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  1. Yes that explanation makes no sense. I did find this, which does seem to make sense: https://www.canopyclimate.com/post/the-best-portable-heat-pump-and-one-type-to-avoid According to this, the mode of operation is to draw ambient air from the room, rejecting the captured heat back into the room and exhausting the cold air thereby created to the exterior. As the writer says, the problem is the expelled air has to be replaced by air from within the house, so you must draw outside air in somewhere, which will be cold, if not as cold as the air the pump exhausts. And in the process it will create a cold draught, which subjectively may make the occupants of the room feel cold, too. Sounds pretty crappy to me, if not actually a scam. 2 hose job must be far better, I feel sure. But no doubt it will dehumidify the air, which may make it feel less chilly, I suppose.
    2 points
  2. My brother lives on the second floor of a block of flats in London and has a properly fitted two pipe system running the radiators and domestic hot water in his flat. The 200 mm air inlet and outlet pipes for the heat pump were diamond cored through the walls. I understand from the company that installed them that they have Lincolnshire Council have fitted a number of this type.
    1 point
  3. Here is a UK/European datasheet for a 3KVA single pipe model. This is the max you can get from plug in UK mains. Note the risk of explosion/fire and other caveats. https://www.appliancesdirect.co.uk/files/pdf/P12HPW 20240311.pdf +1 also to exchemist for finding that link to a sensible (US) evaluation. Interestingly we stayed in the YHA in Penzance in November this year and they had something like this in the room.
    1 point
  4. Only the one in my dolls house. 😀
    1 point
  5. Have you successfully heated your kitchen that way, then?
    1 point
  6. Any system that condenses water out of the air will recover the latent heat of that water and if that water is emptied outside there will be some effect. You can also do this in a conventional freezer / freezer compartment by puting flexible plastic bowls of tapwater into it and throwing the ice outside when the water has frozen.
    1 point
  7. Which agrees with my point that they made the biggest ever change in Earth's history, but entirely without 'direction' and to their detriment. Quite the reverse of what you claimed in your words I quoted. Yet they lasted 250 million years. Do you think Man has any better chance of achieving that ? Again this runs contrary to your words that I quoted. Both answers were short and appear to be knee jerk rather than considered and you did not reply at all to my quote from Wallace letter to Darwin. Yes please , Luc a lot more detail.
    1 point
  8. This sounds not quite correct. Heat pumps extract heat from the outside air and then transfer heat inside, where it adds heat to the room. If it were to exhaust "excess heat" outside that would seem to defeat the whole purpose of the system. The heat that comes from use of compression (gases get hotter when you compress them) is supposed to go INSIDE. Say it's 40 F outside. Outside air blows across coolant tubes bringing the (colder) coolant to 40 F. The air passing over the tube loses heat, passing out of the unit at, say, 30 F. Then you send the coolant through the compressor and it rises to 65 F and goes inside. The energy that forced the coolant into a smaller volume goes into the coolant, which then is sent inside to radiate its heat into an airflow that blows into the room. With the HP you are describing, it relies entirely on the compression of drawn-in interior air, so it would seem rather ineffective, drawing heat from the air it is supposed to warm up and then returning it, with little net gain. I feel your website writer was a bit confused.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. This is interesting. I had vaguely heard of Coriolis flow meters from my time in the oil industry, but never looked into the principle of operation. So thanks for posting this query. I have learnt something. I think I've got it. It's the inertia of the flowing fluid inside the tube. The arrows show what takes place during the "upward" phase of oscillation of the tube. Fluid entering from the left resists being made to flow slightly upward due to its inertia, creating a downward force on that part of the tube. Conversely, the fluid leaving, back to the left again, has by now been made to flow slightly upward and therefore resists being made to flow horizontally once more, creating an upward force on that part of the tube. So, seen end-on from the right, the tube will have a slight twist as shown. When the tube is in the "downward" phase of its oscillation, the converse happens. When it is in the centre, there is no twist. So, again as seen end-on from the right, there will be a rocking or twisting motion superimposed on the up-down oscillation. In effect, on the side the fluid leaves, the phase is slightly advanced relative to the oscillation with no flow, while on the side the fluid enters the phase is slightly retarded. The downstream side leads the upstream side. The magnitude of the force will depend on the rate of flow of mass, because when it flows faster more mass has to be made to change direction in unit time, i.e. the rate of change of momentum, d(mv)/dt is greater. d(mv)/dt = ma = F. And then of course there a load of fancy stuff about detecting this distortion of the resonant frequency via phase shift etc.
    1 point
  11. Did 'they' actually say "just a form of self-expression" - which you interpret as the same as deciding to get a tattoo? Or did 'they' say "it's simply an expression of one's real self"? What the wording means to the speaker an what you would infer are not necessarily in the same realm of communication. What, like children who play cops and robbers grow up to be police officers or criminals?
    1 point
  12. A solution is a solution because it can be arrived at from different perspective/methodologies....it's becoming clearer to me we might already had a solution,from an explanatory point of view...this is after trying to compare my approach, others approach;of course author's approach(OP) and explanations from Various sources such as this.. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Dbl_wGRfbc3w&ved=2ahUKEwjCgqy36qSKAxXFfqQEHaMtO70QwqsBegQIIBAF&usg=AOvVaw135bqe_R6OrGVjR7q_uUE5
    1 point
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