It seems I was wrong about my previous observation.
The OP is not a youngster, eager to learn, but rather a very immature person who thinks anyone who disagrees with his ramblings is deserving of a neg rep point.
I guess it is less effort than making a valid argument.
Tell me, Gioele, what new insights into nature does your classification system reveal ?
This is not science ( which is what we try to do here ), and, if an attempt at philosophy, this is the worst kind based on the belief that the workings of the universe can be realized simply by thought in your own mind, with total disregard for observational evidence.
If you learned some science you would know that the 'particles' that inhabit your atom environment, are a loosely defined concept until actually observed by an interaction. Prior to that, they are a mathematical construct of varying probability amplitudes, that could extend way outside what you consider their environment.
The bonds that you say inhabit the environment of molecules, are actually the property of an energy deficit of atoms that does not allow them the possibility to escape; they are not a 'thing'.
There are way too many misconceptions about science to list here.
Please heed my previous suggestion to learn some actual science, and stop neg repping people who are trying to help you learn some.
If, on the other hand, you'd rather continue in your blissful ignorance, keep neg repping people who try to correct your misunderstandings; I'm sure you won't be missed after you get banned.