Joke's over folks move along please... BUT if you have a minute, today only faulty facts now with 20% more anti-knowledge and i even got fraudulin. talk to me later. 100% relevance free. Never had it never will. if you can't see the value here then clean out your ears, 'cause i got a little miracle to sell. foolproof plan and airtight alibi included. you think you know what a leader is? well i'm about to show you a new leader, a true leader, a leader like you've only dreamed about. what's the biggest problem around your house? i bet it's pesky aliens am i right? well this leader will make aliens dissappear like magic. and i bet you can't stand those stubborn intellectuals taking all the fun out of teevee. this leader can make them go away forever. i know what you're thinking friends, it just can't be so easy. but it is just that easy. even dummies like third world dictators can do it, and so can you. gone - all those questions you can't answer any other way. gone - disharmony and disorder gone all the details are listed in the package.