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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/24 in all areas

  1. Yes, you could make it rotate. In fact, it’s hard to not have it rotate, which is why you might put gyroscopes on satellites. A version of these, reaction wheels, are used to re-orient some craft. Small satellites also get pushed around and rotate from radiation pressure, called the YORP effect
    2 points
  2. This is not supporting evidence. You're just making guesses on top of other, unsupported guesses. Is that how you think science works ?
    1 point
  3. Okay, I am happy to support my proposals. Sorry it is taking some time. I will try to do something to eliminate the guesswork ! Unfortunately I am not familiar with any of the mathematical examples with regards to multiverses. My preference is to read about this from books rather than "skatty" sources on the internet. This way the arguments are more coherent ! Bounce cosmology is a new term for me. But it sounds interesting ! Are you able to outline the basic tenets, here in the forum? So if I can add some parameters to my model..... Let us have the set {U1, U2, U3, .........} where U1 - universe 1 in time, U2 - universe 2 in time....... So by having a set this implies that we have multiple universes in time. I suppose for completeness we can call our current universe U0 or just plain U ! Now, what I want to address in my model for time is: - the varying sizes of these universes - so what are the sizes of {U1, U2, U3.....} My proposal is that each of the universes would be of varying size. Given the randomness of our own universe, you would not expect {U1, U2, U3.....} to be exactly the same. So adding a parameter for size (s) U1 (s = 100). might be universe U1 is 100 million light years across. And so on.
    -1 points
  4. So following on we might have U2 (s = 140), U3 (s = 80) and so on. The question becomes how do these universes come into existence? For our current universe we have done a lot of research and the most accepted explanation is due to a Big Bang which matches most to current empirical evidence. My proposal for universes in general is that they are a "mash up" of previous "times" with "times" yet to defined properly. So this agrees with current theory of the Big Bang for the current universe. So instead of one universe spawning multiple universes I propose that there is a period where there are many different "times". This may contain primitive life very different to what we know. Eventually as these "times" get old they collapse and there is an almighty squeeze and then a big explosion.
    -1 points
  5. How about such newest evidence (not single) - "Runaway 'failed star' races through the cosmos at 1.2 million mph"? Read about it here - https://www.livescience.com/space/astronomy/runaway-failed-star-races-through-the-cosmos-at-1-2-million-mph Almost all astrophysical news of last 2-3 years, breaking the view to Universe providind by Standard Model and Standard Cosmology, are evidences for Dynamic Gravity theory. Now, what scienists going to do? Just will be waiting for complete invalidation of Standard Physics for Cosmology?
    -1 points
  6. Space is the ether, this has been known since 1900. Even in Einstein's theory, which removes the rest frame, space is the 4-dimensional ether. Matter is ether in a condensed form.
    -2 points
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