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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/24 in all areas

  1. I'm convinced by the pro-Israeli contingent here. I'm also convinced by the pro-Palestinian contingent. In other words, I believe both sides behave horribly, and both sides are doing so for very honorable reasons. I don't see how either side can be embraced, or vilified, over the other.
    2 points
  2. Is this user manual any use? https://s18798.pcdn.co/chem_sif/wp-content/uploads/sites/24268/2023/09/NYU-Agilent-Cary-3500-UVvis-User-Manual.pdf
    2 points
  3. Yes, how much of this is being prolonged and people dying because Netanyahu is trying to save his own ass? I find it very hard to stomach that people like him and Trump will and do cause national and global mayhem for there own selfish reasons of avoiding accountability for their own chronic criminality.
    1 point
  4. Thank you; this is helpful in a couple of ways. One, it notes that one cannot directly export the spectrum as a jpg or png, which is what I thought. Two, it confirms that the spectrum can be exported as a csv file. The problem with csv files is that they take a bit of editing before one gets a usable spectrum (this is not ideal in a classroom application).
    1 point
  5. This clip does not represent all of my reply fairly. I was suggesting that the side backed by economic wealth and billions of US dollars and SOTA munitions become the functional adult in the room and move to the table to discuss a two state solution and restoration of West Bank lands and homes they stole by force. Please do not caricature a different opinion as approving violence - can we not by this point in the chat stipulate that all here agree both Israel and Hamas have committed vile and Geneva Articles violating acts against civilian populations? By "stop the cycle" I mean that the powerful party shows some willingness to address its own actions and deal justly with a couple million people it has dispossessed and starved and stolen from. The power disparity between Israel and Gaza (or the 32% of Lebanon that is Shiite/Hezbollah) is great - it is generally held that with power comes some responsibility and accountability. Jesus Fucking Christ how hard is it for Israel to just admit, We violated your rights, stole your land, massacred civilians, denied your national sovereignty, and are currently starving a million of you or more in hideous festering camps, geez, maybe that wasn't quite right. Surely everyone here, all people of conscience, understand that there is no peace when people are denied justice. The US, after a long and painful process, got there with its tribal peoples; I see no reason Israel can't get there to. Step One: dump Netanyahu and his merry band of would be fascists.
    1 point
  6. When I first got my license to carry a concealed weapon, I experimented with carrying a handgun on my body or in my car. I didn't intend to carry it generally but wanted to be comfortable doing so if a reason ever arose. What I found was that if a potentially risky situation arose while carrying, while I was thinking of my potential responses, one of the responses always had to do with getting out my gun. What surprised me (and scared me a bit) was how easy it was to think about pulling a gun to address a problem. I completely agree with you that there is not enough 'mental distance' between having and using a gun.
    1 point
  7. @joigus ❤️ This problem is like a tangled ball of fishing line, with many ends to start untangling it from. We see the problem and the path to its solutions depending on which end(s) we choose to start from. For me, after reviewing the relevant history of the area back to Romans, it seems sensible to focus from the period when Zionism became a tangible idea. Prior to that, history just pottered along, as it does. That's basically where I'm coming from. This discussion is a microcosm of the different paths we travel to arrive at our conclusions. Only in this arena are we personally diametrically opposed, as I am with others here on other subjects. It is an area of difference, but I don't judge your whole person on it. Whether we like it or not, we inevitably gravitate towards social media echo chambers that support our personal views and seek evidence to that end. True objectivity is pie in the sky.
