because you're not actually thinking about what you're writing, it's coming straight from the source with no fiddle faddle to interrupt it from your brain
where's glider when ya need him
sometimes you just hit your zone, where you write and write, perfectly with ideas that blow you away. You can't remember them because you weren't thinking about it, you were just writing;) That's the best kind of writing to do, it lets a lot more emotion out than just people who write from boredom
that's a bold faced lie
the moderators here are heartless nazi eskimoes who don't know how to spell eskimo pluralized nor do they have the capacity for human emotion
that being said
have a swell time, hope you come to enjoy our site
alright ladies, stop the flame war and get back on topic before yer all banned!!
shiver me timbers, y'all act like a buncha vagabonds
I don't know anybody who is unnaturally gay, most of the people I know attracted to the same sex are quite natural to me.
I would like YT to scientifically explain why they aren't natural, or not make another "gays are bad" comment
/serious about the flame war
you people sound as if you think homosexuality is completely about sex. What happens when a man marries a woman? Why did he marry her in the first place? For sex?
come on
men can feel love for men just as strongly as they can for women, if not stronger. I can't remember the last time I chose who I wanted to fall in love with
I don't use really anything anymore, since my own computer is not hooked to the internet and I don't have that kind of time anymore
however, you can be assured that there is probably never a moment where there aren't any people on the site;) We try and stay on around here
Kris, or without the "kris"
too many daves, away with you all
Daisy's name is....O_O.... Pretty Lady
and for the record, I have no children, especially with someone else's husband
the fact that she's a girl probably explains the intelligence at that age, I haven't seen many males with these kinds of questions (though I have to admit, I haven't met many women who would call their bio teachers slightly dull witted)
anywho, YT has a point, we're back to the whole immortal thing
I'll try and answer that when I get back, but some evil person will probably beat me to it:-(
welcome to the forums^_^
he wants to know how to make them, most likely
*sneaks off with a bottle of bleach and a flask of nitric acid*
...where do you live again YT? you and your breathing apparatus
but dogpile usually turns up about the same thing as I can get from google, plus a bunch of stuff almost not even related to what I want to find:-p
GoOgLe Pwns j00!
it doesn't matter what kind of science it uses, as long as it electrocutes all of you dirty physicists
besides, who said you could use those atoms to construct yourself and your puny railgun
I was searching for something or another...I can't remember now. I'll bet I never found it either, I started reading into this site as soon as I stumbled across it
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