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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/24 in all areas

  1. Issue is that science as such does not play a big role. Or at least, it cannot solve the fundamental question underpinning the issue. We (humans) want to define things with clear delineation. Nature does not care much for that. And this opens up things for interpretation. Nature (and therefore science) does not define what people are so it is on society to decide on things. And as we see here, this particular interpretation is clearly morally and religiously motivated, with severe implications.
    3 points
  2. We get it a lot in the US “Partisan elections are held to select most or all judges in 13 States and for some judges in an additional 8 States. Nonpartisan elections are held to select most or all judges in 17 States and for some judges in an additional 3 States. One-half of the States hold elections for State supreme court judges. Seventeen States out of the 32 which have intermediate appellate courts elect judges to these courts.” https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/judicial-selection-united-states-special-report
    1 point
  3. Checking with the physicists here: On the p.17 it says, Shouldn't it say force rather than potential? Isn't any potential rather quadratic close to equilibrium?
    1 point
  4. Absolutely. It's an erratum. The potential is quadratic, so it's the force that's linear. Close to equilibrium the Taylor expansion of the potential must be quadratic, as at the equilibrium position, the gradient (the force) must be zero. So the next-to-zeroth-order term for the force is proportional to V''(x0). V(x)=V(x0)+(1/2)V''(x0)(x-x0)2+...
    1 point
  5. ... and this seems quite a bit different, unless you think tarot cards are a modern technology. I also think being concerned about one's health is different than wishing you were rich. In discussion, I'm not a big fan of "Your question is dumb" responses. Why treat someone's concern that way when you can provide some evidence that may help?
    1 point
  6. ! Moderator Note Please define who you mean when you say "West". Are you talking about NATO countries? Also, "listen" is rather vague, but "support" is better. As it is, your title is vague and meaningless. Also also, if this is just going to be another thread where you insult other countries without actually providing any evidence for your arguments, let me know so I can close it quickly. We want science discussion among adults.
    1 point
  7. Reminds me of this priceless piece of comedy: Sigh
    1 point
  8. I can see it now..."High sperm count men in the lifeboats first!"
    1 point
  9. Which could be psychosomatic; if you think you are suffering from some kind of debilitating effect, your body might just accommodate that belief.
    1 point
  10. Have you heard that there are people who hold funerals for their sanitary napkins.. ? https://www.google.com/search?q=sanitary+napkins+funeral
    1 point
  11. With apologies to Lynyrd Skynyrd... Sweet theocracy, Alabama. Where the judges all sniff glue Sweet theocracy, Alabama Lord I wiped the Constitution with my poo.
    1 point
  12. Great example! A woman tells it like she sees it (and we all saw the "basket of deplorables" attack the Capitol, right?) and gets labeled "nasty", but TFG gets props for insults that don't even hit the mark. Well, it's not my assumption, but I do think many Dems today don't believe one of the female candidates can stand up to TFG. They may be conflating them with Hillary, or they may feel women in general are more vulnerable targets on the campaign trail, but I haven't seen much support from Dems for anyone but Biden. So we're stuck arguing between too much experience and too little experience, but the ones with all the experience are also heavily invested in our current political system. If we want to see any meaningful change, I don't think it's age we should be looking at. I'd vote for Bernie Sanders again and he's 2 years older than Biden. The rest of the candidates from both sides are already beholden to the billionaires.
    1 point
  13. 45 years ago President Carter has helped me to escape from the USSR.
    1 point
  14. HI, I wondered if anyone could help me please. I am being hit in my home by some kind of radio frequency/microwave radiation. Its been going on for over a year and i believe is the cause for various health issues i now have. I purchased a Acoustimeter AM-11 RF Meter and its picks up a reading of anything from 30 to over 100 microWatts per square meter every 10 minutes. (sometimes it can go even higher) The reading lasts for about 2 seconds but its happens every 10 minutes at the exact same time. Due to health issues i am unable to leave my house much so am under constant "attack" Can anyone tell me if this would be dangerous to my health and if it could be related to health issues i now have. Issues with lungs, liver, alopecia and depression as well as sleep problems. I was perfectly healthy and kept fit before these attacks started. I appreciate any help from anyone who can give me more information. Thank you.
    0 points
  15. Thanks for all the replies and i am in contact with my doctor. To expand a little more on my first post. The "attacks" change depending on where in my house i am. For example if i set my PC up in one room, the readings come from that room. If i move my PC to another room, the readings then come from that room. (and its not my PC causing it) There are also random spikes (not every 10 minutes) that go well above 100 microWatts per square meter (max i have recorded was in the 1,000s) I was confused at first about it in terms of the direction it was coming from. The reason being it reflecting off anything metal. (but always aimed where i am sat). I managed to work out the direction with the help of the acoustimeter and a faraday sheet. MigL mentioned a maser and i am coming to that conclusion or as he mentioned people would be effected in other houses. The person doing this is i believe is ex military or some connection. Are masers easy to make? Or could this be something this person has acquired from military work. I hope this isn't going off the science topic. If a maser is being used, is there anything i can do to prove it? Is there any evidence i can get to show someone? Any help appreciated, thank you.
    0 points
  16. I think there are two, SK (South Korea) and japan. Others against the West, or they do NOT support the West, or they say they do NOT want to take sides.
    -2 points
  17. Anyway you are NOT a smart person. There is NO way to prove he was right. He is a famous dumb. "The stupid man just believes what he reads," --------------------------- Your President are NOT smart. You also are NOT smart. After 20 years, a few people will care who is the President of the USA.
    -5 points
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