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  1. well in short it is a vessle that would be able to take us to mars the moon or any where in space that we needed to go in space and the cost would be cheap by most standards because most of the techology in the ship is already in use or has been built and tested by other people other then the means of thrust. but i am not all that science smart and all i have is a concept in words and some ideas that i think would work but other then that i need help and my web page gives more detail
  2. Hello I have no small project I have been working on for serval years now (senice 2002) and I have been working on this project in my spare time, I call it Project Crazy horse, here are some of the detailes of the project. but before I start please do not ask to see the science ok that is why I am here, to get help with the science and design. This concept is in word with some ideas that are under the term K.I.S.S (keep it stupid simple) I do not have the science back ground to do the math or draw it out, but I do have the idea to explain the concept to people well over the phone and though skype I just need help to get the techinal side down so it can take a shape, I have the base design I want to work from on my web page, and a few of the items that need to be worked on. The life support is a hybred of what is used on the space shuttle and the nuclear submarines, the power generation would be the say system that is used on nuclear ships and submarines using steam from the nuclear reactors to turn a turbine to create power for the ship, and all systems. But here are the issues that I need real help on. the main engine what kind of reactor can be used other then the impact plate theory. navigation what kind of system could be used to plot a course and where would we start in order to plot a course what would be the best fuel to use for the ship what size of space frame would be best for a ship of this kind so if you are interested in helping on this project please contact me on here or post your ideas and help topics on this site that i created for the project Email and offsite link removed by Moderator please any help will be welcomed and I will give credit to all that help
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