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Everything posted by Jacques

  1. "the ten field equations" sorry for my ignorance but is it a GR equation ? "kludge" I am french speaking and didn't found a translation for that word... Do you have an other word for that Thanks
  2. Is there some model for the electromagnetic force in the style of GR where gravity force is explain by space curvature. Is it possible to model the EM force with space curvature ? Thanks
  3. What I understand is that there are no simple explaination. We must do some act of faith... That bring me to an other question: Does this model of particle exchange to carry the electromagnetic force, better than the electromagnetic field model (Maxwell)?
  4. Virtual particle Humm It's like a phantom and everybody knows that phantom don't interact with matter Does these explaination apply to macroscopic object ? Like the two metal leaf in an electroscope or the ballon I rubbed on my hair and is now stricking on the wall ?
  5. You right photon have no charge so no charge lost. But there would be a lost in energy.
  6. For a start let stick to repulsion. How does the electron knows where to send the photon ? If it is sent randomly in all directions, wouldn't the charge dissipate after a moment?
  7. I readed that the electric force is mediated by photons. Can somebody explain that to me ? For example two positively charged spheres repel each other. How photons exchanged between the spheres make them repel each other ? If you now have a positive and a negative charged spheres how does the same photon exchange mecanism make then attracted to each other ? Thanks for your answers.
  8. It is called a microwave oven
  9. Thanks for the equation! Is it valid for non radial length? It is the same as the proper time equation! Time and space contract in sync. I found an estimate of the mass of the universe made from the cosmic microwave background radiation data. They estimated the density of the universe to [math]3*10^3^0 g/cm^3[/math]and computed a mass of [math]3 * 10^5^2 kg[/math] for the visible universe (14 billions years). But in many others threads I readed that there is no center for the bigbang so I cannot use these equations since the r variable doesn't exist. There is no center to mesure r . I think, I need an equation who use only density. Something not vectorial. The effect of mass density on spacetime.
  10. OK I think the position of GR is that space/time curve. The reason for that question was: The space is expanding. If we go back in time 1 million years after the bigbang the density of matter was superior. All the mass of the visible universe would be concentrated 14000^3=2.7x10^9 (Assuming 14 billions age). The gravity will be more intense and time will go slower. What apper to us now as 1 million year looked for our ancestor 14 billion years (Assuming there was some one to observe). Also the expansion seems to accelerate. Can it be that the gravity field is less intense and time goes faster ??? I was asking if space was expanding our contracting to see if it hold the road. I know I used the layman answer, but I need help to understand exactly what "space time curve" means. I am learning Special Relativity now. I know the boost of the spacetime diagram. Does a 'boost' transformation exist for gravity?
  11. Thanks for you answers I will comeback on it after diner or later on
  12. Gravity slowdown time: We can do an experiment with two clocks and mesure the difference in reading. That was predicted by GR and verified by experiment. Me too I don't know how to design an experiment to show if there is a space contraction or dilatation. But does GR predict a contraction or a dilation or no effect of gravity on space ?
  13. I am one of them with long leg and that's what I experience: my leg sinking pulling the rest of my body down.
  14. I havwe a simple question. I tried to search on the forum but it gave to many results so I decided to ask the question: General relativity tell that gravity slowdown time and that is proven by the GPS. Does gravity have an effect on length (contraction or expansion) ??? Thank you for your responses
  15. It would gain more gravity that's evident, but there wont be fusion of heavier element because in a blackhole there's nothing you can identify as element. I don't know if we can still speak of matter.
  16. Always supprised to see that some people belive in creationist. I am not sure but I think it is thaught in school in Texas...
  17. I go one step further with 3D time http://scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=12476 My thaught is that the gamma factor of relativity is simply the projection of multi dimentional time to one dimentional time. Our sense of time is very primitive. We don't have a very elaborate organs to sense time. We are not in the same time location as the galaxy ten million light years from here. And the other one 10 million lightyear in a direction 90 degres from the first one is in other time location. If you want to compute the difference in time location between the first one and the second one you will use trigonometric function. Time is not a simple line.
  18. Jacques

    3D time

    He seems to succeed very well in adding time dimensions to quantum theory. I don't know a lot in that field but his maths looks OK (can somebody who knows these maths confirm?). Also he pretend that it is solving QM problem like EPR !
  19. I Google and found http://www.phy.uct.ac.za/courses/phy400w/particle/higgs.htm One of the one page explaination ( http://www.phy.uct.ac.za/courses/phy400w/particle/higgs2.htm ) compare the Higgs field to a viscous liquid to explain inertia. I will need force to overcome the vicosity to start moving a mass but I will also need a force to keep it moving... I think it is not a good analogy. From the 5 one page descriptions, which one is the closest to what is a Higgs boson ?
  20. Thanks for your answers Yes I understand that will be a ridiculous small relativist effect. For the density let say that it is at the center of a star. I think like insane answered that the reaction will be more a fussion one than a fission one.
  21. Hi I have a small question: Does temperature influence radioactivity? Uranium 238 have a half-life of around 4.5 billion years. If I heat some U238 to 1,000,000 degre K does the half-life change. My guest is yes more collision will increase the chance of the atom to emit an alpha particule. My next question would be is it possible to heat a stable element like lead so it will become radioactive ? Thanks for your answer
  22. Jacques

    3D time

    Quantum Physics, abstract quant-ph/0505104, Equations of Motion with Multiple Proper Time: A New Interpretation of Basic Quantum Physics wrote: Equations of motion for single particle under two proper time model and three proper time model have been proposed and analyzed. The motions of particle are derived from pure classical method but they exhibit the same properties of quantum physics: the quantum wave equation, de Broglie equations, uncertainty relation, statistical result of quantum wave-function. This shows us a possible new way to interpret quantum physics. We will also prove that physics with multiple proper time does not cause causality problem. http://www.arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0505104 I think that's very interesting! I don't know very much about QM so can some expert here give there opinion on this paper. Thanks
  23. That what the question is all about
  24. Here the letter of the Astrophysical Journal Letters First Extragalactic Direct Detection of Large-Scale Molecular Hydrogen in the Disk of NGC 891 Here the subject of that letter NGC 891 The ISO satellite site NGC 891 My first thaugth Not a lot of observations. To bad the satellite is not operational since May 1998. A lot of data available on line ! You can try to find your H2 cloud !
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