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Everything posted by Dudde
Check out your disk management tab in computer management (start>run>compmgmt.msc), should have some more information regarding drive H. if Drive H is inaccessible and really was just that printer, you should be able to delete it from there as well, right clicking the drive will bring up the options
I have the hugest urge to watch Horror of the bloof monsters all of a sudden. I'll have to do some IMDB'ing once I get home
I started a consulting business in the U.S a while back, basically just checked around with small businesses, hotels, motels and apartment complexes were my biggest customers. I would suggest starting either in a big city and just be cheaper than the big chains, or start out in a small town and be a little more expensive and just way more convenient than doing it online. I also did some IT work for free for a few owners who reciprocated the deal by printing me off business cards and flyers for free, and another who modded my shop for me in exchange for being right next door and onhand for any repairs, these relationships can go pretty far
This, mixed with the fact Moontainman brought up, which I agree with: I think would actually affect the fact that they're legitimate, unless you accept bold faced misinformation as legit - and 'news of the record', I guess it could be, but only because they lead their followers to believe such don't get me wrong, I don't hate specifically fox, I hate almost all news outlets, they all suck, fox is just more annoying at it
I'm currently 25 and work for an enterprise technical support queue, until I get unlazy enough to go back to my passion for network security <3
This +1 definitely. Heck if I care who's using the stalls around me - but most of the time I'm not using them, seeing as how some things that end up on the seat leave me yearning to know how it's possible they got that on the seat without purposeful intent =\
Wait..so what's the case? There were some black dudes hanging around outside the polls, one had a nightstick, and apparently were hurling insults: "Witnesses described an ugly scene: Two members of the New Black Panther Party threatening white voters the day Barack Obama was elected president, flinging insults like "white devil" and "you're about to be ruled by the black man, cracker." What were they threatening? Did they coerce voters into voting, or just stand there saying stuff? The Wiki page says there was a guy with a night stick, but was escorted away by police - and I didn't see any physical actions taken by those guys? Seems to me they were just pushing voters to voting against Obama by intimidation EDIT: and after getting to hear the video... I mean yeah intimidating presence is one thing, but did they do anything? Can someone find something I'm not? I saw two white people walk out of the booth at the end of the video, were they preventing people from entering?
Nice, Just like ewmon, I now have a name to put what I try to convince people of what they're doing! (though we all know they'll deny it and keep on truckin', but that's the fun part)
+ 1 with pretty much ParanoiA's entire first post - McChrystal is the kind of guy I think should be leading in the president's boots ...not the "let's kill it" mentality, but the balls to back up what you started and get on a patrol in a deadly part of a warzone to see what your guys are going through. It's unfortunate that he was fired, although from the article it kind of seems he'd prefer to be out of the position of power for the whole operation and back into a more subtle leading role where he doesn't have to play so many politics.
Currently I've put on hold all the certifications I was working toward, my car recently became unusable and so I gotta save up to get a new one! However, I'll be on vacation starting next saturday for 9 days...mmmm....so who cares about a car til then
good point bignose - although telling other people how well you did is something I attribute to affecting other players, and therefore wrong. Unless you wanted to show some of the absurd things you uncovered, because hacks or cheats can be highly amusing when used right.
I don't regard this accident as something to destroy the plans for offshore drilling on - accidents are going to happen regardless of industry or location. Also, what's wrong with this quote: granted, it came at a very inopportune time to the future, but when it was stated, it was pretty true. ...are you disagreeing that offshore drilling is beneficial to the U.S or trying to be facetious?
I'm very fiscally liberal...I forgot when you add a girlfriend and 2 puppies, you have to change spending habits or your 5k in the bank turns into "OMFG ramen!" not that I have anything against ramen in the last few weeks or so I've become fiscally conservative due to some life changes, but still living paycheck to paycheck...
kind of agree with Timo - if it's a single player game, using cheats/hacks/bugs affect no one else. Those kinds of games are just there for you to have fun with, why waste time doing something that doesn't bring you entertainment. Personally, I like losing games, flip the difficulty up and set myself up to die and then go out swingin - like in fallout 3, don't use anything but a combat knife. Ever.
