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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/24 in all areas

  1. How about posting stuff that has context and explanation, that’s on-topic? That might help. I mean, what does “It's the people who pay for protection, that inspires a war...” mean? Who are the people to which you refer? How are they paying for protection? How does this “inspire war”? How is any of this relevant?
    2 points
  2. You’re still going to have mutations.
    1 point
  3. It does not matter. You are simply wrong, and it is known for 300 years by now. You have nothing to show for and there is a pile of arguments against your guess. It does not fit a definition of Speculation by the rules of these forums. IMO, this thread is to be closed.
    1 point
  4. Wrong guess. Mathematics does not seem to be your thing, lets look for something else that may suit your style of conversation. Ok, Lets use emojis. 🍏🌐🎯 🌐🍏❌
    1 point
  5. That was your lead sentence. You had not posted prior to that post. What followed was “as for the rest of your question” So no, there was no context that’s missing. So…today? Condolences. Why should celebrities have more rights and power than the average person. Surely that’s more like an oligarchy than a democracy. Evidence that this is the case? the US is currently pumping more oil than ever, and we have a dem president. “United States produces more crude oil than any country, ever” https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=61545 Production rose dramatically between 2009-2016, when a dem was president, after having dropped under the previous repub president https://www.macrotrends.net/2562/us-crude-oil-production-historical-chart But that opens us up to the tyranny of the majority. Why should people far away have a say in something that might pollute your back yard?
    1 point
  6. “For a start, the battles were considered a fine days entertainment, that seems to answer most of this” (emphasis added)
    1 point
  7. Just another perspective... It's the people who pay for protection, that inspires a war... IOW, what am I free to express, without a barrage of negs, that have no context or explanation???
    0 points
  8. When did I say that? https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/spectators-witness-history-manassas?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2mX0QB0RqUupWigL0tXDlexICHoaD66FEusNY4bnyCaPSEvD-hlXBk-lM_aem_AdJUJwgueDkpOj0ewWkvrSsAp8nzczPoxZyFEPydu44kwthVDOBHoLa2xQRyMFpidMvLJLvn8GL7y_iCP72umPje#:~:text=Watching the Federal army advance seemed like the perfect Sunday afternoon diversion.&text=It is a popular%2C almost,battle of a short rebellion The view from that hill was such bc it didn't really affect them. I was listening to a debate a few weeks ago, in which the story of a runaway slave helped a northern general with an overwhelming army, corner and then refused to attack, letting them slip away, which happened time after time; some think it was bc of his trust/distrust of a negro, I wonder how his perspective was different? I'm sorry I can't remember the specifics or the source bc it was a tangent of the debate. Apologies @TheVat But this is well worth a listen and it's beyond me to summarise a summary.
    0 points
  9. No it won't. Deflection at any point in it's orbit will make a new orbit and new trajectory and it will be less likely any Earth crossing orbit object will ever cross Earth's orbit again.
    -1 points
  10. Indeed, but there's a lot of context missing in your emphasis... We determine who we are by what we do. One day we might agree...
    -1 points
  11. The attraction of CBH1 on S2 is minor that the attraction of CBH2 on S2. The attraction of CBH2 on S1 is minor that the attraction of CBH1 on S1. I think that the above affirmation is not applicable if the observed universe (that is the part of the observable universe that we actually observe with our telescopes) is a little part of a turn of the spiral in the video in the Wikipedia page of the galaxy rotation curve. I think that the above affirmation is also not applicable to the cases shown in the following figures (where A1, A2, A3 and A4 are attractors): I quote the Wikipedia page Expansion of the universe: "Negative-pressure fluids, like dark energy, are not experimentally confirmed, but the existence of dark energy is inferred from astronomical observations". Dark energy is inferred from astronomical observations. But we can't observe the part of the observable universe that is outside the range of our current telescopes.
    -1 points
  12. Indeed my apologies, I could have sworn that my sentence ended with "for some people", it's what I intended to write. It was my perspective, but then I've never had to fight to protect him. My apologies to all who found my words objectionable, and I'm not trying to Present the English solution as somehow better; for them every slave was pure profit; they didn't care if they lived or died, as long as they couldn't escape then enough of them survived, to pay for the trip + fund's for the next trip + bonus, many steps down the moral ladder than anything America could claim; in the end we had made enough, before the noise of moral objection came into focus, America didn't have that luxury. Civil War, 1861-1865 | Slavery, Abolition, Emancipation and Freedom - CURIOSity Digital Collections (harvard.edu)
    -1 points
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