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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/24 in all areas

  1. The air to air system has much to recommend it. eg https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/166317010010 Twin duct wall systems can also be obtained, but as you note they are more expensive https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/335211016045
    1 point
  2. Which agrees with my point that they made the biggest ever change in Earth's history, but entirely without 'direction' and to their detriment. Quite the reverse of what you claimed in your words I quoted. Yet they lasted 250 million years. Do you think Man has any better chance of achieving that ? Again this runs contrary to your words that I quoted. Both answers were short and appear to be knee jerk rather than considered and you did not reply at all to my quote from Wallace letter to Darwin. Yes please , Luc a lot more detail.
    1 point
  3. Yes. It’s inaccessible if you aren’t a subscriber, but some people might be. If all you can do is provide quotes, it suggests you don’t understand the article well enough to discuss it. How, then, can you draw any conclusions? And yet you do, rather than ask what the author meant. A lot of discoveries are surprises. What implications are you referring to? That we descended from earlier forms of life? No, that seems unchanged. That species change over time, affected by the environment? That seems fine. That some individuals will be better suited to the prevailing conditions, and have a better chance to survive and reproduce? No, that still seems to hold. What this looks like is looking for instances of certain phrasing, trying to twist a discussion to make it sound like support for an agenda
    1 point
  4. ! Moderator Note Then it was presumably copyrighted, so reproducing it in full is a violation of the rules and copyright law. Which means post a summary and provide a link. What is this "control"? I see multiple mentions of "influence" but then there's nuance in what that means. Control implies making a choice. Influence means involvement. I influence the level of water in a pool when I get in - it changes - but if I'm just floating there I do not control it. Pick an example and discuss it. Further, Darwin spoke of inherited traits; he did not know about genetics. So finding that there are other channels for inherited traits has no effect on Darwinian thought. And the suggestion that epigenetics are somehow a new surprise to biologists is an interesting notion. I'm not a biologist and have been aware of epigenetics for a while. I presume biologists are more aware of their field than I am. The theory of evolution has evolved over time as we learn more, but that's true of any theory. So casting this in a sensationalist light doesn't reflect reality.
    1 point
  5. Direction, that's the word that make me suspicious of a hidden agenda again.
    1 point
  6. So, the best we can do is a ticket to nowhere? I'm currently alive, isn't that somewhere?
    1 point
  7. What would 'conventional thinking' be ?
    1 point
  8. 😂 Voting so far for the toy horses joke: 2 - aye 0 - neigh
    1 point
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