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Everything posted by Dudde

  1. I think he means astronomy;) the physics part isn't that interesting really unless you're into physics...which...oo he might be? hm.... well in either case! ...good luck;)
  2. you mean the active topics list? oooo looks like somebody didn't read the announcement at the top of the general discussion forum;)
  3. Dudde

    New to forum!

    haha oh man you guys are so mean to the poor script, simply because it's inferior doesn't mean it's worse^_^ ...wait.... well anyway welcome to the forums guys;) I'm learning a bit of programming but only enough necessary to program games and to satisfy my own need for something to do;) not enough for a job
  4. yes well...I agree with Greg, I'm just happy I was forced to watch it when my family rented it and watched it over and over again, thankfully I have a room...that movie was...well... anyways, the education system these days really should be shot and replaced, this one sucks and limits kids to almost NOTHING!!! really it's a waste...
  5. dear lord...I hope dreams have no significant meaning O_O some of the dreams I've had and told to other people have given them nightmares themselves;) I used to be able to control my dreams...kinda...it was fun, but not anymore
  6. ah yes, I'm right there with ya daisy^_^
  7. Dudde

    ever ask "why?"

    that's the kind of reasoning one would expect from a wo-...uh...woo...wooo hooo hooray for reasoning!
  8. Dudde


    yeah.... it's been around for a bit;) welcome to it^_^
  9. hey thanks! I'll get into learning that right away;)
  10. good point... well he was either smothered or neglected, in either case he should be given ECT
  11. any links or tips or advice or teachings would be greatly appreciated in any of those areas;) I'm a good learner I just haven't had the opportunity yet:-p stupid school...
  12. HTML baby...heh heh heh:cool: although I do hope one day to know more than just that;)
  13. ...I think that guy rehearsed and is just trying to pull off a joke...nobody could possibly be THAT dumb...I hope... he must not've been hugged as a kid O_o
  14. I was referring to the constant motion of the banana actually....
  15. yes but a dancing banana non-hologram would have trouble typing would it not? and daisy...I use the term girl to refer to all of the female gender;) I guess I could call you lady ...that doesn't sound right..
  16. Dudde

    ever ask "why?"

    no no...it would be a debate, where us guys could actually talk without fear of retribution from...uh... *pleads the fifth*
  17. well, being an honorary scot, as long as I get to take it over the scots can rule it^_^
  18. Dudde

    ever ask "why?"

    that's cause no guys are stupid enough to debate it outright in front of an actual woman..
  19. yeah..you are the only girl....weird....well at least you're cool;) but yeah what DO you think of that rule? *drives flock of sheep through prince's street garden*
  20. -?- sounds a lot like me when I first came to the internet;) only I was about 15 or 16 or so..and I had one of those "teen" attitudes I find so very annoying now, although I still frequent the sites that I was like that on and now help run one out of three of them^_^ the others happen to have 40,000+ other members so I find it a privelage just to be well known
  21. YE...wait I'm still an honorary scot right? I get to take over the world...then you can have it...if not then I'm keeping it and giving to someone else!! is that supposed to be raistlin from Dragonlance?O_o
  22. duuuude....I could be an honorary scot...that would rock my world.... and you guys, I'm telling you, you'll never take over the world, I'M taking over the world, THEN after THAT I'll give it to you...
  23. right..and since I am back on this computer (that mom didn't trust me with so she let the computer guy screw it over now I have 3 Gigs of hard drive space period) I won't install anything like that so daisy can hang out with me on the forums here until the chat gets fixed^_^
  24. dude..I got a cookie...the beavers can wait^_^
  25. well...you could import a cool picture of a daisy;) or she could leave it as is..makes her unique:cool:
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