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  1. Indeed, in many ways SCOTUS positions itself as the kingmaker, defining what can and what cannot be done. I may be overthinking this, but some of the arguments I have read are so convoluted, they remind me of how priests interpret scripture. I.e. with an outcome in mind then work backwards to justify it using interpretation of the holy script.
    2 points
  2. Still, it is weird how different the bar is set for Biden vs Trump. When the latter was elected, I have wondered whether the competence of the President actually matters to keep the country running. Empirically it seems that it doesn't unless there are emergency situations for which there are no clear mechanisms (say, a pandemic). And again, the evidence suggests that Trump failed miserably in that aspect. Policywise Biden's administration managed to transition the US mostly safe out of the pandemic (especially economics-wise), something that would be rather unlikely under Trump. Also, it is pretty clear that in contrast to the first presidency, Trump would pack his administration with loyalists rather than incorporate competent folks. Unless you spend your presidency playing golf and watching Fox news.
    1 point
  3. Fair. I may have undersold his activity level. Still, nothing compares with being president
    1 point
  4. They’re also seizing more power for themselves and away from agencies by reversing chevron deference.
    1 point
  5. The earth is not a living being, so it has no problems. These problems are created by humans to other humans, living now or to future generations. I disagree. Aluminium has pretty good recycling rate.. https://www.google.com/search?q=aluminium+recycling+rate "The global Recycling Efficiency Rate (RER) of aluminium is currently 76%. The RER defines how efficiently aluminium is recycled throughout the value chain." https://www.google.com/search?q=lead+recycling+rate "A Sustainability Star: Lead Batteries Maintain Impressive 99% Recycling Rate. As we celebrate America Recycles Day 2023 on November 15, it's important to highlight the remarkable sustainability achievements of the lead battery industry." Charts with various elements: https://www.google.com/search?q=metal+recycling+rate e.g. Lead used in ammunition, etc. is the margin of its use. It is highlighted in yellow on this chart: Of course, the higher the recycling rate, the better. But it is still impossible to achieve 100.0%. One can only try.
    1 point
  6. To say that I have no testable predictions is not true. I have predicted that now, with dark energy, dark matter and neutrinos coming into focus. The corner stone of the big bang theory of creation, the CBR, can now be taken away from big bang and reassigned. Fred Hoyle's and Herman Bond's "steady state" theory deserves another look. At the time big bang was born, it won the day because there could not be an argument made for a collapsing cloud of alpha particles raining down on earth. Now there can be. I'm not saying that Hoyle and Bondi were dead on correct but they were closer than big bang to answering the question, how did matter come to be? As far as something falsifiable, that would be big bang. I intend to do everything I possibly can to kick out big bang's cornerstone. Looking back at the time Einstein joined with the church and primeval atom, since his equations allowed for expansion and contraction, maybe he just chose between religion and an atheist view and got it wrong. I have been waiting for over 40 years for you to wake up and reject singularity and embrace infinity collapsing into matter. Oh by the way, I proved back then,42 years ago, that a spinning pyramid could create the air foil affect. As I have stated, before the Horn Antenna detected the Alpha particles raining down on earth. There was no ability for science to explain how nothing became something. Now there are two choices. I choose an infinite, for all practical purposes, alpha particle field collapsing into and becoming the atomic cosmos. The only missing piece is the yet to be discovered atomic force, mesotron. The Horn Antenna heard earth's gravity.
    -1 points
  7. It always does, the problem is, what is evil? And when is inaction, best for the family.
    -1 points
  8. "...I feel there is a fundamental point here. I feel helpless if I'm taken around a strange town of which I can't form a picture. We all need a mental map of the world showing where we are. Of course our picture will have many layers of which the physical description is only one. Nevertheless it is the bed rock on which all other structures are based. If we have secured the foundation, we have a measure of control over the higher levels. The physical laws that govern the universe are usually expressed in the form of mathematical equations. For most people , this has created a great barrier to understanding. But equations in physics are like the financial appendices to a budget: important if you are an accountant concerned with the details but unnecessary for general understanding of what is going on. The basic ideas in physics can be explained in words and pictures. I personally don't like equations: it is hard to keep track of all the term's in one's head and I find it cumbersome to to write them down(though I can do so on my computer using a language called TeX). I'm therefore always looking for ways to treat problems geometrically so I can see the answer in pictures, though that to has its difficulties: it is difficult enough to imagine objects in the three dimensions of space and one dimension time that we are used to, let alone the seven or more extra hidden dimensions that may be there, according to our unified theories of everything. Still, one can generally ignore most of these dimensions and and just picture things in the two or three dimensions that our brains are capable of visualizing. So I believe it is possible for everyone to understand the basic laws and forces that govern and shape the universe". STEVEN HAWKING Cambridge, July 28, 1997 It would be arrogant, if not absurd, to pretend that I singlehanded, could have put together a complete picture of the nature of the universe. That's your job. I'm merely here to point you in he right direction. You are barking up the wrong tree! Your big bang foundation is weak. My concepts are very simple and easy to understand if you would open your mind to them. No need for a complex specialist language yet. We can and I hope we will soon learn how to control earth's gravity and save ourselves. If not now when?
    -1 points
  9. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
    -1 points
  10. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to break any rules. Just trying to help. Stephen said you have a measure of control over the higher levels if you secure the foundation. I know you live and work in the higher levels and don't want to hear from someone in the sandbox, but from down here it looks like the hole thing is about to fall. I implore you to at least consider a reboot: a paradigm shift that will secure the foundation and answer many questions.
    -1 points
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