There can also be wealth created by people who are just more naturally skilled in industries that create more money than others. If you can do the work, and work the system (legally, morally, etc.) you can get pretty rich. Currently, services are worth far more than production. Find a niche market that nobody else is good at, work your ass off to specialize, and offer services to those who need it. It's what I did, to an extent, before I was 18 I could charge anything I wanted for merely coming to someone's house and installing some ethernet cables so they could game in multiple rooms, or have a surround sound system - because I was young, and didn't need all the fancy charges larger companies need, but I still made more than that company's employees individually. (I think if I were motivated by money, I could be quite well off by now..but alas...money bores me) I certainly never wanted to kill anyone though, that definitely won't solve a money crisis...and could end up hurting those you wouldn't think about being affected at the same time
Evolutions first major lesson: Fur is warmer than feathers! Interesting article, but interesting and factual don't always run hand in hand
You know I've been meaning to move to australia, even if only to be a street beggar From what I hear, it's awesome, and you're right - arguments here get tedious and single-minded. Regarding the OP, I think if you focus specifically on foxnews and the rest of the population, you'll probably find that Fox has higher health problems - being both that most people I know who watch Foxnews like conservative sensationalism, and are usually pretty old - facts pointed out earlier. But really, you could take a few of the news outlets and get the same results - I'll have to dig it up, but recently I heard some headlines about opinionated and sensationalistic news doing far better than news companies that are trying to be distanced and objective about things because people get bored without all the emotion-provoking. I think we take ourselves too seriously as a nation =\
Oh I agree that they probably didn't expect it, I wasn't clear, I meant the public at large mostly expected it I have no numbers or theories to backup my pot shot at Goldman, but it's a rather accepted notion in the political environment around where I debate people - between both conservatives and liberals
This is highly opinionated and false. See http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/63191 They're just rallying against other things, why would they protest against something that's slowly trending in their direction
I think it was probably largely suspected, so not a lot to build steam up on =\
Are you serious about this topic? Teaching through fear is definitely a wrong way to go I think, there's no reason to develop your childs fear of the dark by locking them in a dark closet to be terrified. Better to hang them in a harness over a few moving blades that slowly lowers itself, or get a really mean dog and put them in a tree above the dog while it tries to get them... Personally, I'm in support of spanking children to moderation, but it just doesn't work the way most parents think it does. Also - if parents can't raise their own children, they shouldn't have children, there's no reason for a school to spank my children. (a close friend was actually made to bleed because the principle went too far in spanking...I think this can, and did, provoke an extreme response in the parent, if you're gonna deal with children, calm the eff down)
I have no doubt there's a significant number of educated people in there - though to be fair, congress members all have college degrees and I'm sure Palin has something along those lines as well - it doesn't make what they say or do educated. what I said was: meaning that there are a greater number of people saying crazy stuff than the number of people actually listing facts and grievances. 63% is still a majority.
Agreed - I was just having problems with the "liberals" part of it, seeing as this single guy (who realistically probably gets a few friends to join) plainly states it's not liberal or conservative, etc. Although someone else brought this website to my attention today also, and I told them the same thing, and the only response I get is "that's just what they want you to think, so the lefties can run rampant on the right and look normal on the left" I wish I had the luxury of debating from the standpoint where I could deny anything and not have to prove anything =c
But even the site itself plainly states that it's not affiliated with one party: I highly doubt a majority of the tea party is made up of undercover operatives looking to defame the group - and a majority of them are the ones that are making the educated few look really bad =\ Those are actually the kind of antics I used to pull, and I'm definitely not affiliated with either side - I just like arguing against whoevers being the most ridiculous at any given time.
Pish posh all of this scientific and craziness - get yourself a job in sales! telesales or door to door - I was ridiculously shy in person until I challenged myself to do well in a sales environment. Not only did I end up on the top earning part of the workplace, I'm no longer shy toward anyone in any situation