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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/24 in all areas

  1. Ahhh perfect timing, I needed a new snake oil supplier. How much ya got? Yup. I'm all for hijacking this weird af thread for as long as it lasts to talk about autism. Just so people are aware of what is meant by spectrum, it is a collection of symptoms and behaviours of which many conditions, neurological and psychological states share a lot of overlap. Because of this, many react to words like "cure" or "low functioning" negatively due to a misconception amongst autistic individuals and their advocates to be expert authorities on the "condition" because they or someone they know doesn't fit into certain boxes. The two divergent models of disability also plays a significant role in this. Those who's issues lie within the medical model of disability absolutely need effective treatments and cures. Those who's issues lie within the social model of disability require their environments to be treated or cured. To make this more confusing, most of the conditions still have overlap. Hypersensitivity to light is an example often associated with AS conditions. The medical fix may be via optometry and the social fix is accomodating lighting installations. I do get what Dim is getting at though and agree with the sentiment. The generalised psychiactric labelling of what is clearly many different conditions, for the purpose of simplified medical signposting is confusing enough for medical experts and downright dangerous in it's invitation to invite public misunderstanding and stereotyping of austism spectrum conditions to the degree where even the sufferers and their advocates just don't get it. It's similar to but obviously not as bad as if they decided that instead of specific cancer diagnoses, all medical signposting would say is "Cancer spectrum disorder" and just hope the person on the treatment end knows what to do. Because cancer spectrum disorder could be anything from a small mole to stage 4 stomach cancer or an inoperable brain tumour. What many psychiatrists fail to grasp is that the act and implications of psychiactric labelling have broader ramifications than just how they as individual doctors treat them, but how everything outside of the doctors control is going to treat them. Just so we are clear, cancer most certainly is a disease and I don't believe autism is anywhere near cancer nor do I believe people with autism are a disease. My criticisms revolve around medical signposting and careless, thoughtless, lazy labels. A cry for more precise terminology is a standard that most scientific fields adhere to. Exhibit A, pluto is no longer thought of as a planet.
    1 point
  2. It's looking like the UK may well turn left this election.
    1 point
  3. Revenge is a dish best served cold... like that.
    1 point
  4. It's a spectrum. At the high functioning end, one might argue it's just a different cognitive style and I'm open to that. But I worked for a while with people elsewhere on the spectrum, where there were severe cognitive and social disabilities, and for them a cure (or, realistically, any amelioration) would be most welcome.
    1 point
  5. Not really- there are books on the subject matter and most start off with the difficulties in a) ascertaining that there is an effect or the extent of the effect. The simple answer however is that yes, depending on your health status (which includes genetic disposition, lifestyle, and prior diseases for example), the effect can be more or less pronounced and it can also last longer or shorter. For any given individual, there is not definite answer, but for many drugs beyond antibiotics, a variety of androgenic and/or cytotoxic effects have been observed. Any of those can also impact spermatogenesis. As does drinking alcohol, being overweight, insufficient exercise, having infections, diet ...
    1 point
  6. It’s already turning fascist. We’re waiting to see if those who aren’t get off their asses and do something about it
    1 point
  7. Subtle Euclidean geometry humor is all that was intended ✌️
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. From the French Revolution onwards we have come being slow-cooked as a society. The French Revolution? Hasn't that been a good thing? Liberty, Equality, Fraternity? Demagogy. It has always been about getting people to the extremes. Make them hate some abusive kings or rulers, and give them the opposite, useless puppets working for the hidden monarchs. It's a loss, isn't it? Majorly when there isn't anything with what to compare. Massive column of a system of mass manipulation. And the use of good words to hide evil concepts have drifted away the naïve. Maybe to get them realizing when they are so corrupted that they don't care much. Big problem. That's society today. People never knew more, and did less. In terms of "conspiracy theories". But the knowledge people lack these days is how to stop being perverse, how to have health, and how to put each one's life in order. This social engineering has confused the people, has got each generation brought forth into a tighter thought corral, and when it's time to react, because in 2024 it's time to react, one can see that is pretty much difficult to find allies. This is good against evil. Not red against blue, or my "clan" against yours. Social engineering, of the perverse, has bred perverse. And once some people get corrupted, they have no way back. And all of this has happened because of the pushing of every kind of immorality, disarming from moral authority the people, so making it impossible to bring order, but one having only to look the other way. We are bringing an end to that. Let us find ourselves some allies. Wouldn't this forum be a fit place for that? I think so. Thank you so much for the space. Guillermo Yacante Afonso. Modern Procer Project.
    -1 points
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