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    Cell Biology

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  1. Hi everyone, I am currently trying to identify some unknown bacteria for a lab project. We've been given a case study where we have to identify potential pathogens in a sample of dam water. I have two species, which I am finding really difficult to identify!! Can anyone help or guide me in a good direction please? DAM SAMPLE 1: Gram negative singular, coccobacilli red pigmented colonies on all nutrient agar γ haemolytic non-lactose fermenting non-halotolerant catalase + oxidase - + glucose, mannitol, xylose, ONPG, Indole, Urease, VP, Citrate, TDA. DAM SAMPLE 2: Gram negative γ haemolytic lactose fermenting non-halotolerant catalase + oxidase - Any help would be very appreciated!!!!! Thanks
  2. I have 2 bacterial samples which I have to identify for a Microbiology project. FAECAL SAMPLE: Gram - Bacilli Non haemolytic (Horse Blood Agar) Non Lactose Fermenting (MacConkey Agar) No Growth (Mannitol Salt Agar) Catalase + Oxidase - Also these biochemical analysis results came from my Microbact strip 12E & 12A Lysine + Ornithine + H2S + Glucose + Mannitol - Xylose + ONPG - Indole - Urease - VP + Citrate + TDA + VAGINAL SAMPLE: Gram - Bacilli Non haemolytic (Horse Blood Agar) - may have recorded this wrong, could have possibly been b-haemolytic? Lactose fermenting (MacConkey Agar) No Growth (Mannitol Salt Agar) Catalase + Oxidase: when we did the test, twice, we thought it was Positive. However, our instructor thinks we probably recorded the information wrong as it was meant to be negative. Because we recorded a false positive, we didn't do a biochemical analysis. For the FAECAL sample, when I interpreted the Microbact code it was 100% Proteus mirabilis, however on further investigation I think P mirabilis is meant to be Urease +.... I have probably recorded a false negative for this. Does anyone have any ideas what else it could be? I don't have any more access to the codes for the microbact and have spent all weekend trying to solve this problem. I really need to have some at least ideas of what bacteria it could be. For the VAGINAL sample, I am completely lost as we likely recorded a false positive for the oxidase test. I need to discuss this in my results which I will do, however, I need some likely bacteria which it could be. I have a few ideas already: Gardnerella vaginalis: normal vaginal flora with a variable Gram wall. May be susceptible to Clindamycin (which our sample was NOT - it was resistant) Lactobacillus spp. : again normal vaginal flora. I've done a bit of research and found that V crispatus, gasseri, iners, jensenii are apparently common in the vagina.. but there are a LOT of the Lactobacillus species, i'm not too sure about which ones would fit my results..?! I've also found that Gram negative rods with a + oxidase result are Vibrio spp., Aeromonas spp., and Pseudomonas spp. Which is another reason I think we really recorded a false +!! Anyone who can help point me in the right direction or has some knowledge on this or can even just talk through this with me, please comment!! I need to get this project done ASAP so any help is grateful. I have been looking online ALL weekend, so I have found pretty much as much as I can. THANK YOU!!!!!!
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