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Posts posted by Function

  1. Hey,

    So for a essay I am writing I am discussing allotransplantation and its limitations and how xenotransplantation could potentially solve them. One limitation with allotransplantation is risk of infection due to exposure of donor/organ to the environment before the organ is transplanted. Another, of course, is side effects of immunosuppressants. I was wondering if anyone knows any sources where I can find data on which is more responsible for disease/infection after the transplant. I.e. how much does immunosupressants contribute and how much does epidemical reasons contribute? This would support that there are severe limits to allotransplantation however the screening of the animals and growing them in a controlled, sterile environment can help overcome risk of disease or infections as a result of the transplantation.

    Thanks, any relevant information, links etc would be much appreciated. Or any key terms or technical phrases which could help me locate the information.

    Also being very curious after writing 5000 words on the subject, what do you guys think about xenotransplantation specifically with "mixed chimerism"?


    Don't forget the lack of immunocompatibility as a major problem in allotransplantation.


    I don't think that immunosuppressants are as deadly as a septic shock due to cytokin storm in a potentially incompatible transplant: if you don't have anything else going on, you could miss your immune system for a while.


    Lots of patients with lymphomas get immunosuppressants, suppressing the development/function of e.g. B-cells (in case of a B-cell lymphoma); they can do fine with it, but when they get a slightest fever, they better rush to emergency asap, since they don't have a functioning immune system against the threat.


    What I mentioned about cytokin storm is a really nasty matter: when in a cytokin storm, dying isn't rare. Do some research on MHC, HLA, immunocompatibility etc.




    Your comment on diabetes mellitus type 1 is interesting. But easily answered: the problem with DM-I is that your patient produces auto-antibodies against the pancreatic beta cells in the langerhans islets producing insulin. So whether it's your own pancreas or another pancreas you were to transplant, you're screwed and your beta cells will be destroyed (you could ask about the mediation of the destruction and immune response against the beta cells, but that is irrelevant: if you have your own autoreactive t cells reacting against your own pancreatic HLA-presenting beta cells, then you could ask yourself: transplanting someone else's pancreas doesn't express the same HLA; CAVE: this is immuno-incompatibility and - indifferent from the type of tissue (pancreatic) and its cells - will result in organ rejection.


    I don't have the time to look up articles so you'll have to take my word for it - for what it's even worth.


    Pancreas transplantations are not done. In case of DM-I, it's useless. In case of acute pancreatitis, you just have to watch 'n wait until it's over. In case of chronic pancreatitis, you could drain it and perform some surgical procedures (if interested, I know the next procedures: Partington-Rochelle drainage, Wirsung's procedure, Baker's procedure, Puestow's procedure; Puestow and Wirsung are not indicated anymore, however, in chronic pancreatitis; the drainage of Partington and Rochelle is the most commonly performed surgery in chronic pancreatitis).

  2. Is it Chrome-specific? If it's a proper virus/malware, a reinstall is the only way to go really.


    I don't know how, but with a lot of messing around with my computer, installing several anti-shit software and having fun in the crypts of the register, I managed to get asymptomatic.


    Don't know whether it's still there or doing something, but I'm not feeling any side effects of it anymore.

  3. Save your bookmarks, if you want, and delete your google folder in C: > Users > Your Name > AppData > Local > Google. Appdata is a hidden folder that can be revealed by showing hidden folders first in the 'View' menu of Explorer. This will give you a vanilla copy of Chrome or you can re-download Chrome, after uninstalling it, if you want to be sure. When you uninstall Chrome the normal way, the Google folder is never deleted, you have to do it manually. That's why some PUP's (potentially unwanted programs) persist after installing a new copy of Chrome. Google try to hang onto your trackable information, and anything else that be parked in there, by not deleting that folder.


    Hope this works for studiot - didn't work for my Super Deluxe Chinese Computer Virus Level Expert Plus

  4. You could google it


    Then again, what's the point of a forum ...


    No, we don't have "cellulases". If you eat a lot of e.g. red berries, which have cellulose in their peel, you'd excrete them again - as such. If you don't bite them, don't expect anything of the berry to be absorbed by your intestines. Bacteria might have cellulase, I guess ... But I'm not sure. I'm only certain that we don't.


