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Everything posted by moth

  1. is organized crime a militia? What About narco-terrorists or regular terrorists? What is the difference between a militia and an armed mob? Edit: The point I'm trying to make is that it seems hypocritical to claim constitutional protection for a conspiracy to overthrow the federal government. Once the "militia" starts shooting, they are criminals and legal targets. Is Heller v. DC more about home defense or militias?
  2. You can mix axle grease with butter and it doesn't change the flaver at all.
  3. All you need is nand

  4. Could you get a rough estimate by looking up the lengths of machine language instructions to find the average length, and dividing the length of a compiled libray by that average.
  5. What's YOUR Axiom of Choice? Does exist mean "one we can find" like the left shoe from a pair of shoes? Or does exist mean "we know there is one, even if we can't specify it" like which sock goes on your left foot?

    1. moth


      This is a problem. I bought the infinity pack of tube sox,and now the drawer won't quite close. I want to put all the left sox in one drawer and leave all the right sox where they are...

  6. The dockworkers' union will let us know how they feel the 22nd of next month, but it looks pretty sweet. From the Post: If the members demanded it, unions could probably pressure management for more gender fairness in pay and promotions during contract negotiations but there could be a chicken or egg dilemma if most union members are men.
  7. With a little googling it looks like that may be the topic of a budding conspiracy theory. On January 6, 2005, Senator Barbara Boxer joined Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Ohio in filing a Congressional objection to the certification of Ohio's Electoral College votes. The Senate voted the objection down 1–74; the House voted the objection down 31–267. It was only the second Congressional objection to an entire State's electoral delegation in U.S. history; the first instance was in 1877, when all the electors from three southern states were challenged, and one from Oregon. The destruction of the election records also frustrates efforts by the media and historians to determine the accuracy of Ohio's 2004 vote count, because in county after county the key evidence needed to understand vote count anomalies apparently no longer exists. Most memorably, in 2003 O'Dell penned a letter pledging his commitment “to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the President.” O'Dell defended his actions, telling the Cleveland Plain Dealer “I'm not doing anything wrong or complicated.” But he also promised to lower his political profile and “try to be more sensitive.” But the Diebold boss' partisan cards were squarely on the table. The Republican consultant accused of involvement in alleged vote-rigging in Ohio in 2004 was warned that his plane might be sabotaged before his death in a crash Friday night, according to a Cleveland CBS affiliate. This is one of the reasons I would like to have a functional F.E.C.
  8. Arnold? Do you mean Fred and Doris' boy? I still believe i make good choices with my flame-thrower.
  9. Did somebody say "Slartibartfast"
  10. My suspicion is you are not applying the proper transformation in your math when you shift perspective. But, I lack the skills to answer questions in mainstream Physics so I'll shut up now.
  11. It sounds like you are saying when the "moving" magnet de-magnetizes the acceleration stops, but when the "stationary" magnet de-magnetizes the acceleration continues for the time it takes the field collapse to reach the other magnet (at c). Are you looking at the same event from two perspectives and getting different views of the event? Wouldn't that be expected ? Also, large fonts and excess formatting are a warning sign of crackpottery in my experience.
  12. One thing that might help is more jobs, and less non-compete style agreements that artificially lower wages in general. I don't know where the jobs come from, but if they weren't so scarce more women may feel able to leave poor-paying positions.
  13. With all the not-a-candidate(yet) fund raising going on right now, I was wondering what people think of the Federal Election Comission? Is it possible to find somebody who most people will agree enforces fair rules equally, or will the current deadlock allow the candidates to play the rules instead of the game?
  14. +1 because. Here's a Yankee version of forget the sun. Cumberland Blues
  15. Here's one: You are afraid your enemies are developing nuclear weapons. Response:Post helpful data for building an atomic bomb on the web. “Operation Iraqi Freedom Document Portal”
  16. Or, you'll bomb them. I don't know where you're getting all this from, but are you saying that because you are a superior patriot, you must be right?
  17. And you are here calling for their deaths. If anybody managed to nuke any city in the u.s. it would be an enormous disaster, but it wouldn't "kill" the U.S. Death to America is not only sloppy targeting, it's also empty rhetoric. My standards don't include murdering people because they make threats or scare me.
  18. Innocent people may be less likely to run away when they don't feel like they are being robbed by a cop trying to make up for bugetary shortcomings in the local government.
  19. Iran "killing" the U.S. sounds like an empty threat even with an Iranian atomic bomb. After the world trade center was brought down by Islamic terrorists there were many young Iranians on the street protesting against the terrorists, should we ignore them because their overlords suck?
  20. Maybe it's reasonable, but it's not realistic. My experience has been threats of violence only increase my opposition. I don't think the Iranian people are too different.
  21. You seem to be saying that although Obama and Kerry are the best negotiators among the representatives from the British, Germans, Russians, France, or China none of them are fit to negotiate with Iran. Once again you tell us what's wrong, not how to fix it.
  22. What's wrong with empirical data? Edit to fix Quote
  23. What is the Republican solution? Reverse Iran-contra death squads? I believe Ollie is free.
  24. I was imagining mall cops, casino guards, and bounty hunters. Do you know of anyplace private security is routinely used to police public spaces other than crowd control?
  25. Does anyone else feel like we'll be hearing about the benifits of private sector police forces soon? Do those "gated communities" with security at the entrance already have private police?
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