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Lepton (1/13)



  1. My friend and I were talking about some science-y things, and some of the things he said really intrigued me about questions with possibly blatantly obvious answers, but either way, I'm going to ask just to make sure. First of all, is it possible for light to manifest a physical form? We can see light, but is it possible to touch it, and warp it to a shape or any other physical form? Second, can huge amounts of sound create black holes? My friend says massive, and I mean massive, amounts of loud sound can create black holes, which to me sounds insanely stupid. Adding on to this question, can you be sucked in to a black hole if you're behind it? Black holes suck in everything, but he says if you're behind it (anywhere behind it, distance doesn't matter) you can't be sucked in. Last of all, as atoms have an infinite amount of space between one another, and things such as pillars are made up of atoms, if you put your hands on both sides of a pillar, you're technically touching your other hand, as the space between atoms technically lets your hands through. This questions probably sounds like I'm saying, "Hey, I belong in a mental institution" but he says it's true. That's all. And if you are unsure about something then say so and I'll edit my post P.S. Explanations are more helpful than yes or no answers!
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