One recent YouTube video about Trump’s ‘God Bless The USA’ bible that has gone viral in the last week or so is a factual review of the product by a man called Tim Wildsmith, a devout christian who actually reviews bibles for a living on YouTube.
Tim Wildsmith makes the following points:
- This bible is advertised at $59.99, but actually costs $75 with tax and shipping.
- In his opinion a Walmart style bible like this should probably cost around $20.
- The website implies this bible is bound in real leather - but it’s actually bound in fake synthetic leather.
- The text used is the copyright free King James Version, but without any notes or cross-references.
- There is no copyright page or printer info - which usually means the bible was printed in China.
- The page stock is too thin, so you get substantial bleed-through of text from the other side.
- The gilt edge pages tend to stick together and tear easily.
Another well known political satirist called Tea Pain USA cites Tim Wildsmith’s review, and calls attention to a remarkable omission in the MAGA material found at the back of this Trump bible.
Although the Trump bible contains a copy of The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and The Pledge of Allegiance, it *doesn’t* include any of the amendments from the 11th through to the 27th. Tea Pain suggests that these conspicuously missing amendments provide a damning vade-mecum as to which parts of the US Constitution Trump and his fellow Christo-Nationalist Fascists would dearly like to expunge - or at least pretend never to have existed - most especially:
12th Amendment - “Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for the President…”
13th Amendment - “Neither Slavery nor involuntary servitude .. shall exist within the United States..”
14th Amendment - “ No person shall… hold any office .... have engaged in insurrection or rebellion..”
15th Amendment - “The right of citizens to vote shall not be denied … on account of race, color…”
19th Amendment - The right of citizens to vote shall not be denied… on account of sex…”
22nd Amendment - “ No person shall be elected to the office of President more than twice..”