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This seems stupid. Why add noise pollution when we can reduce it significantly? Teach everyone to watch out, and enjoy the silence. Duh1 point
The problem is not E Coli per se, as most strains are benign and reside in our own guts in a friendly symbiotic way. The danger is that E Coli mutates very easily to a pathogen - a few strains like O157:H7 can cause severe illness. And it only takes a few thanks to a process called conjugation. The O157 refers to a chromosome, called a plasmid, that can be shared between bacteria via conjugation. So it can take over really easily and you get the Broad Street pump incident and so on. Pertinent to your question is that some foods may be sourced from places where people poop while they are out in a crop field (or go into one, for the sole purpose), so there is an environment where the mutant E Coli strain like cholera, or a parasitic organism, can easily proliferate and then get transferred to the crop. IIRC a small number of cattle also have a strain of the 0157, so their manure needs some processing. (cattle poo can also have other nasties like listeria or campylobacter) Equine is better for a garden, I've been told, but fact check that. But always use processed, i.e. not fresh, manure. Congress, though a rich source, is not recommended. Do you boil cilantro? Lettuce? Bell peppers? Spinach for a salad? Tomatoes? Just saying. Not all foods get boiled as a normal prep, and just going over them with a vegetable sprayer may not be sufficient.1 point
At the time, I didn't know what the polynomials were; the method I used told me the total number of degree-5 irreducible polynomials (6), not what they were. However, some basic manipulation gives me: [math]x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1, x^5 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1, x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + 1[/math]1 point
1 point
More money than brains. If you're an optimistic sort, you might say “at least he didn’t blow it on drugs” but that’s really pushing it.1 point
Is there much difference btw https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orgone and that beauty? (thought I was good at holding my tongue)1 point
I think it gives one man too much credit. Gaslighting is a concerted effort from many online groups and "alternate" media of which Fox can be considered a moderate version. While he has been an excellent figure head, there are dozens if not hundreds of online personalities (and Trump has met with many of them) that are part of it. The whole Q anon movement started out as a prank, essentially. Also, the same movement is active across borders and is frequently linked to local right-wing movements. I think focusing on Trump is a bit too US-centric and misses some of the world-wide developments we have. It is certainly not just one thing. I.e., it would also be too simplistic to point to Russia and China as instigators, but there is a confluence of multiple technological, societal and educational developments that makes a person such as Trump to be able to wield tremendous powers.1 point
I am sorry to say, but I don't think that this phenomenon is caused by Trump. They are dependent on it and amplify it, for sure but it is symptom, rather than cause. Which in many ways makes it worse.1 point
I'd be tempted myself to take a more direct approach. First, who deems life to be "impossible" without supernatural intervention, and on what basis? There are many highly complex structures in the universe, both at macro and micro scale, for which we have good models accounting for their formation. Why should life be uniquely different? Is there a logic to this judgement, or is it just the Argument from Personal Incredulity? Such statements are normally made by people without any knowledge of the relevant pre-biotic chemistry, so there is at the very least room to question whether they should think themselves authorities on the matter. Second, science is in fact making a lot of progress in understanding how life may have arisen. So, although abiogenesis is probably the hardest unsolved problem in modern science, it has by no means met a brick wall. There is every reason to have faith that science will in time uncover one or more likely pathways by which life may have arisen. Unlike people promoting a naïve religious agenda, science is patient: the fact we have no answer yet does not mean there won't be one in time.1 point
1 point
Well it seems people are very brain dead here and don’t want to have any intellect discussion. But on other forums people have debated if the church was left. Some people say yes at times the church was left and some say the church was very conservative. Some say Jesus was very left, others say no he did not speak out about money and wealth. Here is on snip bit other forum. Here's a few selected points I know about this topic from reading, but it is a controversial topic and I am not an expert nor a Catholic. There's lots of information and discussion and debate online about the Bible's attitudes to wealth, equality and its relation to contemporary ideas of left and right -- such as this video produced by a left-wing Catholic Was Jesus Christ A Socialist Revolutionary?. There are probably lots of resources on this from vastly differing perspectives. Historically, the Catholic church was obviously involved in very non-progressive things like burning of women for being witches and the burning of heretics, banning of books and there is probably much more dark history to look into. However, perhaps paradoxically, the catholic church has sometimes aligned with progressive ideas. Even as early as the 16th century, some priests like Bartolome les Casas campaigned against the oppression of slaves and indigenous people in Spain's Latin American colonies. Towards the end of the 19th century, the pope issued a letter to try and address the issues caused by industrialisation and the rise of industrial capitalism and socialism. This was the beginning of a programme called catholic social teaching. "The origin of modern CST is generally accepted as being Leo XIII 1891, when Pope Leo XIII published the celebrated encyclical-letter Rerum Novarum (on the new things), in which he spoke in favor of justice in contracts and wages, humane working conditions, and freedom to create and manage workers associations" - Encyclopedia of Business Ethics "In an open letter to all Catholics, Pope Leo XIII addressed the conditions of the working classes, the relationships between labor and capital, as well as government and its citizens. The letter supported the rights of labor to form unions, rejected socialism as well as unrestricted capitalism, while affirming the right to private property. Pope Leo XIII also maintained that the role of government is to promote social justice through the protection of rights, while the Church must work to teach correct social principles and ensure class harmony. He restated the Church's long-standing teaching regarding the crucial importance of private property rights, but recognized that the free operation of market forces must be tempered by moral considerations." - Online Blurb In the 1960s and 1970s, Liberation Theology movement began in Latin America where catholic priests resisted dictatorships and tried to empower the poor: "It sought to apply religious faith by aiding the poor and oppressed through involvement in political and civic affairs. It stressed both heightened awareness of the “sinful” socioeconomic structures that caused social inequities and active participation in changing those structures." - Encylopedia Britannica https://www.britannica.com/topic/liberation-theology. This even resulted in getting into a bit of trouble with the Vatican for getting too close to Marxism. —————— And you going to reply to me with those pathetic one liner replies? Here start here, it is a controversial topic and here video produced by a left-wing Catholic Was Jesus Christ A Socialist Revolutionary? And you going to rely to me with your pathetic knowledge about politics and religion teaching. Learn politics and religion before replying to people post in this forum. Can you show me a passage in the Bible saying money and wealth is sin? I don't Think you can? Can you show me passage of Jesus speaking out about the rich? If you going to reply to people post than educate your self about the topic because you know nothing about politics and religion. Why do other message boards can have discuss about this but not here? Are you a liberal that thinks the church are all conservatives or false views that Jesus was a hippie or far left? That pathetic nonsense? Can you post some sources? So we can find out if Jesus spoke out about the rich and if that is sin and the stands on the church? At times the church was left but today it is now far right? So we can get picture on stands on the church? Because the more I read on this I’m getting conflicting information. MAY be if you read more on this you would get that information but you are too lazy to read more about it and think you know it all. TYPICAL of some liberals.-1 points