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  1. Abiogenesis involves the search for a 'scientific' explanation for how life may have begun. If you 'challenge' it, you are suggesting an explanation other than one that is 'scientific'. If the mechanism is not natural, supernatural seems to be the only alternative. That is why you are getting so much pushback, despite your claims you are not suggesting some supernatural mechanism.
    1 point
  2. Bit late for that now: he’s in his final semester of reading ancient history. But I was able to pick up a chemistry-related error in the draft of his dissertation, on the trading of Egyptian faïence across the Eastern Med before the Bronze Age Collapse, which was gratifying. All to do with tin glaze - or rather its irrelevance to Egyptian faïence, as opposed to “real” Medieval faïence. Turns out the Egyptian variety was sintered sand, i.e. glass and featured copper compounds to make it blue, whereas it was the Medieval variety which was stoneware with the famous white tin glaze. The Egyptian variety should not really be called faïence at all, though it is, for historical reasons. All rather confusing. So he took out the incorrect references to tin glaze.
    1 point
  3. Fascinating! My son is an animator who's honing his craft while currently producing a DC fan film. Cartoon Network's, The Venture Bros, did a very humorous take on Jonny Quest...they called it the "Walking Eyeball."
    1 point
  4. Sometimes these posts make me laugh hard Googled this but couldn't open the website as all the webpages were stuck together 😛
    1 point
  5. Just saw this joke elsewhere on the net and it made me chuckle.... Enjoy A man finds his seat at the Super Bowl, but notices that there’s an empty seat between himself and the next guy. “Who in their right mind would miss the Super Bowl?!” The man next to him smiles and says, “Well, actually this was my wife’s seat. She passed away recently, and we had already purchased the tickets.” The first guy is taken aback and says, “Oh, I’m sorry for your loss,” but then thinks for a second and adds, “Don’t you think it would have been nice to take one of her family members to the game?” The man looks ahead and replies, “I would, but they are all at her funeral right now.”
    1 point
  6. The one that the Christian far-right in the US advocates. Not in their eyes, unfortunately. They are fully convinced that their own interpretation of the faith is the only correct one. What values are those, in your opinion? I’m not a Christian, but I’ve read the Bible, and there’s a very wide range of differing views and values advocated in there. There’s some good things that I can somewhat stand behind, but there’s also some pretty horrific stuff that I wouldn’t want to go near with a barge pole. Some really disgusting stuff. So who gets to decide what “Christian values” actually are? Modern science doesn’t say anything about God (Christian or otherwise), since the concept is not amenable to the scientific method.
    1 point
  7. Using my new found skill set, I went back to revisit an old animation. It actually was the first ones I did using a bone rig to do a "walking" animation. I chose it because it was both simple and from one of my favorite cartoons growing up; Jonny Quest. While my original merely had it walking across the frame, this time I added an element from the actual episode, where it takes a hit from a tank, recoils, shakes it off, and then continues on. (And in case you're wondering, the heroes were able to defeat it in the end) I've added some sound effects to up the ante.
    1 point
  8. So? Misunderstanding Christianity seems to be a feature of Christianity (and probably of organized religion altogether). If it weren’t, we wouldn’t have all of these different sects. (tens of thousands of denominations) It’s pretty clear that the party that claims to be Christian never read the Bible (or possibly, like Otto, read but did not understand) Christian nationalists use religion as a cudgel to seek power, not because they’re devout If you did a “blind taste test” of party policy, you’d probably see that the Democrats’ policies are better aligned. The Republicans removed most of the Christian values from their politics decades ago. Modern science never had them, so that’s moot.
    1 point
  9. I think you're in denial. This is a blatant "No True Scotsman" fallacy. Does it matter if white Christian Nationalists in the US understand the religion they pretend to follow? No. They just want all the people of color who don't believe in their white Jesus to go away. It's not the modern world who removed Christian values, it's the white Christian Nationalists.
    1 point
  10. TIL how to "chain" animations together in Blender. Just to explain bit:. When you animate, there are times when certain actions, ( like walking) is a simple repetition of the same motions. And rather than have to manually assign these motions over and over again, Blender allow you to automatically cycle them. So once you've animated a particular set of motions, you can have Blender just repeat them over and over again. So example, left foot forward, then right foot forward, left foot forward... The problem is that unless you tell Blender to stop, your character will just keep walking forward forever. And if you do put a limit on how many times to cycle the animation, After it hits the limit, everything jumps back to the beginning. What if you want the character to stop walking across the floor and begin to climb some stairs? You just can't add a new set of motions, as Blender treats them as part of the original cycle. (instead of walk forward 10 steps, then start the stair climbing cycle, you get: Take two steps forward, then climb two steps, take two steps forward... ) This bothered me for quite a while. There are way to get around this but they can be tedious, And I knew there should be an easier way. Today I found it, and its been there all along. It turns out that there is a editor you can open that will turn any animation sequence into an "Action". So you can take your "walk 10 steps forward" and convert it to an action in this editor. Then, when you go back to the animation editor, you are back to a "clean slate". While all your objects are still there, all the motions you gave them are gone, and they are where they would be at the end of the the action. In other words, if you had your character walk forward 10 steps, it will be where it would have ended up after doing so. You can now assign it an animation set (climbing steps, for example) using the same cycling trick as before. This can then be converted into an action and appended to the end of the previous action. Repeat as needed. Here is a simple example: The first action is a descending stairs animation cycled until it reached the floor, then an action to bring the trailing leg to floor level, then a repeated forward walking forward cycle action, an action to lift one leg onto the first step, and lastly a repeated stair climbing cycle. It may not look like much, but learning how to do this opened up a whole new world of animation possibilities for me. (BTW, the color pattern on the floor is due to optimizing the animation file to make it as small as possible.)
    1 point
  11. I started one, too, using my last initial, J. You can find it at jism.org! As for Rhism....die, heretic! Burn in Hell for 12 aeons! NON SATIRICAL PORTION OF POST You need to post your theological material, doctrines, core beliefs, metaphysical postulates, whatever, in the OP. See the rule about not requiring members to click on your external webpage, ok?
    1 point
  12. This is not a conspiracy. Watch Lee smolins lecture at the perimeter institute one of the worlds top research lab, he’s a top physicist and he’s complaining about it. Why, cause he has a good idea for quantum gravity,”loop quantum gravity”. Probably is being ignored by the guys above him.
    -1 points
  13. Sorry, but I can't help myself. What Christian Nationalism are you talking about? There's no Christian..Nationalism, it is a full misunderstanding of Christianity. The modern world removed Christian values and alive Spirit from itself. And so did modern science. This is the result of "there's no God". Here you go. Crocodile tears.
    -2 points
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