASMC-04B-Support-12V-24V-180kg-cm-Quadcopter/dp/B07GDJBDW9/ Robos mass-produce own motors: https://youtube.com/watch?v=bQ-YkFzWj6o
    -2 points
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