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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/24 in all areas

  1. The temperature range 4000K to 60K corresponds to a period called the 'dark ages': after recombination but before the birth of the first generation III stars. The hydrogen + helium 'chemistry' of that era is not conducive to biology.
    2 points
  2. The thing to keep in mind is that the Big Bang process only produces 3 parts Hydrogen nuclei, 1 part Helium, and trivial amounts of Lithium. These are the basic building blocks of our universe. Heavier elements, up to A# 26, Fe or iron nucleii, are manufactured in the hearts of massive stars, as the fusion process which produces them has a net energy excess which is released. All elements above A# 26 have an energy deficit, and energy must be added to fuse the heavier nucleii. This energy is provided in various processes such as supeernova explosions of various types, neutron star mergers, etc, where gravity provides the added energy ( in a roundabout way ) to produce most of the known elements. Notice that most of the elements essential for life require stars to form from the initial Hydrogen/Helium mix ( known as population III stars ), live out their lives, and even die, before their last explosions spread trace amounts of heavier elements into the gas clouds of the early universe, to form 'dirty' population II, and I stars like our Sun and most other spiral arm stars.
    1 point
  3. Hydrogen at present is rather costly and inefficient to produce in a green manner, i.e. by electrolysis. I think we will need it, though, for truck fuel and maybe for planes. For private vehicles, electricity looks like the future. Range is improving all the time, battery technology improves every year (there seems to be a sodium battery technology coming along which should reduce our geopolitically sensitive dependence on lithium) and the charging networks (another key element of infrastructure) are growing, though arguably not fast enough. I intend to buy an electric car next, but at present my 20yr old petrol VW works fine and from what I read, the size of the carbon footprint of manufacturing a new vehicle outweighs the reduction from switching from petrol to electricity. So one should run old cars into the ground before renewing.
    1 point
  4. Sadly, in a democracy, there are a great many for whom this would elicit further support of the people trying to move it forward. Anti-democratic ideologies are gaining traction, with great help from troll farms and AIs in use by adversary countries. "Because, therefore, we are defending a way of life, we must be respectful of that way of life as we proceed to the solution of our problem. We must not violate its principles and its precepts, and we must not destroy from within what we are trying to defend from without." Eisenhower: Speech before NATO Council, 11/26/51 [DDE's Pre-Pres. Papers, Box 197]
    1 point
  5. I imagine that since it is legal to compel a woman in a red state to carry a fetus that was forced upon her (e.g. rape), there is no sound reason we cannot also compel women from red states to carry a fetus that has been aborted in blue states.
    1 point
  6. Trace out the path of the end of the shadow on different dates of the year. With the flat Earth model, with the Sun circling over the disk and shifting between the two Tropics, you would always get arcs of concentric circles. With the globe model, you get series of hyperbolas starting with a maximum curve in one direction for one Solstice, to a maximum curve in the opposite direction on the other Solstice, and which flatten out to straight lines on the dates of the Equinoxes
    1 point
  7. And if crackpottery like flat-earth tried to do the same thing it would fail miserably. To have a flat earth but the same observations, requires changes in physics, which has a domino effect (to mix our metaphors) because now even more pieces don't fit together. You might possibly find a working model of gravity for a flat earth, but you need the sun to revolve around the earth, which doesn't fit with our models of gravity, and now you have an issue with planetary orbits. If the sun isn't a sphere, you now need to fit that with nuclear physics and why fusion is occurring. If it is, why is that so, but the earth is flat? This doesn't work, and the ideas perpetuate either because the adherents don't do this closer inspection of how the idea fits in with the rest of science, or they simply ignore the problems
    1 point
  8. Lighten up Francis. This thread is about singles who can't find a significant other. Don't get pissed at me because I didn't expand my response to cover prisons, nursing homes, mental institutions, and people who are castrated in war. Find some other thread where you can grind your axe. I'm not interested.
    1 point
  9. Well we're making progress. I'd like to further state that it is indeed a thing. (;edit as in the circumstance of involuntary celibacy, not a Reddit subculture relabeled as all involuntary celibacy or whatever attempted redefinition of the English language) Now all those posts about involuntary celibacy being entirely a mentality and not a real thing should probably be deleted to further your rewriting. Admin here is either a malicious asshat on this topic or blind. This isn't counting the posts where it wasn't explicitly said word for word
    -1 points
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