Again, I do not assert UAP are aliens, they are unidentified, aliens is just one remote possibility, time travelers have been suggested as a possible explanation but I have my doubts about time travel as I am sure most people do. They could be visitors from another plane of existence, or as Jacques Vallée has suggested, quite seriously, that the UFO phenomena is connected with things like fairies, gnomes, and other supposed supernatural creatures from lore. The most obvious thing here is that UAP are just misidentification of known or unknown natural objects but the best data we have doesn't support that premise in many cases... it is these outliers that concern me.
And no, "It could have been a picture of a hubcap someone threw", is not a viable explanation.
As for alien motivations... you make a good point if you are talking about a civilization that is only a few thousand years since it lived in caves. A civilization that has existed for millions of years might have more long-term goals and data can be transmitted at the speed of light.
Trying to guess the motivations of aliens is not a winning gambit.