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Everything posted by Dudde

  1. I say we have public tortures and executions for anyone caught committing a crime!! ....better stay inside and stop driving myself I guess then...
  2. Dudde

    aww man

    no I don't have to take it in college, because I'm in an art school. And I would probably be able to test out of a few chemistry classes if I were in a different one. AP is "advanced placement", basically college chemistry for high school students, scored from 1-5 it's harder than one would think:-p not to mention the other two college classes (CISCO and anatomy) at the same time so I couldn't study all the time, and I was sick the day of the test (only reason I went to school was to take the stupid thing) so it's not THAT bad, better than most actually, average score is a 2, but dangit!
  3. Dudde

    aww man

    I only got a 3 on my AP chemistry exam:(
  4. IMI got corrected
  5. Sayonara's a japanese word... and I'l make sure 10 harems visit his grave every day!
  6. sayonara's nomination was for the position of suicide pilots but now he's gone home I'll have to politely invade his home and persuade him back out with chocolate bunny stars
  7. NavajoEverclear: stop attacking new members, whatever you think you recall from way back when holds no merit here he's here because he clicked on the link provided and he has an interest in science
  8. beauty is in the eye of the beer holder ...I can't remember who's sig I shamelessly snatched that from, but I'll give them their due credit next time I see it;) EDIT: which reminds me, I'm with faf on this, I can't stand the taste of most beers yuck
  9. Dudde


    I like to think of myself as "an old lurker returned" hehe...just as long as you don't read posts between sayonara and faf in the prostitution legalization thread;) glad to see you checked it out^_^ hope you find some scientific discussion that suits you here, feel free to create a new topic if you're interested in something new;) and besides that, loudmouths are always welcome here, as long as they have some intelligence, which you demonstrated earlier
  10. I nominate sayonara
  11. rise into a world dominating position
  12. now wait, is that 1180 replies, or 1180 posts telling the music company they suck? there is a difference
  13. at this point in time in the discussion, he's more of a debator than a superior, the latter only comes about when rules are broken speculating possible outcomes is really the only way you're going to come up with a hypothesis on what would happen until you actually try it, which is what comes before the experimentation stage;) as to how people act, I know there are a number of people in this world that quite enjoy their drugs, many being in denile that they are addicted. Those who realize they have a problem nowadays are probably afraid to admit and get help; legalizing their use would bring forth more people and reduce the number of users however, there's also that percentage that DON'T do it because it's illegal, who would start up as soon as it were legalized. You'd also need to set rules for the use of drugs, i.e. how much one person is allowed to consume (which would be hard to monitor), how old you could be to use (get rising levels of use in the age category directly under this most likely) and all the other stuff normally associated with regular drugs (tobacco and alcohol)
  14. bah, suing a 12-year old girl up to $150,000 a song! a lot of people download because they don't HAVE the money to buy the overpriced crap in the first place!
  15. *finds way to overtly kill faf*
  16. you have an annoying ring-tone and your volume isn't turned up enough? unless you're listening to the radio and the signal going into the phone is interfering with the radio signal or something?O_o...hmm...let's let the smart people answer this one
  17. wow , you guys are getting into this... doing survey's on drug use has nothing to do with it being a crime or not if people aren't afraid to be prosecuted for using drugs, they will most likely be more truthful in a survey to begin with. This would gain more accurate results for drug use; granted, not even the larger percentage who don't admit it now would change their minds, but some would;) everybody stop calling each other croutons, that's just low. Besides, name calling isn't really debating is it;) Starting to sound like a lot of politicians we are
  18. good point free pizza and drink for ALL!!!....who burn their"evil technomalogicoid things"
  19. hey wait...why my garden??
  20. try to keep the serious tone of your posts non-directed at other people eh? I'll be sure and check your stuff out;)
  21. Dudde

    an essay

    okay okay okay...seriously since you guys are the smartest people I know (I go to an art school eh) anyone mind if I post it up here?(excusing the obvious gaping holes in factual information in the two examples, I was hard pressed for time so I made up something that sounded logical for a teacher since I forgot all that stuff....it's been a long time:( I'm in the process of getting it right as we speak)
  22. now let me ask you this: what's better, a gator or a stick?
  23. but if they were smart enough to figure that out, they probably aren't doing drugs in the first place
  24. down with technology!
  25. yeah...when I have a chance to get into the chatroom Daisy's never there, and it's not often;) but I do get blike and dave, and dawid and faf
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