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Everything posted by Dudde

  1. I would love to help you out but I'm kind of in the middle of school right now, so you'll have to rely on blike:D
  2. bahaha...actually, I missed only 22 days (on half semester classes) and I got like..a C:-p back to topic though, ADD I'm sure a lot of it is real, but I do know that many kids falsely play at it because they're lazy or some such thing
  3. ooooh yeaah! I have to put up with that show waay too much, although I guess congress and CEO's would be a pain in who knows what to replace.... *goes out to educate people* BAH...some people just aren't educatable...hence the internet:D where intellectuals can meet those of equal or greater intellect;)
  4. hey man, sorry I'm usually on earlier than this I would've been happy to help ya congrats on getting it working though:D
  5. Dudde


    heh...it's not legal, but it's very much fun to do something like that to people who are very much agitating;) on accident of course....
  6. hehe...I already tried that one, the teacher didn't agree with the paper and contents so he gave it back and told me to redo it;)
  7. we DO know that telling a girl she's fat or old, even on a joking level, can leave your conscious bruised for weeks^_^ as for the buttered toast, that's fate;)
  8. heh...game design... but if I can't make it in that, then I'll go for CCNP and then CCIE and I'll be a big ol' networking manager for a corporation somewhere;)
  9. Dudde


    I have experience as a mod, and I'm US I could probably cover a few forums if you have need of me;) hmm..or you could put me in charge of punishment:cool: I don't think that looked like a proxy though...maybe?
  10. strangely enough (and as scary as it is to think of) that actually made sense...
  11. yeah, english is good but it's too easy;) as is with anatomy and physiology, there's just nothing to it for anyone with comprehension of science as for computers, I'm in CISCO 4, which is close to getting my CCNA and it's computer networking, though I am one of the top members of my high school's tech support;) of course..can't argue with chem...
  12. hmm...sort of makes me wish I'd sought relief from my intellectual boredom sooner... pyramids being used for water?O_o
  13. Dudde


    10000 years ago writing in one language across several continents wouldn't have been thought possible...HECK several continents wouldn't have been thought possible! however, I think it would be in the human races' best interest to not study too far into time travel, too much could go wrong for such a little gain
  14. but that world would surely be a boring one, and there wouldn't be many scientific advances if there was nothing to research, and so random new things would not be discovered?
  15. yeah, the weird thing is that I'm not even in a math class, I just do this stuff for fun, but because I can already do most of the stuff my old teacher would have to give me (I've already borrowed a text book) he gave me some stuff he knew I would have fun with^_^ like this one: for distinct real numbers x and y let P(x,y) be the larger of x and y and let p(x,y) be the smaller of x and y. If a<b<c<d<e, then evaluate P(P(a,p(b,c)), p(d,p(a,e))) I know this is easy, but the last couple times I tried it I was distracted and now my mind is stuck in this wrong answer mode for this...
  16. you understand my hatred of this paper;) I'll post another one I know answerable later, but I'm kind of in school right now:D
  17. Dudde


    if you could reverse time, what would happen to all that has already happened? it would undo itself? that could have some pretty bad side effects if you think about it;)
  18. wow...I think we've got 12 where I am to, I'm not sure, I never payed enough attention to school to notice:D my school is in the middle of the country, I'm lucky to have any science classes at all, it really sucks, but as for now I'm taking English 12 (bleh, this is a joke) Anatomy and Physiology (supposed to be college level, too easy to even be joked about) Advanced computers (hard determining on what level you put yourself into it at) AP Chemistry (this does get challenging, but most of the time it's still too easy to be considered even high school level) although I will admit, my inattentiveness to school is what made me not eligible for any higher than Advanced Algebra in the math stuff, so I quit at intermediate and borrowed a math book from my teacher and do it in my spare time;)
  19. really COPA was decided unconstitutional? hmm..I should start paying attention more..
  20. bah..I thought the government was supposed to be by the people and for the people around here? what the freak!?
  21. I'm not sure I want a world of smart people or pretty girls. and besides, intelligence and appearance are really just based on personal preferance, if someone came to you and told you everything there is to know about ketchup, you might call him an idiot, but he would clearly be smart enough to know everything about ketchup;) sorry...point: everything is relative, no need to go messing with it and mess things up
  22. wow...that was awsome... I'm not sure I have any more of those types of problems, but I certainly have more regular ol' number theory problems;) most of which I'm sure wouldn't be too hard..lemme see... how about: solve the differential equation dy/dx with the initial condition y(0)=C
  23. that brings up several good points. The parents may want their child (maybe back), but that would hardly be thinking of what's best for the kid, emotional stress and being made fun of probably throughout their lives, who knows how other people would react to a clone (they already think that having different colored skin or being a male/female is a bad thing, what happens when the person isn't natural?)
  24. yeah never heard of it..... what's it for?
  25. it is entirely possible that the theory is actual;) it just doesn't seem plausible really, that'd be almost like telepathy...unwilled telepathy
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