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Everything posted by kenel

  1. It's nice to see you're taking faf's flamings so well.
  2. Venice Beach too, and yes...I meant the ALMOST the whole west coast of the United States. If you look at the map, there are certain states in which super-volcanos are not present. But in the event they started a chain reaction, the Lava could flow into the "safe" states.
  3. My idea is complete opposite of all of yours. Wake up when you want to, that way...your body will goto sleep earlier, and get used to waking up earlier. The teenage body needs atleast 8 hours of sleep a day to function properly, and grow properly, just set an alarm for the time you'd like to wake up, and within a couple of days, you'll be sleeping earlier (because you'll be tired as hell).
  4. I was kidding by the way, my REAL suggestion would be to rent it out to the private sector. Like the government does with their gigantic array of satalite recievers.
  5. My idea would be to turn them into weapons of mass destruction. Show the middle east what the war on terrorism is really about.
  6. The eruption of one, could possibly create a chain reaction, and erupt all of those seen on the east coast. Boom goes Washington, Oregon, most of California, and New Mexico (eh, who needs it anyways?).
  7. This one time, I made a bowl of cereal without touching anything.
  8. Definatly not bad at all, though the cars would be expensive upfront, probably ranging from $20,000 to $60,000, the money that will be saved on gas, tune-ups, and maintenance is definatly worth it. The only problem I noticed with the car, was the fact that it only seated two people, like a fighter jet style seating arrangement.
  9. Blike, about the "pre-flood" times, age had no relevance, and was not counted like it is today. In the bible, age is used to show wisdom, the older the person, the more wise he/she is. They actually (most likely) lived shorter lives than today's generations.
  10. Thanks, the first two you gave though don't have too much credibility....geocities, and aloha?
  11. No carrots were harmed in the making of this thread.
  12. Psue Psue Psuedio..... - Phil Collins
  13. Anyone else but fafalone?
  14. I thought this was ScienceForums....you nerd.
  15. I didn't ask to search google, I asked for you to provide atleast one. If you have so many, you wouldn't mind copying and pasting one over to this forum, now would you?
  16. Yeah, John Edwards taught me everything he knows. (Host of "Crossing Over")
  17. Physicists have been looking for the "God particle" for quite some time now. They've built gigantic particle accelerators, in hopes they'll find the Higgs boson. My question is...once we find this particle...then what? What's the use of these trillion dollar particle accelerators? What else is there left to find with them?
  18. Do you think it is possible to achieve immortality by engineering these cells not to die off?
  19. I've just encountered two different theories on why we age, which are as follows: (a) Our cells are programmed to make us grow, and at a certain point they are programmed to make us die. and (b) Our DNA is constantly being assaulted and damaged by reactive oxygen species. As we age, this damage reaches critical mass and our spoiled cells essentially commit suicide, taking us with them. Which do you agree with, and why?
  20. I was reading an article in a magazine at the dentist's office the other day on how galaxies were formed, but I wasn't able to finish. So, my question is...how are galaxies created?
  21. Pyramids are still being unearthed, there's only 100 now, but God knows how many they'll find in the future. By the way, you said that they were not built by slaves? My understanding was always that they were, do you think you'd be able to provide some documentation (i.e. a web site) on how they were built? That somewhat interests me.
  22. MSNBC has an article on the catastrophic possibilities of a super-volcano eruption. Could we possibly be worrying too much about biological terrorism, nuclear terrorism, and the threat of astroids hitting our civilization, and not enough about nature's hot coca-cola?
  23. Your credibility is quite low, Zarkov. "Fadalone", or "Favalone" would be a common typo'd mispelling of "Fafalone"..."Faglone" does not appear to be a simple typo, but an insult.
  24. Doc Brown had a good idea, use garbage to fuel your gigawatt time machine.
  25. You're comparing USF to a High School....I'd hope that there definatly was a maturity difference. I'm in agreeance though, you can never be too safe, even when making paper airplanes.
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