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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/24 in all areas

  1. The "he's a racist" narrative isn't going to work, and there's no litmus test for determining who is a racist and who isn't, beyond common sense which doesn't likely apply to Trump. It's merely a talking point which has been in use since the very beginning, and most likely doesn't relate to actual policy or actions, but rather tangential things. Pointing out that he has racists who support him, for example, is a strategy that has been in use long before Trump ran for office (similar talking points were used against Ron Paul, for example). If you keep up with this, you'll eventually have to try to argue that more than half of Americans are racists, fascists, or Nazis due to having voted for him, and that narrative simply won't fly due to being one of the most common and uneducated talking points used by opposition. It's proven ineffective in two elections, so coming up with something more original is likely in order.
    1 point
  2. Well she wasn’t chosen Biden had medical problems. Problems that appear to be most of his term. But the things you don’t like in Trump are the same as Harris. I saw a video of Harris where she boasted she could ruin someone’s life with the swipe of a pen. In this video she says that she wouldn’t even have to go to trail, she’d bankrupt them. Same stuff, different person, presented better on evening news.
    1 point
  3. This morning I saw a video of a man who voted for Trump because he wanted to kill Obamacare but now he is angry because he is unemployed and realized the ACA he depends on for his healthcare is Obamacare. I never thought leopards would eat MY face, sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating Peoples Faces Party.
    1 point
  4. Well I don’t approve everything Trump does but everyone voted for him. I don’t like the cabinet picks. They seem deliberate dismantling of those offices. But I believe we must hold both sides accountable. Like Biden giving long range misses to Ukraine. I understand why a lot of people don’t like Trump particularly his personality and the dangers of changing a system that works pretty well. The elephant in the room is the majority of those who worked for him are now his enemies. Harris had major faults too. They tell you to vote it’s your right. But we don’t get to choose the people we are to vote for.
    -1 points
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