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  1. This is rather a no-example. It is not called so in math. And it is also a no-example. Your statement, "there's no truth without God" is refuted by the observation that there are irrefutably true mathematical statements without God.
    1 point
  2. You didn’t supply any scientific, clinical , or other medical evidence to support your own characterisation of ketamine as a “very helpful and viable treatment option for many millions of people”. Absent that, I would refer you to: https://www.oxfordhealth.nhs.uk/ips/ketamine-trd/risks-benefits/ Right up front this document says: It concludes: Under the sub-tab ‘Less Common side-effects' it lists: vivid dreams, hallucinations , and also adds this warning: Under 'Long Term Theoretical Risks' this paper lists: dependence, tolerance, bladder damage, cognitive impairment and personality change - all with reference to recreational nasal doses of over 1g daily. Given these caveats I don’t think I’m being remotely flippant or dismissive about the risks of self-medicating with ketamine - especially in the case of an absurdly wealthy and over-powerful oligarch like Elon Musk who has openly admitted that he is microdosing with ketamine to treat a significant personality disorder.
    1 point
  3. The pronoun, or the famous second baseman?
    1 point
  4. Yes, good question. I think the difference will show itself in how people act when they think no one is looking - in the case of externally imposed moral codes, there’s a much higher probability that those will be set aside if they interfere with other goals, and if they think no one will know. But if someone acts out of a genuine inner conviction, they aren’t likely to disregard those, irrespective of what circumstances they find themselves in. It reminds me a little of the situation in the former communist Eastern Bloc - the vast majority of ordinary people externally toed the party line, parroted the right slogans etc, which enabled them to live some semblance of a normal life. But behind closed doors it was a different story - very few actually genuinely believed the ideology, which is why the whole thing just crumbled in the end; there weren’t hundreds of thousands coming out to do their utmost to preserve their beloved systems. That’s the difference between imposing a narrative with fear, versus genuine conviction.
    1 point
  5. I wrote to NASA today to ask if their Global Temperature pages and Climate Change pages are staying up and unaltered. They are a fine public information resource and educators resource. Anyone can contact NASA here: https://www.nasa.gov/contact/ I have also drawn up a list of addresses of my congressional representatives, as well as members of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee. And will start firing off letters if such web pages are altered in a partisan way, or removed. I am encouraging others to do the same, though of course exercising discretion as regards possible job security, e.g. writing as a concerned citizen from a non-work email, etc. I think it would also be good for people to start flooding the comments sections at major news outlets of all formats and leanings - this is something the Right Wing and assorted fascist trolls are really good at, maybe it's time for the rest of us to get better at that game. The thing with Musk's crew getting access to the federal treasury payment system...was kind of a splash of icewater in the face for me. Navel gazing and post mortem time is over - we the people need to start working on ways to push back right away.
    1 point
  6. "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galatians 6:7
    -2 points
  7. Everything changes; words, languages, art, science has also experienced cardinal changes.
    -2 points
  8. Nonetheless, Divina proportione (15th century Italian for Divine proportion), later also called De divina proportione (converting the Italian title into a Latin one) is a book on mathematics written by Luca Pacioli and illustrated by Leonardo da Vinci, completed by February 9th, 1498[1] in Milan and first printed in 1509 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divina_proportione The number is the same, but mathematics are different.
    -2 points
  9. Not false, but they change. For example "The metamathematics of Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory has been extensively studied. Landmark results in this area established the logical independence of the axiom of choice from the remaining Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms and of the continuum hypothesis from ZFC. The consistency of a theory such as ZFC cannot be proved within the theory itself, as shown by Gödel's second incompleteness theorem. " https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zermelo–Fraenkel_set_theory And senses change over time. I believe you call 3.14 pi, or maybe the Golden Ratio. I am sure you know it is also called divine proportion and God's Ratio.
    -3 points
  10. Proven because of it's original meaning. People studied the world, which God created for us. As Trurl said.
    -3 points
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