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  1. The bag is with thee Blessed art thou who filter the allergens And blessed is the fruit sucked up in your attachment.
    1 point
  2. If you go way, way back, I think they tasted them and they were sour. Your tongue can detect acid this way. There is a bit of the history here: https://pubsapp.acs.org/subscribe/archive/tcaw/12/i03/pdf/303chronicles.pdf
    1 point
  3. Seems bad luck. I have an Ubuntu Long Time Support (LTS) 24.04 on my more than 10 years old notebook (along with my Windows, which I nearly never use anymore). Besides a few quirks (probably because my old hardware), it works like a charm. None of the problems you mention. I had a quick glance at Ubuntu Studio, and I think it is not of Canonical (producer of Ubuntu) itself. It means you do not know what they have changed compared to the original Ubuntu Desktop Version. So some suggestions: Install Ubuntu from the Canonical Website (https://ubuntu.com/desktop), or Use Linux Mint: based on Ubuntu, I heard only positive about it. It should be one of the most user friendly distributions Then add the programs you need (is pretty easy with the Software centre)
    1 point
  4. That is pretty much known not to work. And no, the truth is going to lose out eventually in the social media landscape as the truth is usually less emotionally engaging. And emotions is what ultimately fuels and monetizes social media. Traditional media had its own problems being largely concentrated in few powerful hands, but now their role is further diminished. Information flow is driven by individuals and their emotions now. And a big part of the problem is that I have yet to see good approaches to address that. Most attempts (e.g., better education) are still based on (IMO) outdated assumptions. I feel that this line of inquiry deserves a separate discussion thread, though.
    1 point
  5. OK, I didn't expect you to be able to follow all the methods. I just wanted to indicate we have standard ways of identifying these compounds, so that is how it would be done if the question were to arise today with an unknown sample. But if what you are after is how these elements and compounds were identified historically, i.e. before modern day analytical chemistry was available, that's a lot trickier. I think I would have to try to explain that by examples. I gave you one example previously, of what Lavoiser deduced from burning phosphorus. He got a lot out of that: - 2 components of air: azote and oxygene - A compound (ash) in which phophorus was combined with oxygen (we would call that an oxide, though I'm unsure if the term existed in his time) - this compound produced an acid when dissolved in water - a phosphorus acid. Silver, gold and copper were obviously known in the Ancient world for coinage and jewellery and alloys of them. Zinc and tin were also known. Bronze is an alloy of copper with tin (e.g. the Bronze Age) and copper and zinc produced brass. Mineral acids, including nitric acid, were known to Medieval alchemists (though not under their modern names): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitric_acid So someone in Lavoisier's time could dissolve a piece of silver in nitric acid and realise they had a compound - which today we call silver nitrate. It's obviously not possible to trace all the stages by which all these elements, reactions and compounds gradually became characterised. It would take a book to do that and even then there would still be plenty of uncertainty about how many of the steps became known. The historical record is patchy and some of thee unknown alchemists guarded their knowledge. But I hope from this you get an idea of the sort of things they did and so how the early chemists were able to piece together some rules for elements and compounds. In fact, Lavoisier was the first to make a real list of elements and he still got some things wrong. Here's a quote from the relevant Wiki page: QUOTE The book contains 33 elements, only 23 of which are elements in the modern sense.[5] The elements given by Lavoisier are: light, caloric, oxygen, azote (nitrogen), hydrogen, sulphur, phosphorous (phosphorus), charcoal, muriatic radical (chloride), fluoric radical (fluoride), boracic radical, antimony, arsenic, bismuth, cobalt, copper, gold, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdena (molybdenite), nickel, platina (platinum), silver, tin, tungstein (tungsten), zinc, lime, magnesia (magnesium), barytes (baryte), argill (clay or earth of alum), and silex.[6] UNQUOTE From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traité_Élémentaire_de_Chimie It was a long and painful process that was only really sorted out in the latter half of the c.19th with Mendele'ev.
    1 point
  6. There used to be gods for everything ,at least in Greek and Roman religion. Why not an extra God of the Vacuum ? Could give it a name....Miele or Henry?
    1 point
  7. In time, perhaps a certain number of believers will be found. In time, perhaps a certain number of believers will be found.
    -1 points
  8. Nothingness condenses into space, one could metaphorically say that Space is the daughter of Nothingness.
    -1 points
  9. Under a mathematical and conceptual premise, which are not a topic...ya know what? We'll just call it a draw and move on because as I mentioned earlier this isn't the right topic for that if you don't adhere you don't have to.
    -1 points
  10. Refer to previous post. It has all needed info
    -1 points
  11. The spelling is maleficence. And no, I didn't use google to spellcheck. If I had to guess, I'd say you're maybe a high school drop out? It's okay plenty of people are.
    -1 points
  12. Well at least I didn’t accuse you of being a paedo, which is what he does at the drop of a hat.😁
    -1 points
  13. -1 points
  14. What!? Haha, when did Elon Musk accuse me of being a paedo!? The man doesn't even know me. Reported for being derogatory.
    -1 points
  15. This is the only "living physics", meaning tested to be true. After Newton you have discrepancies.
    -3 points
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