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Everything posted by Dudde

  1. sayonara, that's just a sideways picture of his head;)
  2. Dudde

    Favourite books

    oh yeah!! the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy! ..but nope...sorry Daisy, haven't read any of those books;)
  3. well no...we didn't say water droplets...I do believe the conclusion was that the droplets accelerated the air?O_o I feel sorry for any and all of you who tried the cold shower thing;)
  4. yeah, I don't know if there are any planets undiscovered in our solar system, probably not though unless our solar system has some hidden corner to hide stuff from us with.... as to life on other planets, I think there are probably too many planets out there not to have at least a few thousand with some form of life on it;)
  5. hmm... I'll have to look that up..it doesn't sound right....of course I'm about ready to pass out in my chair so the only that sounds right about now is bed;)
  6. well I never used to think it was true, but it seems that some people DO feel like jumping into cars after playing this game....O_o... which just means they shouldn't play games anymore and ruin it for ME!! I guess^_^ ...dreaming of blocks...
  7. pfft....the clouds did look quite cool in their rusty color, unfortunately they also looked cool all the way across the sky..,
  8. maybe that's why he does it? some plot to look stupid on the science forums...a most dastardly plan indeed...
  9. oh man.... yeah, I've been known to speed, but you have to realize that out here there is NO traffic, and if there is you can see it coming a mile away, then again..I've never gone more than probably 20 over or so...
  10. Dudde

    Favourite books

    I couldn't begin to tell you a fraction of the books I've read, but I've read some good ones^_^ The Belgariad series was cool....Dragonlance chronicles...enchanted forest series, some of Nora Roberts (I don't wanna hear about it) books are cool, as with Johanna Lindsey, stephen king and I forgot who wrote "Child of Shadows", of course tolkien books...that's a good list for now I think;)
  11. it's true that you should protect them somewhat, but not too much or they won't be ready for the real world, they'll either be shocked beyond belief and live with you for the rest of their lives, or they'll go into the unsavory bit themselves to experience the new sensations they've never known before;) not saying you should completely desensitize them though...like my mother, I was 4 the first time I saw a lot of horror movies, gave me nightmares till I was 14 (which was cool because they were always fun, I was one of those weird children who like nightmares and were freaky) but look at me now^_^... ... ... protect your children
  12. yeah, games don't do nearly as much as television and music does:-p I hate people who say that;)
  13. o_o ...normally I wouldn't say this...but what an IDIOT!! :lame: my ten year old cousin knows more about science than that
  14. hm... yeah^_^ no wait....so did we decide that time is the change in entropy or the increasing of entropy?
  15. he has a point, you should check out some of the other titles on the market today, I know them all and I don't even play them;) Grand Theft Auto is a pretty cool series, 1 was cool, 2 was ..okay...and three was cool too...but it's only fun to drive around sidewalks with a tank for so long and get blown up by the army for so long ya know...
  16. are you sure?O_o what about the formation of more stable forms of matter, in which entropy would decrease?
  17. Dudde

    Matrix Reloaded

    well yeah but then reviews differ from person to person;)
  18. Dudde

    chat thingy

    egads man! you've allowed the chat thing to be broked!! *takes off hat to chat* ...
  19. paper is 3D or we would not get those dreaded paper cuts;)
  20. Dudde

    chat thingy

    bah, old sourpuss *shrieks as sword flies by his head* ... I was just kidding...heh... well, if it'll make someone happy then I'll be happy to drop by soon;) didn't think anyone actually used it^_^
  21. Dudde


    perhaps I should've utilized that IP address^_^ bah, stupid monkey, oh well if he comes back I'll get him;)
  22. Dudde

    Avatar selection?

    hey what about me! before you take new mods you should give the current ones a little more to cover;) not that we need any really...
  23. well technically, we see only 2D, our mind (as stated previously) percieves the image and we come to the conclusion that there is depth to the object, the 3rd dimension not exactly the increasing of entropy, rather the change in entropy
  24. hmm...really... aw well anyways a black hole, simply put, is a hole that is black, probably due to it's lack of color that's my definition and I'm stickin' to it;)
  25. like... design a virus that would correct the DNA in the cancerous cells? ..it would have to kill off some of the already formed cells as well, and you'd have to catch it early or program it to chase down the cells that travel through other systems
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