People often claim there are two binary sexes, and then further try to cloak themselves in the respect of biological science when they do.
In many instances, these claims are a direct conscious attempt to dismiss and dehumanize the validity of other citizens who are transsexual, to diminish and ostracize those who feel they were wrongly assigned an identity at birth that fails to match who they are today. Those who are simply being open and honest about who they are.
People, including myself, are wrong every single day. It happens, but presenting information from biology regarding the approximately 10 other accepted “sexes” in science to those asserting “biology only allows two sexes!” ought to cause any rational honest person to do some rethinking and reevaluation of their stance, since the claims of binary categories is self-evidently false.
There are more than two sexes in biology and this we’ve known for decades. Ignoring a spectrum like an ostrich with head in sand doesn’t magically make that spectrum invalid. Rather, it makes the claimant a liar or a fool when repeated corrections go unheeded.
You identify as Italian. Maybe we ought to explore a cure or treatment for that? You identify as Canadian. Shall we push for a cure for that, too? I believe you’re an engineer, or a corporate employee. We likely will need to institutionalize you for fixing that, eh?
If not, one must ask why your identities are any more valid or acceptable than someone’s trans identity. Usually bigotry is involved, or at least ignorance… which is thankfully fixable with open honest feedback like that which you appear to decry above.
Tl;dr. It’s not a median outcome, but why frame it as an abnormality? Red hair is rare too, but that’s not abnormal. Words and framing matter.