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Everything posted by moth

  1. These questions seem to be un-answerable because we can only know what is inside the universe after it exists. The only other question i see is what could falsify the ideas in your paper and that is your responsibility.
  2. moth

    Yay, GUNS!

    Guns are magic. I have magic dynamite for sale that protects you from earthquakes.If the earth starts shaking, light the dynamite and you are safe from everything.
  3. The straightforward application of logic, that to see back in time we can reverse the dynamics we observe now, leads to singularity. There are probably ways to work around the singularity,but only observation, not logic, can possibly distinguish the correct origin theory. If the correct origin theory makes sense logically you still have a chicken egg. Did logic define the universe or does the universe define the logic.
  4. And the hippies cut off all their hair. Since you can't use logic to prove boolean algebra is true, it seems like logic is philosophy and math a branch of logic. But that's just my freak-flag waving high. hi edit:you can't stop jimmy
  5. You're gun-right is my obligation to buy body armor.Whom do i ask for recompense?

    1. TheGeckomancer


      Which then becomes my obligation to buy armor piercing rounds. Where does it stop?!

    2. moth


      I'll see your armor piercing rounds,and raise Total Recall style active holographic camouflage to waste your ammo.

    3. TheGeckomancer


      Now I need an infrared scope! That's expensive too!

  6. If the supreme court refuses to hear a case do they say why? Slate magazine was wondering about this reluctance in the court to hear gun rights cases last year. "These questions have bedeviled the lower courts over the past few years, with judges all across the country offering contradictory answers. One federal appeals court held that police can exercise broad discretion over who can carry a gun in public, while another held the opposite. Some courts have adopted a test for Second Amendment cases that gives lawmakers considerable leeway to enact gun laws, while others have insisted on a more strict scrutiny. In some ways, the current Supreme Court jurisprudence on guns raised as many questions as it answered." Sitting on their hands may be an easy way to preserve the status quo.
  7. My impression was the court had refused several gunrights cases in the last 5 or 6 years. Is there a list of cases the court has refused somewhere?
  8. It seems strange for the court to be so quiet on a hot-button issue like gun rights. Could the issue be more valuable as a wedge (to the divide and conquer forces that have us balkanized)? The Atlantic has a bit of background and an iteration of your question.
  9. Have you looked at/played with a wave tank? If you google "standing wave tank" you'll find some ideas. Chiladni plates are a good way to visualize some kinds of sound waves. For an idea of the difference between square waves and sine waves a good enough simulation is a light switch with a dimmer. When the light goes on quickly stays on a short time, and turns off quickly that is approximately a square wave. If you turn the dimmer brighter and dimmer periodically and continuously, that is approximately a sine wave. Waves are great fun. You can even study them in the kitchen sink.
  10. The gambler in me is wondering if I could maybe win a free drink betting the barkeep there are no 2p coins from 09/10 in their cash register.?
  11. Joke's over folks move along please... BUT if you have a minute, today only faulty facts now with 20% more anti-knowledge and i even got fraudulin. talk to me later. 100% relevance free. Never had it never will. if you can't see the value here then clean out your ears, 'cause i got a little miracle to sell. foolproof plan and airtight alibi included. you think you know what a leader is? well i'm about to show you a new leader, a true leader, a leader like you've only dreamed about. what's the biggest problem around your house? i bet it's pesky aliens am i right? well this leader will make aliens dissappear like magic. and i bet you can't stand those stubborn intellectuals taking all the fun out of teevee. this leader can make them go away forever. i know what you're thinking friends, it just can't be so easy. but it is just that easy. even dummies like third world dictators can do it, and so can you. gone - all those questions you can't answer any other way. gone - disharmony and disorder gone all the details are listed in the package.
  12. So many congresscritters spent the last 8 years making Obama a one termer, could Obama run for a third term or would they notice. They've enjoyed so many successes recently,from un-electing Clinton to "re" electing W, do they really care about constitutional democracy anyway?
  13. Dare to be true. Nothing can need a lie: A fault, which needs it most, grows two thereby. -George Herbert

  14. I could have sworn there is a philosophy section here. Or maybe this is all a big solipsism.
  15. can we say "real" means some impetus that has an effect in the objective universe. objective meaning available to anyone who makes the relevant observations. or is there a contradiction lurking? like is the motivating force "real"? hope you'll forgive me for being a blind man in the dark here.
  16. i wondered if inertial mass and gravitational mass have different causes and no way to tell the cause by measuring the mass. then i spent all night in Gettier's barn.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Theoretical


      Oh I hope you heal soon. ..Yes, they're distinguishable from each other. ..No problem, it'll be several months before a paper is ready.

    3. moth


      thanks for the well wishes. if you see a mass moving through space, you can distinguish between the kinetic energy from freefall, and the kinetic energy from other accelerations?

    4. Theoretical


      Admins would want me to say that my answers aren't mainstream. In theory it's possible to detect if neighboring charges are experiencing a force from gravity or inertia.

  17. How about: if i can measure it, it represents something real. temperature is real in the sense that it's caused by mass and motion. same for mr. coyote, the potential energy represents mass in a "field"; sorry for being dumb. just hoping to get the ball rolling.
  18. TRIGGER A LERT: scary words and pictures Nothing , mr. CIA man
  19. Off-topic some more, but now we'll know which is worse: a broken jaw or being identified as a non-christian. I think there may even be some correlation between the two. keep us updated.
  20. Some of my Neighbors no doubt. I hope he's just there to make Trump look worldly. I'd rather vote for Clint's empty chair.
  21. I don't understand how somebody could think lying about something as inconsequential to the world as a blowjob is in the same realm of charactor flaws as a guy that doesn't care there is a real world out there, the one in his head is just great. And all the instructions for solving problems in his world are in his iconic little book. That his (Carson's) views are being expressed on a stage with the next republicant candidate for president is bazaaro.
  22. Acme, did you go all meta and look at the page source or something? I have noticed the "most online" counter spike up pretty high sometimes, and always thought spam spam spam spam....
  23. i think a method is needed to distinguish between supernatural and natural but unknown.
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