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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/24 in all areas

  1. The issue is really that it does not seem to be really protected other than certain political realities. There was an understanding in the US that Roe vs Wade was settled law, for example. But it was built on somewhat uncertain legal grounds and you can see what happens with political maneuvering. While it might be political suicide in Canada right now, sentiments and political landscapes could change. I think there is a consensus that decisions should be kept out of courts and remain an issue of health care. That may make sense assuming that folks are sensible. However, in recent times, politics is starting to creep into health care. The issue is on many levels, including the replacement of provincial health care leadership with political figures who have implemented regulations and procedures which the actual providers call bonkers, to put it mildly. As the world seems to be infatuated with being stupid, I would therefore not take prior precedent as a given.
    2 points
  2. And not even that. The same folks are also against affordable pregnancy care. Pregnancy-related mortality is especially high in black women (but also generally in low income groups). If I am honest, I suspect that an exception will be carved out for IVF, as it generally a service for folks who can afford it.
    2 points
  3. You want energies to be positive. As k0 (the zeroth component) of the 4-momentum is the energy component, all states must be decreed to have zero amplitude for that choice. That's achieved by the step function trick. You missed a well-known trick for delta "functions"... The delta function satisfies, \[ \delta\left(f\left(x\right)\right)=\sum_{x_{k}\in\textrm{zeroes of }f}\frac{f\left(x-x_{k}\right)}{\left|f'\left(x_{k}\right)\right|} \] for any continuous variable \( x \) and "any" well-behaved function \( f \) of such variable. Taking as your corresponding function and variable both \( k^{0} \) and, \[ f\left(k^{0}\right)=\left(k^{0}\right)^{2}-\left(\omega_{\mathbf{k}}\right)^{2} \] you get, And that's why you need the step function: to kill the un-physical \( k^0 \)'s. Negative energies do appear again in the expansion of the space of states, but they're dealt with in a different manner. This is just to define the measure for the integrals. All kinds of bad things would happen if we let those frequencies stay. I'm sure there are better explanations out there. But the delta identity is crucial to see the point.
    1 point
  4. A wood frame house can be protected from fire (proper shingles or sheet metal roof, clearing vegetation near structure, mineral wool insulation, fire-rated sheathing etc.), but it's impossible to stop a strong temblor from cracking or even tearing apart masonry. Give me popsicle sticks any day. That's really a good idea to have those air chambers, which reduces the vibration as flow shuts off - "water hammer" would tend to tear those screws out of the concrete, otherwise. Bwahaha!
    1 point
  5. It depends on the time scale you're comparing it to...it's well known that it took the better part of a week...😀
    1 point
  6. @Endy0816 Thanks very much. I shall have a look. As an aside: it appears that my MP is a god-bothering homophobe, since he exhorts the Bible as a moral guide in his denial of votes for gay marriage.
    1 point
  7. Here are a few options, the first will also let you search by name. https://voteview.com/ https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes https://www.congress.gov/roll-call-votes I tend to use Ballotpedia most though as it also covers local politicians and ballot proposals. https://ballotpedia.org/Main_Page
    1 point
  8. Why don't you just open a thread telling us about all the things and people you don't like and get it over with? If you do this one thread at a time it will take forever.
    1 point
  9. please in ur responses include diagrams of the final molecules
    -1 points
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