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  1. Interesting, so from our point of view a block hole is basically a bunch of black stars and hydrogen in a circle?
  2. I am somewhat familiar with relativity, but how exactly does it connect with light, and is it possible that light doesn't have to rely on relativity? Right, but can you explain why this happens?
  3. I understand the first part, but why would the probe shift to red and then invisible? And why aren't other objects invisible because of their color?
  4. In point of fact, it does. If you are accelerating away from the light source, the light will shift to the red, if you are approaching the source it will shift to the blue. But the velocity never changes. Ok actually that makes more sense because otherwise light would not have accelerated when you move which doesn't agree with the idea, thanks for the info. As for number 3, that is what I meant, not sure what the difference is. Number 4 actually doesn't matter in hindsight, just though it might have something to do with the changing of color. For 5, I think I might have a possible explanation for this but not sure without knowing how they measure the speed of light. 6 I explained in my first second comment, and the last one may be true, but this is focusing on the fact that the light source is accelerating in any given distance. Thanks for the insight! Could you explain this in a little more detail please?
  5. Sorry, what I meant was when the source of the light accelerates, the color changes.
  6. Ok so I got an idea formed over time that is pretty interesting. If light is a particle moving in a wave, then higher wave frequencies would result in a zigzag /\/\/\/\/\/\/\ like that which would create a longer path for light to travel across, but a lower frequency -------- should be more direct resulting in greater speed. This isn't much evidence of anything but there is more. Several scientific facts are being used here so I will list them ahead of time to make sure I have them all correct. 1. When light accelerates, the color changes. 2. When you accelerate, color doesn't change. 3. Acceleration affects gravity. 4.Gravity affects time. 5.Light always appears to be moving at the same speed even if you are moving, light still get's to you just as fast for some reason. OK so I am not positive all of those are true, but it's what I've heard and what isn't true some genius might figure out a way to rearrange the idea to make sense. Anyway, my idea is this. When light accelerates backwards, the gravity changes and affects the wavelength of the light (We don't understand enough about gravity to know how this would happen but must have something to do with gravity because that is the only thing changing) which causes the light to reach you just as quickly even though the light is farther away by taking a "shortcut". I can barely wrap my brain around half of what I just said and there are some obvious problems, but overall I think it could make sense if I moved a few things around. I just wanted to write this down and see if anyone else has something to add.
  7. A probe sent to the event horizon would supposedly stop just before it entered because time slows down right? Well if that is true, then why aren't black holes covered in compressed hydrogen, stars, plasma, and anything you fin din space that gets sucked in? It seems to me that black holes should be completely concealed by all the stuff and yet, despite the idea that time slows around it, suns get completely sucked in at a fairly normal pace. At least that's the way I see it. So why is that?
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