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About Function

  • Birthday 12/27/1996

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  1. Sitting on your train at 6.50 a.m., revising your course of functional neuroanatomy of the basal ganglia, and while thinking about vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) in case of refractory epilepsy (it so happens I read an article on that), formulating a hypothesis on whether stimulation of certain nuclei of the thalamus would be a good treatment (integration of the class on basal ganglia), only to find out the very same day, during the first class of that day (a class on epilepsy), that this treat...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sato


      Physica's much more polite that that; perhaps it was sarcasm or meaning that your talent will be wasted in academia.

    3. physica


      I'm saying that you're very smart and very interested/motivated. Once you graduate you may find medical academia frustrating and limiting. To compensate I hope you find the clinical work rewarding. You're a lot smarter and motivated than the average medic I've worked with.

    4. Function


      Then I'm very flattered and I apologize for the misunderstanding. I'm dreaming specializing (6 years) in neurosurgery after my 6 years (1 done so far lol) of Medicine, a whole world of potential research and discoveries, of course combined with clinical activities. I couldn't imagine doing something else later ;)

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