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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/24 in all areas

  1. As a former D&D player, I do not really see the issue here.
    1 point
  2. Duolingo teaches the phrase: Norjalainen on viikini, ja suomelainen on velho. ( The Norwegian is a viking, and the Finn is a wizard.) Now while there is a storied event that this refers to, it is not a phrase that is likely to come up in normal conversation.
    1 point
  3. I remember having to learn "une longue serviette éponge" at school in the 1960s, for a vocabulary test, which my parents thought hilariously pointless. It was only decades later, staying at a pretty rough little wayside hotel in Normandy with my French wife, that I realised the significance of this phrase for Englishmen travelling in France. The bathroom in this place provided towels that were like dishcloths: thin, small things that got wet quickly and didn't really allow you to dry yourself. My wife told me this was what towels were like in France back in the 60s.
    1 point
  4. In my humble opinion, I really do belive and want to think we will use AI for our advantage only, but who knows what humanity is gonna do with that power, me personally I'm 100% embracing AI, I don't fear of it being in every aspect of my life as long as it improves it.
    1 point
  5. It's already owned by the same few people who already own everything else. And of course there is no switch-off, unless they abandon it for lack of profitability. When we reach 50% unemployment, everyone defaults on their loans and there is nobody left to buy all the goods and services, and there are no taxes left to collect, the whole economic and political structure collapses, because no provision has been made to change gradually from a debt/profit driven organization to whatever the next thing is. That's not likely to happen, though. Certainly, there will be riots long before then, bombings and burning of automated factories, maybe derailment of driverless freight trains, etc. Police will have to gas and shoot protesters, jail their leaders and all the usual rigamarole when the plebes get too restless. Maybe it will peter out in a cascade of financial and civil crises; maybe someone can start another war of distraction (though that one's wearing pretty transparent and can much too easily escalate to total annihilation) and deploy all the artificially intelligent weapons. No off-switch; no public domain; no contingency plans. We just have to hope AI gets smarter than we are and takes over the helm before we run it into the iceberg.
    1 point
  6. I look forward to the time it does all the hard work for us, no more zero hours contracts and it's ilk. I see no real reason to fear the future of AI, as long as it's available for everyone to make use of it; AI maturity under that condition, will make money a pointless concept.
    1 point
  7. It is the rule to send it to several publishers at the same time. You don't have to have a guilty conscience if you send it to several publishers at the same time. It only makes sense to send your work to publishers who also publish the relevant genre. You have to differentiate here. You often have more opportunities with small publishers in your region. Sometimes they want to promote the people from the region and it is easier to “sell” the people from the region (local media, ...). With a certain amount of experience and enough time, you can do it alone. The question is also whether you want it and have the time to do it. So I can understand why there are providers like Novum Publishing and others who do a lot of work for you. Many will lack the time. You usually still have a main job. Agents go in the same direction, I guess. They save you time and work again. Here you have to see whether you can / will do this work yourself or transfer it.
    1 point
  8. Tablet for convenience but I prefer paperback and hardback. I use my local public library system.
    1 point
  9. Personally I don`t like looking at the screen for hours long just to read one book. I opt for traditional paperback and hardback books. I like the taste of holding a book on my hand and that is even good if it was a science book!
    1 point
  10. I said it would be absurd to try to measure the speed of light over the distance of a light-year, or any tiny fraction of that distance. This was hardly a demand. I also said the units of measurement don't matter. The point I was trying to make was that our units of distance, time. and the value of c are all mutually defined so that any attempt to measure c in the same units in which they are defined will only yield the values that were put into it. If you were to guess how far light can travel the distance of a light year over the time of a year, what would it be? Do you get it yet?
    -1 points
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