    Excessive cellulose ingestion might thus cause an osmotic diarrhoea (I'm not sure if that's written correctly; I find the spelling of that word disturbingly odd).

  5. In my branch (medicine) it's quite irregular to just walk by someone you know or you've spoken with even one time - at least that's how I perceive it. When I encounter someone I've had a small talk with once, I'd surely say "hi" or indeed greet them with a polite nod. On our campus, it's quite easy to get to know anyone and you're known by a lot of people rather quickly without even having spoken to them. Which you notice when random people you've never ever encountered before start to greet you and you begin to question your memory.


    It's not uncommon to even greet your professors whom you've never really had a talk with, they surely do appreciate that. Just a polite nod saying only "prof" is enough.


    But ... uni wouldn't be uni if you wouldn't have your classical year jerks hated by most of the year. Whom I do not greet at all and I just walk by without even looking at them. Long story.

  6. Liberalism, yes, but not liberals.

    The definition of liberal is someone who questions tradition and has a deep philosophy of the universe.

    But most liberals tend to be very closed-minded, fixed in their beliefs and follow the mainstream.


    I'm quite okay with the lines of thought of the liberalists here; but then again, let's not compare political systems of different nations in this thread.

  7. I speak of America. In America suicidals are thrown in mental hospitals under lock and key. They are not technically called asylums, but are basically almost the same, since you cannot leave without first getting permission from a doctor.


    America's view on psychology and psychiatry - in organisation of healthcare, that is; I'm sure there are researchers who've published a lot of valuable information - is indeed, imo, enormously narrow-minded and egocentric. Liberalism would do fine.


    Just a bunch o' bollocks.

  8. Basically, you have a point.

    The therapy industry is set up that patients never reveal their suicidal thoughts, for fear of being locked away in an asylum. Thus therapists can never really heal their patient, because the patient is actually afraid of revealing any relevant truths to them.


    Suicidal patients aren't locked up in an asylum ... At least not in Belgium.


    But there is a certain stigma on having a clinical depression/major depressive disorder, and there's a certain treshold you have to overcome to make the first step to a healthcare worker.


    Without consent, no one can be 'locked up' in an asylum. In Belgium, that is.

  9. Suicide itself is illegal in some countries. In the majority of countries assisted suicide is illegal, which is what you would need for those who lack the 'guts'.


    Encouraging or facilitating someone to commit suicide is often illegal too, so you can't run suicide boots or organise suicide trips at the moment.


    Great list of countries. You can kind of expect what kind of countries make suicide attempts "illegal". I'm actually quite surprised that assisted suicide is legal, baffled that it's legal in Belgium: I always thought helping someone committing suicide was illegal.


    Guess it's different from helping someone in making the decision of committing suicide?


    But seriously ... Looking at some penalties they give people who failed a suicide attempt just gives an idea of the primitivity of that country: these patients are mostly locked up in prison ... Only a matter of encourageing them to try again after they are released. They ought to get psychiatric help, no jailtime.


    I find the term "legal" quite misleading, actually, thinking about it ... An impending suicide, for example, gives doctors an exception to the patient-physician duty of confidentiality: whenever an emergency situation is imminent, a physician can overrule the duty of confidentiality for the sake of the well-being of his patient(s) and/or society (also e.g. when a physician has strong suspicions of ongoing child abuse; but when someone who killed another person consults his doctor confessing the crime, and not apparent of committing any other crime henceforth, a physician is still bound to duty of confidentiality, in Belgium ... beautiful, isn't it?)

  10. Legalising suicide could solve that issue.


    Legalising? No law will stop you from doing it; it isn't illegal, as far as I'm aware of ... Imagine being locked up for committing suicide. Lol


    Everyone in such world and life will become extremely bored. But far from everyone will have the 'guts' to perform the act of suicide: no way back. What if something amazing happens when I'd be dead? Am I prepared to miss that? ...

  11. Just imagine an immortal Trump creature!


    No need to go that far: just imagine yourself to be immortal. The hell would you keep doing after you've done everything. Can't imagine of something more boring than being immortal.

  12. Thank you!


    About your comment on (non-)normality of distribution: from when can a QQ-plot which "in your eyes" seems as if the data surely do approach a certain normal distribution according to Gauss, overrule a significant Kolmogorov-Smirnov (n > 50) or Shapiro-Wilk (n < 50)?


