Damned me. I thought the video WAS a citation. LMAO
First you said that the video made it so that this was a science thread, so you moved it out of the religion/philosophy subforum into speculations. Now you are saying that the video "does not exist", but I must provide a citation for a video in a thread that I did not create.
This started out as Sinclair's thread, then you hijacked it and made it your thread, but somehow I am responsible for it. Can these forum rules be 'cherry picked' because some of this does not make any sense.
After high school? I studied law. You are wrong, because I have repeatedly given information as to quantum physics -- I have stated very clearly that I know nothing about it.
I am not the one bluffing here. You have little respect for philosophy and a serious disgust for religion, and this thread is about consciousness, which is studied by philosophy, and it is about emotion, which is studied by religion. It is not about science and has never been about science. But you have way to much power in this forum, so you win even if you are dead wrong. Arguing with you is like arguing with Trump.
I was not aware that rust is alive. Can you provide a citation?
I know. People do it with computers and robots all of the time.
Never said it did. There is DNA and there is awareness. Are you saying that they are the same thing?
It looks like you are stating that life is a metaphysical conjecture. So you are convinced that there is no awareness without a nervous system and/or brain. So why do HeLa cells continue to nourish themselves and reproduce without a brain or body? Since you are a biologist, you should be aware of HeLa cells.
One does not find what they are not looking for. Our greatest strengths often cause our greatest weaknesses, so since faith is religion's greatest strength, blind faith is it's greatest weakness. Philosophy's greatest strength is learning new ideas, and its greatest weakness is imagining what is not real. Science's greatest strength is testing, so its greatest weakness is confirmation bias. If you do not look past the neural structure, then you will not find an answer past the neural structure.
I know damned well how the site works. If you are advocating for science, you can be dismissive, rude, off topic, and quite insincere in your posts and will often receive an up vote for it. But if you are not advocating for science, or accepted science, you will be down voted and eventually banned. I was never very politically correct.
If you mix MS (Multiple Sclerosis), cancer, radiation treatment, and the vagaries of life, it can make a person tired. The surgeon did not think that surgery was an option in my case. The oncologist does not want to use chemotherapy because of my MS, so the only option is radiation, which I don't expect will beat the cancer -- maybe it will slow it down. So there does not appear to be anything that anyone in this forum can do that will discourage me from thinking.