The thing to keep in mind is that the Big Bang process only produces 3 parts Hydrogen nuclei, 1 part Helium, and trivial amounts of Lithium.
These are the basic building blocks of our universe.
Heavier elements, up to A# 26, Fe or iron nucleii, are manufactured in the hearts of massive stars, as the fusion process which produces them has a net energy excess which is released.
All elements above A# 26 have an energy deficit, and energy must be added to fuse the heavier nucleii.
This energy is provided in various processes such as supeernova explosions of various types, neutron star mergers, etc, where gravity provides the added energy ( in a roundabout way ) to produce most of the known elements.
Notice that most of the elements essential for life require stars to form from the initial Hydrogen/Helium mix ( known as population III stars ), live out their lives, and even die, before their last explosions spread trace amounts of heavier elements into the gas clouds of the early universe, to form 'dirty' population II, and I stars like our Sun and most other spiral arm stars.