    If K-S or S-W report difference from the distribution with a Gaussian distribution with a p < 0.0001, are you bound to reporting it as such, or can a QQ-plot still save your data by calling it 'normal enough' for use of a parametric test (with higher power than nonparametric)?

  13. Hello


    I was wondering: when you use a parametric test on data (e.g. unpaired Student's t-test), you may report a certain t(df), and p value, and you may report mean and a certain confidence interval to give an idea of the direction of the (in)significance or the trend of the result.


    But what when you get to use a nonparametric test? Let's say you use the nonparametric equivalent of the Student's t-test mentioned above: the Mann-Whitney U test. What will you report? I may recall incorrectly that nonparametric tests are based on the median and IQR, rather than on means and CIs. Then again, I might recall correctly that they are based on (mean) ranks ...


    So let's say you have a certain U = 1,183.00, z = -3.488 and p < 0.001 (statistics that I would all report).


    How will you give your readers an idea of the direction of the significance? Will you still report means and CI? Or will you report medians and IQRs?


    Thank you very much for your insights.





  14. UV light promotes the formation of vit. D in our body by catalyzing certain metabolism pathways.


    Downstream, calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, aka 1,25-dyhydroxyvitamin D or vit. D3) is formed by liver and kidneys out of 'inactive' vit. D.


    It is calcitriol which will act in your Ca and P metabolism (most importantly it will promote intestinal absorption of both minerals).


    The formation of vit. D3 is also helped by parathormon (parathyroïd hormon, PTH) (which also promotes the intestinal absorption of Ca and P, and inhibits renal excretion of Ca and promotes renal excretion of P, which results in a net rise of serum Ca levels and decrease of net serum P levels) ... I could go much further into detail on Ca and P metabolism and bone resorption etc. and the role of PTH in those mechanisms, but that would lead us too far for your question.


    I suggest you read the text under the heading "Synthesis in the skin" on the Wikipedia page of "Vitamin D".

  15. They're working on a pill that will be capable of having the cells repair themselves. They've done it with mice, and have made old mice equally as capable as the young mice. Human trials have already started.


    Please, provide proof in the form of an article or multiple articles published in peer-reviewed journals ... Not that I don't want to believe you, but this is a very severe domain.


    This is readily evident in the nuance-free caricaturizations you choose to criticize.


    I hate it when people isolate themselves from groups of people based on overgeneralised assumptions which are not even true in most cased.


    My brother, for example, is only 21 years old, and already starts whining about the "youth of today" and all its flaws. Parents play a way too big role in the development of "individual" opinions and insights. Luckily I've been quite immune for letting them infect my thoughts with their narowness.


    Bit mean to say about your own parents, no? Well perhaps I'm not all that kind :P but I won't change my opinion on people based on their role in my life or such ... If I say something about someone who then happens to be a friend of the person in question, I would even literally say: "that's very nice but that won't make me less honest".


    Ah well, perhaps it's good what I'm "doing", perhaps not. I think people should be more open to others, both in mind and in speech. Narowness and overgeneralisations must be exterminated.


    Nice utopia, aye?

  17. Thus, mentioning Stephen is irrelevant, because it implies a hypothetical scenario that someday I will be rich too, like him. The fact is, I am not rich like Stephen, thus mentioning him is totally irrelevant to me, because it assumes a hypothetical future that I will someday be rich like him, which is a low probability and not the current actual fact.


    It's irrelevant but, I had a friend who was very close to Stephen.


    I was not implying that having difficulties in social communication gives you a pass for becoming rich.


    I was saying that it should not restrain you from pursuing your dreams.

  18. Also, I want to point out something interesting...Most of these arguments are focused on the human's perspective - whether the human is right or wrong. This reflects the inherent self-centeredd nature of the human species.


    Forgive us for being human.


    I'm not convinced a lion thinks about those poor human beings when he tears one apart.


    I'm sick of this "humans are not natural" nonsense. Of course we are natural. We are as natural as any other living animal.

    If you shot the bird for fun or for food the bird will hate you the same either way...


    I hope if I get shot and get to die from that shot, I won't think anything anymore.

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