Don't you have your Truth Social for dull minded? That's where you should be writing this nonsense. The guy in one sentence talks about how many wars he will end, and just a few seconds later he talks about starting a war with Panama, starting a war with the Denmark and starting a war with Canada. And you clap your hands? You should have cognitive dissonance, because the guy said something mutually exclusive!
Yet another example. He wants to fight inflation. By raising commodity prices? Didn't you have math in elementary school? If you have a U.S. product that costs $100 and a Chinese equivalent for $50, and you impose 100% duty taxes on the latter, U.S. customers won't have the option of choosing cheaper-worse or expensive-better (even if they were physically such, which isn't so sure) - they'll have both products at the same high price so physically they will pay more than now!
As a result, the financial sector and U.S. commodity producers reacted very warmly to such promises, which resulted in a rise in stock prices on the stock exchanges, as they correctly read between the words. Unlike the Americans who voted for him - they didn't understand a single word of what was in store for them!