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Everything posted by moth

  1. This title does not exist
  2. Not always, some people were violently opposed to steam: Steel took time to develop, with some false starts and dead-ends, and was not inexpensive of resources or time. Fortunately our ancestors were willing to invest in making a better future instead of demanding results at the time. As has already been pointed out: $2.6 billion is a lot of cash, but not so much when compared to everyday items like toilet paper ($3.7 Bil.), or candy (more than $29 Bil.) So you admit the possibility that we may learn something useful? The Moonstones are not the whole story, there are other benefits from the moon missions.
  3. This is all clear now, but mostly because you are looking back and seeing all the benefits that came from these innovations. It's not so easy to say where new ideas will lead when you are looking forward. Some humans have a need to expand our knowledge and push against the boundaries of ignorance. They live at the frontier rather than exist in a cave. Discovering life on another planet would improve our understanding of life. Pushing the frontier off Earth could improve the future of humanity by seperating our fate from the fortunes of one planet.
  4. What is the point of making a leyden jar just to store sparks? Why make a steam engine when a team of horses can do the same work? Who would need a steel sword it's easier to use copper or bronze? Why collect dirt and make pottery? Why do you throw those seeds there? Why leave the cave? I'd rather just sleep.
  5. That's why I referred to the values represented by the symbols and not the symbols themselves. 5-4=1 is true and the symbols are not symmetric at all, but the value of the symbols "1" and "5-4" are. Are you saying you can partition a volume with a single line? Homogeneity does not imply scalar symmetry milk can be homogeneous but zoom in a bit and it appears different. I understand the word "nothing" refers to two "things" in the statement "nothing works" the empty set and nothingness. I thought it was clear enough (bad jokes aside) i was referring to nothingness when I wrote nothing. Maybe i could restate this idea as "symmetry is an intrinsic property of nothingness".that is nothingness requires symmetry and if nothingness lacks some symmetry it's something. I'm not familiar enough with singularity to to know if it's different but i suspect an asymmetry of potential.
  6. Obviously, 1=1 is symmetrical in that the value on the left side is the same value as on the right side. They are indistinguishable. Moth wings are (approximately) the same: if you move some distance to the left (of the line of bilateral symmetry) and do some test to detect some property of the wing, then move an equal distance to the right on the same line, perpendicular to the line of symmetry, and do the same test you will get a similar result. if the moth was symmetric the results would be equal. Imagine the same symmetry front and back,top and bottom, forward in time and backward, and in all ways. this is what I'm talking about. Absolute symmetry in every way, mirror, translation, scale etc.. AND every test imaginable to generate results to compare. If you can detect no difference what do you have? I propose it's indistinguishable from nothing. It's been a long day so now I'll just say goodnight.
  7. You mean this I guess since the rest is not relevant. I proposed no theory, not even a hypothesis, I made a statement and expected it to be shot down. thanks anyway, but I'm tired of your hostility. later
  8. Well we finally agree on something Moth wings can have bi-lateral symmetry about 1 axis, that's not what I'm talking about and another strawman. pirates are human beings, earthquakes are a movement of earth's crust. Surely you can find one difference between symmetry and nothing?
  9. Nothing, like symmetry, has no distinctions. if you can make a distinction the distinguishable part must be different (inequality) from the rest or there would be no reason to segment the part. In your effort to construct a strawman you introduced equality. Do you think nothing can be asymmetric? Maybe you could give some examples of the difference between nothing and symmetry.
  10. I didn't understand why you introduced equality when I was using inequality. Maybe you could make your point more clearly?
  11. But there is a clear bridge between nothing and inequality. If some part of nothing is not equivalent to the rest of nothing then it's something.
  12. Is nothing symmetrical? If nothing had no symmetry it would have distinctions If there are distinctions between parts wouldn't that make it something? maybe nothing is perfect symmetry.
  13. Are you saying you understand nothing?
  14. Nothing is incomprehensible.
  15. The experiment can be run with no minds to observe the results, and the absence of the mind changes nothing. You might look at the delayed choice variation of this experiment and imagine a computer tallying the result. They would be the same results as if a conscious observer was watching. No woo needed.
  16. I don't know how feasable this is but I'm sure warp drive would be awesome. Of course if you have warp speed you need shields. Then photon torpidos!
  17. You're right, those are broad terms. I was curious if you had a problem with how Obama was conducting the "war" on terror. By collateral damage I mean the killing of innocents based on where they are standing. wa po Guardian I guess we'll have to take their word for it: N.Y. Times I think your hatchet man at the window scenario would be justifiable homicide in most states, but that's not what I meant by domestic surveillance. I was thinking more of the secret police collecting information on American citizens with little or no oversight. L.A. Times Your comments about the detainees at Gitmo makes me wonder: if "all men are created equal" is justification to usurp the "divine right" of kings why isn't it justification to give all men a fair trial if possible? I don't believe the fact that some humans don't live up to our standards is a reason to abandon our principles.Is the murder of Pearle so different from tying somebody to the back of your truck and dragging them to death just because they have dark skin? or tying somebody to a fence and beating them to death because maybe they're gay? James Byrd Aaron McKinney
  18. Rigney, how do you feel about extra-judicial killings, collateral damage from drone strikes, domestic surveilance, Guantanimo bay detainees... the list of things that should probably be part of the general conversation surrounding this election goes on and on. Instead the conversation seems to be a lot of hot air on the right, and confusion on the left about why the facts don't seem to matter. I'll admit I don't like Romney. That's not why I won't vote for him. It's his Reagonomics top down approach to the economy that seems unworkable to me. As long as the conversation is about non-issues we probably won't get good candidates for any elected offices, just a-holes who know how to press our buttons and keep us distracted.
  19. I think it's .I prefer top of the world.
  20. I don't see how a Romney Ryan win can save us. A federal handout was required for Romney to save the Olympics. Read more: http://www.rollingst...9#ixzz25Rr8Nt3V Even his attempt at managing Bain Capital required federal assistance. Read more: http://www.rollingst...9#ixzz25RrOy6Xr Who will save Rmoney when he's president?
  21. It's hard to tell for sure if nextLine blocks, waiting for input, or just returns. If it just returns before you can enter a line the while condition will never be met. It does throw an exception if it cant find a line to return so you might want to set up a try/catch block (or whatever java calls exception handling) After looking at the java docs, hasNextLine is a better choice than an exception handler. Just replace nextLine with hasNextLine. When hasNextLine returns true, use nextLine to get the input into cont.
  22. It seems like they're bragging. As if somehow being a "real" American is correlated with how firmly you believe and defend the lies.
  23. I'm not sure this will solve the problem, but the in the statement: "while(cont=="Yes);" it is not clear whether you are comparing the pointers (cont and "Yes") or the strings they point to. you might try replacing the == with a string member function to compare two strings.
  24. Attack the messenger? Wow, your rhetoric is so old you probably buggin watergate
  25. How could anybody top Cheney's "greeted as liberators" fantasy? His estimate of the cost of the Iraq war, or when he said the case for WMD in Iraq was a "slam dunk"? I have to wonder if this moron knows what a camera is .Did you know women don't get pregnant if they're raped? real rape Bat shit insane is too kind. edit:Swansont beat me to it again
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