    1 point
  8. I've drunk of many sources, really. I greatly respect you, as the rest of the interlocutors here, but I realise we will probably never agree on this. And I don't think personal testimonies really settlle it. Most of my friends think like you too, so my ideological ambience has been quite a different one. So far I've only quoted Haniyah from Al-Jazeera. I didn't quote any so-called 'Zionist' sources. In fact, I could continue this discussion by only quoting Islamic and Cold-War era Soviet sources, if you want. It would be much harder though because I could prove that the numbers of victims that Hamas is providing quite simply cannot be true, and the rest of the world is taking them as just the truth at everyone's peril. But it can be done with just testimonies of the 'good guys'. I would be able to prove how tilted public opinion is to one side, at least in the West. The Muslim-Islamist actors in this drama have never made a secret of their real intentions. The actors in the Soviets that provided support for them during the Cold War did make it a secret, but it eventually leaked. Why the West systematically chooses to ignore it is not anybody's guess. It's a political weapon of prime importance. It polarises people's minds. It makes us (you and I, for example) potential enemies for reasons having zilch to do with our actual personal situations. You must take a side!!! You mention the Nakba, which is still in living memory, and was roughly at the same time as the exile of the Mizhrahi Jews, that's also in living memory. Here's another Muslim quotation (this one appeared on the eve of the famous Nakba): Here Mustafa Amin, the editor of Akhbar el-Yom, is quoting the Secretary-General of the Arab League, Abdul Rahman Hassan Azzam. Seems like someone knew there was going to be a war of extermination before it happened. And happen it did. Notice he doesn't say "the Palestinians". He says "Palestine's Arab population". This distinction is essential. Back in 1945 Palestine was just a place. Nothing more. It's no coincidence that the 3rd most common Palestinian surname is al Masri, or El Masry. What does 'El Masry" mean?: "The Egyptian". I'm well aware of the fact that there are many rotten apples in the Zionist basket. There are Zionists who dream of a world colonised by religious Jews. And that the Messiah will not come until that dream is fulfilled. Those are just religious bigots. Same as Muslims who turn 'religious' and start saying, and thinking, and acting out on the idea that the world must be all for Islam, that the other peoples of the Book must pay the jizya, and that the politheists must die or convert. Religion is poison, whether it kills you, me or others depends on accidents in life. But the mechanisms of propaganda have worked on the minds of many people from all sides of this conflict, including many modern Western antizionist Jews who are not willing to make many fine distinctions, or perhaps are just tired, or who knows. Anyway, we're getting sidetracked here, I don't have the time to draw the argument as carefully as I would like to now, and the counterarguments to what seems to be @MigL's and my own's position here are piling up. But carpet bombing , @TheVat Com'on! There were leaflets and flyers, as well as phone calls and SMS messages in advance. The bombs were guided and from the footage I've seen, the targets were very specific. In many cases, secondary explosions reveal that the targets must have been explosive depots. In one particular case, from the footage, two or three 'fighters' or 'terrorists' were next to a cart pulled by a donkey. They were hit, but the donkey survived, only somewhat startled. That doesn't look like carpet bombing to me. Same as this (really!) doesn't look like a concentration camp: And the green-and-white map, @John Cuthber, that's just a piece of photoshop artistry. Nothing more. It doesn't mention the exile of hundreds of thousands of Mizhrahi Jews (or at least it paints them in no colour). It doesn't picture by what mysterious process two million odd of these 'Palestinian' became 'Israeli Arabs' and decided to stay in non-heavily-policed areas so-called 'Israel'. The least I can say is I see nothing of what I want to understand from those propaganda pieces that we are shown, from both sides if you will (although I generally see one and have to dig deep for the other). And yet I'm offered them every day as if must take a side. You must take a side!!!
    1 point
  9. Well, from the perspective of 'it made me laugh', yes I did like it. I'm unsure why you think scientists would like it though. It is about the most unscientific story I've ever seen.
    1 point
  10. Have you read one single thing I've said? How does an 11 year old girl with a poor home life 'take action' to prevent physical and emotional abuse in some school that cannot even afford text books for all students? NOT EVERYONE IS LIKE YOU. And now you continue to blame the victim for 'acting out' and using the abuse as an "excuse"?!?! People like you make me want to vomit. Please stay out of the way while the rest of us try to address real world problems.
    1 point
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