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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/24 in all areas

  1. Today I learned about Schedule F appointment, which is an insidious method of US government control and a subversive tool for those who aspire to dictatorship. Schedule F appointments essentially allow the reclassification of potentially thousands of US government workers as political appointees who can be hired and fired at the whim of the Executive branch of US government regardless of qualifications. Potentially, under Schedule F appointment if restored, a president can fire any so designated federal employee who conscientiously refuse his directives and replace them with a sycophant willing to do and say whatever he commands regardless of consequence. I shiver at the thought of such power in the hands of a man as sociopathic and unscrupulous as Donald J. Trump--even more unnerving is that there could be a majority of America's voting population that wants him to have that power come this November elections.
    1 point
  2. Generally, a small ping to China will return a small pong.
    1 point
  3. With one simple answer: observation bias.
    1 point
  4. ... or have both parties check whether a long pendulum suspended from a swivel precesses clockwise or anticlockwise. Difficult to explain how two points on a rigid plane could rotate in opposite directions without ripping apart.
    1 point
  5. Wouldn't better access to reproductive care and contraception be a simpler solution? We could do that now, if the owners of aging pale penises would step out of the way.
    1 point
  6. The crucial roles of the umbilicus and placenta (requiring them to come along with the fetus), and the difficulty of separating them without harm and then somehow attaching them to another uterine wall (with attendant compatibility and host endocrine issues) would seem to be beyond present medical science. Uterine transplants were recently achieved, but not with embryos or feti in them, and that again would seem to be beyond present technique.
    1 point
  7. Go to Dover, stand on the beach and look out to sea. You not be able to see France. Climb the cliff and look out to sea and France will be visible. But the whole flat Earth thing is so unbelievably silly that one can only assume people strike this pose for fun. In which case there is zero point in reasoning with them. I would not waste your time.
    1 point
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