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  1. Ok, i'm attempting to make a chlorate/perchlorate cell, but i need a power supply. I was told that converting a ATX computer power supply and using the 5 volt setting would work good. Well, recently, my brother assembled a computer of his own(it was an extremely fast gaming computer), but his 700 watt power supply would not turn on unless it had feedback from the motherboard. I have picked out a 400 watt power supply off of ebay for 17$(including shipping), but i dont know if it needs feedback from a motherboard for it to work. Here is the power supply: http://cgi.ebay.com/HERCULES-400W-Computer-POWER-SUPPLY-20-24-Pin-Atx-SATA_W0QQitemZ120439458816QQcmdZViewItemQQptZPCA_UPS?hash=item1c0ac04c00&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A15|66%3A2|39%3A1|293%3A2|294%3A50 If anyone can help me out on this, please reply.
  2. If you need sodium nitrate out of ordinary household compounds, you can make it from ammonium nitrate and sodium bicarbonate. Here is how you get the chemicals: Ammonium Nitrate - Is found in granular form in instant-cold packs(I get mine at wal0mart). Just remove the bag of water and crush up the little spheres of ammonium nitrate. Soduim bicarbonate - It's just baking soda. How i make it is mix Sodium Bicarbonate and Ammonium Nitrate in equal amounts in a beaker. Then I add some water to dissolve it. The reaction goes : NaHCO3 + NH4NO3 = NaNO3 + NH4HCO3. Boil the solution and then the Ammonium Bicarbonate(NH4HCO3) will decompose into ammonia gas, carbon dioxide, and water. The reaction goes: NH4HCO3 + Heat = NH3 + CO2 + H2O. If you keep boiling until all the water is boiled off, you will be left with a white crystalline solid, which is Sodium Nitrate. Note: Do this entire process outside, because ammonia gas is a irritant to the lungs, and smells like public bathroom. Have fun and be safe!
  3. Well i was reading this, and i have tried to make nitric acid before. I heated NH4NO3 in a test tube with a stopper connected by a hose to another test tube halfway full with water in a ice water bath. I didn't see any brown NO2 fumes, so i assumed what was coming out was N2O. I gave up after a little while, but when i tested the pH of the liquid, it was about 1.5. I dont know what i made, but i guessed it was nitric acid. When i put a piece of copper in it, it didn't react. I left it there for 3 days. It's still here and it's been in there for 4 days and it still hasn't reacted yet. Do you guys have any idea what i made if it isn't HNO3? Please reply.
  4. Oh ok. I might try that method. I also heard about heating copper filings on a stove until they turn black. Will that work? P.S. Anyone know a way to make Copper Chloride?
  5. Well i may try to make copper oxide as you described. But how long do i need to heat it for? just until it turns black? Also, would you know a way to produce copper(cupric) chloride?
  6. I am looking for a easy way to make Copper(Cupric) Chloride or Copper Oxide(CuO). Either works. If anyone has any suggestions, please reply to this post. I am thinking of putting copper into a hydrogen peroxide solution. Will that make copper oxide(CuO)?
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