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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/24 in all areas

  1. Fortunately for me, I study rigorously within my own limitations, and I have grand access to some excellent scientific minds, and I don't have to think twice about your ridiculous notions of how "fast" I'm being. It doesn't take a lot of time looking at available evidence to conclude that an explanation is unlikely, and one can always extract something from the junkpile the second it provides evidence that it doesn't belong there. You post as if unlikely = impossible, and I really wish you'd stop misrepresenting my stance.
    2 points
  2. Listen; you are a man. Women are women. What you think makes a man attractive is not what women think makes a man attractive. In fact, it sounds like everything you are doing, is more likely to attract another man or a very superficial women. Whether you think it is logical or reasonable that a women was more into some fat furry while paying you zero attention, that's the reality of it. Women aren't even all the same when it comes to what attracts them. Some like goofiness, people who don't take themselves too seriously or aren't too critical or self centred. Hell, any guy who meaningfully engages with a child in front of women immediately gains attraction points. Let me put this to you in a way I think you'll appreciate; you've worked on the body it seems, I'm sure you look great and it sounds like you take care of yourself. Hell, I may even pick your brain as admittedly it sounds like you're better at that stuff than I am via exercise. Where you need to focus on now, is sculpting and molding your fault personality. Honestly if I'll say anything about this incel stuff, it's just not pragmatic to believe in. At all. It's all a major turn off for women and the culture is only becoming more known about by more women. So let it go. You do not understand women very well and you need to develop that as well as empathy for women and their worries, fears and concerns when it comes to men, if you expect to have any romantic success. Focus here and now, forget about the past. Forget what you think you know about women. You've got a choice to make. Either you can keep grieving over past romantic failures and stay in the incel self fulfilling prophecy cycle until you're old, bitter and not in good physical shape.... Or, you can swallow a bit of pride, chip your ego away a bit and listen to those of us here who together know enough about women to help you change your perspective enough to make you be the rest of the change you need to be successful. I don't know what your upbringing was like, but honestly I'm kind of pissed at your dad for letting things get like this for you. Based on what you said about your age, we are about the same age. I've been married, I have kids and I've always gotten along well with women for the most part and I spent time as a stay at home parent so have walked a mile in what used to be the traditionally female shoes... but without the heels, I'm tall enough already. Closing thoughts; you're obviously too intelligent to be allowed to keep burrowing deeper into the incel rabbit hole. So here is a lifeline, take it or leave it, just remember if you leave it you'll keep going in circles until you drown. I didn't want to come right out and say it but no, Narcissism is Malignant self-love. What does it mean for self-love to be malignant? When your love of yourself gets in the way of a crucial aspect of life. For example; not being able to keep a job or attract women. Based on your struggles with women, you do kind of qualify as there being something psychiactric or neurological holding you back from being able to attain what you need as a human for a full and happy life. There is definitely something going on and I'm not saying this from a place of judgement or saying it makes you a bad person and this isn't an insult. But you do need help, and on some level you are aware of that because you're seeking answers from strangers on the internet. Listen it's not great having to admit you have a problem but I think most of us have been there, I certainly have! But a strong person can admit when there is a problem with themselves and seek help for it. So make a change. You have some very smart people talking to you right now all saying similarly and while no one here is qualified to diagnose you with anything, we are smart enough to know when someone has a problem they need to fix in themselves based on how they write. Yup, even if you disagree with the proposals or claims being made. Make the claim in it's strongest format. Always. +1 iNow is just being a good example of the fact there are social consequences even to the views we hold and share with others and that should maybe tell you something about those views. You've made plenty of statements sharing your own frustrations, irritations etc so can you blame others for being irritated with you?
    1 point
  3. It is not slander if it is true. If a potential partner took that attitude with me I would kick their ass right out the door. What a narcissist.
    1 point
  4. “documented cases” is short of the rigor needed for scientific evidence. If the sampling isn’t random, you have sampling and confirmation bias occurring. So unless your documentation includes everyone who had a premonition, and not just the ones for whom it came true, it’s not scientific. Given your stance on bias in science, surely you knew this.
    1 point
  5. I didn't say we sense someone looking at you . (and you were quoting me). I said the opposite in the second post of the thread.(perhaps you missed the sarcasm? Plus your reply didn't make sense purely as an english expression. What is that supposed to mean ? Is "normal" a noun? Is this a poetry competition?
