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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/24 in all areas

  1. Confucius says, "It is only when a mosquito lands on your balls, that there is a way to solve problems without violence"
    2 points
  2. “For the first time since the mid-20th century, over 95 percent of this year’s planned new electric-generating capacity in the United States is zero-carbon.” https://www.whitehouse.gov/cea/written-materials/2024/04/11/the-next-phase-of-electricity-decarbonization-planned-power-capacity-is-nearly-all-zero-carbon/
    1 point
  3. A few things should be added to lay the foundation for further discussions. First gonochorism (the term to describe a sexual system where there are male and female members) does not always have to be linked to sexual dimorphism (the term to describe differences in appearance between male and females of a species). Sexual dimorphism is often a consequence of the respective reproductive strategies. Among hermaphroditic species, one can actually also distinguish between various forms. The one OP is thinking about is considered simultaneous hermaphroditism, i.e. all individuals producing sperm and eggs, but there are also species who are sequential hermaphrodites. I.e. producing egg or sperm at different points in their life. Studies trying to figure out fitness benefits have been investigating closely related species in which all three strategies are found, e.g. in certain worms. Here, it was found that the different species had different reproductive characteristics, that likely have benefits under different conditions. Generally, they found a trade-off between fecundity (how much they reproduce) and survival. Simultaneous hermaphrodites had the highest survival rate, but least fecundity (and smallest eggs, indicative of lower maternal investment), whereas the opposite was found for sequential hermaphrodites. The gonochoristic species was somewhere in-between. Taking that all together (survival rate, reproduction over total life cycle etc.) it seemed that the dichoristic species had overall the highest fitness. They had higher fecundity in the early stages of life cycle. They outperform simultaneous hermaphrodites, which have lower fecundity. While sequential hermaphrodites are more fecund, they are delayed until their female phase, and during the whole life cycle they are not able to compensate the early advantage. Essentially they are able to reach sexual maturity faster, likely as they only need to produce one form of gametes. The disadvantage of that gonochoristic species pay is that they produce males, that cost the same as females (as eggs) but do not directly contribute to future generations (the limiting factors are the eggs). Hermaphroditism is speculated to be a primary advantage when population densities are low and it is difficult to find a mate. There are also evolutionary developmental consideration. Transition from hermaphrodite to gonochoristic species is comparatively easy, as it could be reasonably executed by suppressing the development of one sexual function. Conversely, there are more steps involved in transition from gonochorism to hermaphroditism. I.e. once gonochorism outcompetes hermaphroditism in the evolutionary history of species, it is very unlikely that they hermaphroditism will develop, even if it became more advantageous.
    1 point
  4. You slippery types know the drill and rig the system so it pans out well for you. It's a viscous cycle!
    1 point
  5. I don't like Dimreepr's analogy, but I'll try to use it. Picture yourself living on that salt flat, which is level as far as the eye can see, and seems to go on forever. You start walking in one direction ( at a great speed ) and eventually you lose sight of the salt flat, and run into mountains and forests. Even cities and bodies of water that you have to swim across ( again at great speed ) until eventually ( after quite a while ) you come back to the same exact spot on the salt flat. But from the opposite direction. Clearly the surface of the world is finite; but there is no boundary. So where is the center of the world's surface ??? Now ( and this is a big step ) extend your thinking to 4 dimensional intrinsically curved space-time.
    1 point
  6. It describes a magnet in terms of the torque the magnet would feel in an external field A magnetic dipole (e.g. a bar magnet) with moment u in a magnetic field (B) feels a torque of u X B (u is a vector) The magnetic moment of a wire loop with area A and current I is u = IA (with a direction given by the right-hand rule)
    1 point
  7. Poland may offer a lesson to would-be Far Right autocrats. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/04/14/abortion-poland-maga/ The United States is not alone in confronting a right-wing authoritarian movement that, in addition to undermining democratic institutions and lashing out at the news media (“enemy of the people”), makes curtailing women’s reproductive freedom central to its agenda. The experience of Poland, in which a right-wing government virtually eliminated access to abortion and later paid for it at the ballot box, is instructive as Republicans try to flee from the harsh implications of their antiabortion ideology.... ...Polish voters last year threw out the right-wing government after eight years of authoritarian rule. Women disproportionately carried pro-democracy forces to victory. “Almost 75% of eligible women voted — a 12% increase over 2019,” wrote political scientist Patrice McMahon for the Conversation. “The election also saw a record number of female candidates (44%) and the largest percentage of women (30%) voted into Poland’s Sejm.” Their activism largely centered on abortion. When the right-wing Law and Justice party (PiS) took office in 2015, McMahon wrote, “Poland had one of the strictest abortion laws in Europe. After the ruling government tightened abortion restrictions further, Polish women took to the streets.” Lo and behold, “A breakdown of the women’s vote finds that many women voted for leftist and centrist parties that made women’s rights and liberalized abortion laws a priority.” The democratic coalition leader Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s party is now proposing loosening (albeit not eliminating) abortion restrictions.
    1 point
  8. There is a spider for that. Sorry about all my oil puns. They were crude. I promise to be more refined.
    1 point
  9. If only the same could be said of ticks(on the bell end).
    1 point
  10. Am I the only one who sees the OP as a backhanded way to spam and drive clicks to a crap video?
    1 point
  11. Actually, Astronaughts on the ISS going on Spacewalks do. Sorry, was the joke section so couldn't resist. Didn't someone else independently invent calculus around the same time that Isaac Newton did? I forget his name, German guy. Him and Newton hated each other. It wouldn't be that crazy for two people with a similar sense of humour to look at memorial benches and come up with this though. How tf can someone own putting bittersweet messages on memorial benches? Or what if that bench isn't a joke at all but serious?
    1 point
  12. Then Jews were obliged to serch for consensus with Hittler. Due to your wrong policy you do no success in science. Likes of backward Americans led you in delusion.
    -1 points
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