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Everything posted by Dudde

  1. I chose GABA, cause nobody else did, and I have no clue what the heck that is
  2. Dudde


    SFN's gone crazy with insane avatars!!! I'm the only normal one left
  3. everyone blames movies and media-type people. which means it's probably their fault BAH! I know everything, I'm a teenager.
  4. also, people named sayonara need a good slap just cause I think people named neo_maya should also stop bashing themselves. Full-of-crapness may merely be uneducatedness;)
  5. I used to have long hair..but I gave it to locks of love I still cry for my poor hair:( but INDEED!! keep up the experiments YT. sounds like the kind of stuff I would love to be doing had I the time and resources....unfortunately, my family I'm currently living with can barely figure out the microwave;) oh well cool!
  6. Dudde


    I think HOLY MOLY sorry Daisy I got all busy and stuff and completely forgot. I've got homework out my ying-yang I think Blike and Faf are better with graphics than me anyway though...
  7. yup yup again^_^
  8. Dudde


    I believe YT's third answer should satisfy your teacher the other two are just not school material you could also find the owner of the barrels, and offer him/her a drink from each
  9. you know, if I didn't have to go to school to get a job later, I'd mozy on over and help YT. Cause I used to try to make fireworks all the time....I just could never figure out how I would get the homemade ingredients, and my chemistry teacher always watched me closely around materials
  10. I think if vikings were around today, that would totally rock. and we could make their helmets and ships glow in the dark. thanks for the experiment YT;) I don't have any money for matches or anything, but being the pyro that I am, I'll be sure to set something on fire here real soon..
  11. I don't think wishing an eternity of damnation on someone is the sort of forgiveness the Christian/etc. God is talking about..
  12. I fail to see the relevence of buddhism in this conversation? they believe that you're reincarnated, and that you are reborn depending on how you acted in your previous life, and that things come back at you whether good or bad something like that, ask my mom, she'll be happy to jam it in your nose () in any case, those in the present should do whatever necessary to accomodate for the rising population to help everyone gain at least some degree of happiness. That means using your best behavior and indoor voices. and when you get out of line, you should be given to me, for torture purposes....I could really make a living out of that...good thing I'm not buddhist, cause I'd be in heavy snizzin' trouble if that happened
  13. if you don't argue with more knowledgable people than yourself, how can you learn anything?
  14. who edited the title of this threadO_o I have a feeling it wasn't blike o_o
  15. Dudde

    Oi Sayonara

    I do believe you're confusing me with YT again sayonara
  16. no point merely trying to point out the fact that it appears that a large number of you were ganging up on this dude personally, I like hearing other theories even if the current laws of science would not permit for them. now if I could just get to reading those thingies, I'd be all set to say whether or not I agree or disagree
  17. that's the fafbot sometimes it gets crafty and talks, so we all think faf's in there
  18. that fact hit me as I reread my post sorry, I've been up since 4;) as soon as I reread that I remembered all that stuff I used to know, which includes aman's post. Figured I'd let someone correct me so everyone else would know too (no actually I was just too lazy to delete it...but it sounded good?)
  19. just that the evil fafbot is casting dark ritualistic spells in the always-empty chatroom...it's the safest place for him to work
  20. helium is just added to the tank to take the place of an inert gas, so you're not breathing pure oxygen I'm pretty sure at least...is that right? o-0
  21. you are a wise and merciful nun *bows to blike*
  22. I have a glue stick for a glue gun! ..I don't have a glue gun nor do I have a use for a glue gun but I've got the stick
  23. personally, depending on how far back you're talking, we aren't responsible for the past. but it still affects us all, and we still have to clean up after it maybe the past should try and be a little more responsible
  24. we do? fafbot kind of sounds like a robot made by faf for purposes of taking over SFN.... he controls half already though, so what good would that do?
  25. Dudde

    Oi Sayonara

    except the time I said he was mentally challenged:D
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