    1 point
  6. People argue more FOR a focus on rehabilitation and safe societal reintegration, not for abolishment of prisons outright. Things often make more sense when you accurately frame the proposals being made. Presidents neither write nor pass the laws anyway. That’s the job of Congress.
    1 point
  7. That's funny. One guy, telling everyone else that it is they who are delusional ... I don't know what you look like, but I doubt it. You do, however, act, talk, and think like one. Do you think that's an attractive quality ????
    1 point
  8. I am not sure how well that works, though. If you consider all media streams suspect (assuming that the government controls everything), how would people gain information in the first place? There is a fundamental challenge regarding trust in information. A tightly vetted system has the challenge that one would need to trust those that are doing the vetting doing a good job and do so for a good purpose. This might not be the case and can (and sometimes should) lead to an erosion of trust. On the other hand, a free-for-all will allow misinformation to have the same impact as facts, or even outmatch facts. The ramification for that can be dire, especially in emergencies where facts really matter (as, say, during a major pandemic...).
    1 point
  9. This is utter nonsense and in no way comparable. Folks with chronic pain do get reminded of their predicament by the very nature of well, being in pain. But most of the time they cope with it in order to function. Not everyone is successful of course and it depends on how debilitating the pain is. Also chronic pain sufferers don't sit around and wait for a cure, usually because there is none. They learn to deal wit it. You saying that not getting what you want and to your standards to boot is akin to saying that non-billionaires suffer because not being insufferably rich is going to be constantly at the back of their mind. Nope, the term you are looking for is "learn". We change our preconceptions regularly by learning new things. Or should be, in any case. Dwelling and elevating the past over new experiences is a choice, though. I can state for a fact that this not the case and you should not assume your limited worldview to be universally transferable. There are all types of women, of course. But from personal experience I can tell you that for example having a great and compatible sense of humour is often way more important. Again, this points to your attitude way more than your looks. Wayyyyy more. It may surprise you, but meeting someone who judges them from them get go is not very endearing. As highlighted throughout your posts, you feel judged by certain folks and complain about it. Now turn that around and try to view your behavior and attitude from their perspective.
    1 point
  10. Have there been studies to show that incels as a group can be defined as misogynistic(my suspicion)? If so ,everything that follows that seems like it would be a self reinforcing delusion. I did find one study online https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/14614448231176777 but have no idea how rigorous it is and whether there are more studies that contradict or reinforce it (and I don't have the patience or concentration to go right through it myself)
    0 points
  11. A guy who doesn't take a challenging degree, overdoses on comfort food and can eat feelings away that he does not need, having mommy and daddy pay his way through, doesn't take it seriously, doesn't bother with his hair, beard, exercise - to me it is disgusting that when it comes to women I get his female equivalent forced upon me and my female equivalent is stuck with him whilst making it impossible for me to have my fair shot - this is infuriating. If anyone actually feels like I'm out of line here than they truly are delusional.
    -1 points
  12. There are multiple documented cases during world war II of mothers having premonitions over the death of their son or daughter. The pattern is usually the following: a strong emotional bond between mother and child, mother not necessarily thinking about their son or daughter, but suddenly feeling a pit in the stomach then knowing with certainty that he/she had passed away. Some say they heard in their heads their sons daughter cry out for help. The death was usually confirmed later with actual time of death coinciding with the moment of the premonition moment. This is not proof of anything, but, once again, should not be dispelled without investigation.
    -1 points
  13. Energy is life. Lack of available energy to power modern machinery might someday mean our extinction or a trip back to cave days. How do you see the future of Man on Earth with regard to energy for his use over the next 1,000 years? What is Man going to do when all manner of fossil fuels is no longer an option? What is SCIENCE doing TODAY in regards to seeking practical and safe energy solutions for the future? We all know there are problems and challenges, but WHO is working on possible solutions? Is the an international energy consortium in place already?
    -1 points
  14. I have given a prediction that can be tested by the experiment that I have designed. Once again, I predict that when I create a true vortex it will cancel earth's gravity in a halo around itself. The intensity of the vortex or mesotron will determine the size of the halo. And there was no big bang, just a fairly smooth transition from pre-atomic energy to atomic energy.
    -2 points
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