“Something extraordinary happened on Earth around 10 million years ago, and whatever it was, it left behind a “signature” of radioactive beryllium-10. This finding, which is based on studies of rocks located deep beneath the ocean, could be evidence for a previously-unknown cosmic event or major changes in ocean circulation. With further study, the newly-discovered beryllium anomaly could also become an independent time marker for the geological record.”
A couple of nits, though
“Because beryllium-10 has a half-life of 1.4 million years, it is possible to use its abundance to pin down the dates of geological samples that are more than 10 million years old.”
10 million would be ~7 half-lives. Much longer than that would be increasingly tough to pin down since you are decreasing signal/noise. So while you could get results a bit beyond 10 mya, it’s not good for arbitrarily long ages.
It also says B-10and Be-10 have the same mass, but they differ slightly which is my their mass spectrometer could distinguish them.